HD and X ray scanners


Muppet Master
Jul 24, 2002
Compatible or not?

I'm thinking of taking my hard drive with me overseas but I dont know whether the various airport scanners will wipe it
in the U.S. they aren't a problem. Don't know about anywhere else though.
The only thing that can wipe the hard drive is a high magnetic field and unless you planing on visiting junk yard with magnet crane I'd say you safe
they haven't erased any of the porn off my laptop(s) lately...
Jim_Henson said:
I was thinking all the scanners might scramble it, tis all
If you talking about your brains, I think that happened the last time. You might want to check out the movie "Scanners." Not to scare you or anything, just something to consider.
I've sent laptops through the scanners, no prob. I've also carried floppies through the metal detectors to see if they got scrambled, but not since 9/11. It SHOULD be fine, but a backup is always a prudent thing.
kotori said:
If you talking about your brains, I think that happened the last time. You might want to check out the movie "Scanners." Not to scare you or anything, just something to consider.

No that was the american women that did that.

SLG, nowhere yet... just when I get around to it I might hijack my HD thats currently slaving to keep stuff on.