Have you ever seen a miracle?



By this definition:

An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: “Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves” (Katherine Anne Porter
The miracle is life itself...we are all swiming fish looking to find the water...
how about, we were working on a patient that was clinically "dead", we brought him back and he told us later everything that went on in the room.....spooky:eek:
sufisaint said:
The miracle is life itself...we are all swiming fish looking to find the water...

Speak for yourself, Catfish. (j/k)
Weird shit occasionally, but not really what I would describe as a miracle though.
Yes, several times.

I believe there is much more going on than the limitations of our physical senses can usually receive and process.
I've seen water run uphill...and once, I had a Howdy Doody doll that screamed when his string was pulled.
Miracles happen daily. Some people are lucky enough to be gifted with the opportunity to experience one and KNOW they have received something wonderful. That in itself is a miracle. :D
i've actually had a girlfriend once.

a miracle to put the fish thing and the water-to-wine incident to shame, for sure.
Have you ever seen a miracle?

Every morning I manage to get my fat ass outta bed.