Have You Ever Tripped on LSD?


Loves Spam
Aug 24, 2013

The guy in the picture says, "Man, why did you put another hit of LSD in my soda bottle. I haven't slept for two days. Why are you laughing? Where are we anyway? What day is this?"
No but once I fell with a full bag of M & M's. Boy was that a mess. I still find one once in a while.
i heard they were feeding that to soldiers like candy. tried that shit only once or twice back underage. when the blinds started breathing fire and the floors became stairs, i knew that shit wasn't for me.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... *lol*

Experimenting when young, yes. No room in my life for anything like that since, so any oddness is 100% natural (or perhaps horniness induced?). Imagination suffices and sex is a better drug.
something like that. if you had saved a piece, you may have been able to do a current chemical comparison. greedy motherfucker.
if you don't dry it flat, it all runs down to the bottom.
done it a couple of times.
first time sucked. coming down was a real bummer. slept for 24 hours afterward.
second time was cool. mostly body effects. good feelings. mellow. some tracers but no melting wall shit.
acid does not make you sleepy when you are on it. you can't sleep because you feel good. or maybe shit gets weird. but afterward you are like the dead.
You're asking about one of my great erotic obsessions; it's very disappointing that no one who could give a more detailed answer has chosen to do so. I tried acid several tymes when I was younger (did NOT lose interest or burn out - just lost access to the stuff), and always found myself very sex obsessed - but never had an outlet for it. The couple of tymes I was stupid enough to trip on my own I ended up wandering around naked (once brought home by understanding cops). Once, tripping with a male friend (who was a huge pain in the ass - constantly having to be talked down from potentially ugly paranoid side-trips) I ended up putting on one of my "psychedelic sex" tapes and masturbating. I've taken XTC with girlfriends (again, long ago in a galaxy far away) - one of the best possible things in life; very sensual but not sexual - but never had the opportunity to do so with acid. To do so if definitely #1 on my erotic Wish List.
Sure. Strange and fun.


Amish man says to his friend, "Hey man, I just found out about LSD on the internet. It says that we can go on a trip without ever leaving the farm. Are you up for that?"
Yeah, enjoyed many trips, more than 300 in the 70's. And I had access to some high grade product, blotters and the like.
I really liked it, and used to have a good time while high with music, discussions, plays, movies, road trips, and beach parties with swimming and water skiing. Diving off the 10 meter platform in was a real rush.
I doubt I could get into it again though.
You mean like orange Sunshine & Purple Haze, Blotter acid and such?

...I've heard of it I think back in the day.;)
You mean like orange Sunshine & Purple Haze, Blotter acid and such?

...I've heard of it I think back in the day.;)

Yes, all those and Double Dome, Mr. Natural and more that I can't remember anymore. (it was the pot that did that!)