Have you ever felt that you were too good for erotica?


Occasional visitor
Apr 1, 2002
Whenever I produce a scene that I'm really proud of, the same thought always goes through my mind: Am I sure I want to waste this on erotica?

It's a terribly conceited thought, I know, but there is always the temptation to excise that scene from the story and use it elsewhere. I haven't published anything anywhere else and haven't even finished a non-erotic story yet, but I do have vague ambitions of 'proper' writing sometime in the future. Even if it wasn't published anywhere, I'd like to be able to point to it and say: I did that. It feels that my best work won't be appreciated here on Lit other than by a very select group of people. Egocentric, yes, but I fear true. Everyone else will want the sex now, rather than later in the story.

I'm in the middle of a story now, which did originally start off as an erotica idea, but has developed into non-erotic fiction. It's good and I felt that the idea and storyline was too indepth for the people here.

Has anyone else ever felt like this?

The Earl

Never felt I was too good for anywhere to be honest Earl mate, there are things I wouldn't post here due to certain content, and maybe that the story or whatever is a bit too English for the target audience, but other than that, No.

I wouldn't confuse "erotica" with "story archival site".

Erotica is just as difficult and just as serious a genre as any other fiction. If you think that your writing has progressed beyond posting at a story archival site (Lit, ASSTR, sexstories, etc.), then find a real market for it. (Cleansheets, amatoryink, etc.)

I love Lit to pieces and I adore interacting with the people here. Even when they say something and I get all pissed off and stuck up about it. But Lit is still just a story archival site. It isn't a publication. The management around here doesn't pretend that it is and neither should we. Publications have subjective editorial standards. Lit does not.

I wouldn't say that you're too good for erotica, but perhaps your erotica is too good for archiving.
too good for erotica?

i really, really enjoy writing erotica. If i didn't i s'pose i wouldn't have nearly 90 submissions on here, would i? well, i'd hope i wouldn't...

since i enjoy it, i don't feel bad about doing my best at it. sometimes i don't do what i think of as *my best* but some of my stories on this site are really, really my best work.

okay so here's a little bit of what i'm thinking about this question. i've never been able to produce anything except erotica. look at my non-erotic works on here - they suck ass. for some reason i just can't do it. but erotica...that's so easy to do. it's so easy to please people. maybe it's low self esteem but i think i do my best for erotica. nothing that i do is a waste, i'd hope, except maybe of the time it takes someone to read a fetish story when they don't like the fetish just so they can e-mail me and tell me i suck. that's a waste of their time.

hope my rant is okay - forgive me for being on a sugar high.

No, I've never felt I was "too good" for erotica. But then, I still consider myself to be learning, and Literotica satisfies that desire to write and place my stories somewhere to be read and (hopefully) critiqued by people who aren't afraid to step up and tell me where I need improvement.

If/when/ever I feel that my stories have progressed beyond here, I would search out other avenues. However, I think I would always have a fondness for Lit - it's where I first discovered there were such things as "naughty stories"!
an engineering perspective


I think part of the problem for you is that your writing has to be "single use". I would contend that this is not so. Many artists use motifs, themes and characters in several works.

If sometime in the future you publish a story that has liberally used parts and pieces from your erotica that is posted here, you may need to pull those stories down. That shouldn't prevent you from enjoying posting them here now.

There are characters that I am getting to know through my stories here. I don't doubt that I will one day write something that I will let my children see that has some of these people in them, perhaps even some of these scenes. If anything, the time I spend with them now (the characters) will only make them more real and give them greater depth for me.

All of what you write is yours. You can use it and re-use it any way you chose. :D

:rose: b

I agree with you - you did sound conceited. It is as if you feel writing erotica is something dirty, hole-in-the-cornerish.

Maybe you should examine your feelings about writing Erotica. If you are really not comfortable with writing in this genre, you could try writing "clean" stories and post them on an archival site like "Nicestories.com"

If you resolve these issues and decide to continue writing erotica then I agree with KM you maybe should investigate publishing on a Ezine.

Bridget also made a very valid point everything is not single use - you can reuse those fantastic phrases, the ones you create and feel rival any of Shakespeare's - not too often but they are reusable. You can certainly rework entire stories.

Shit hope this is not too much of a put down nor that it rambles - I have been drinking again.:p

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

Not on that bloody Mead again Jon, hehe, or have you popped up the road for a keg of Scrumpy. Which reminds me, I must get another barrel in.

If you think you're too good for lit, don't post on lit.

Simple isn't it? If you are not satisfied move on to something that will satisfy.

I am an amateur and proud, I write mostly for my own sanity(if i didn't write these thoughts down they'd gangup on me and drive me insane) but i enjoy the thrill of posting my works for others to see. I feel literotica fulfills this for me.(and then some actually)

As they say there's no use flogging a dead horse!!
Last edited:
Pop - please change your AV it does not go well with a slightly (hic) alcoholic haze.

Please tell me I really did see a flying pig!


jon:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Sometimes I think "erotica" is too good for me! :confused: It should be a sin to have so much fun writing a story. ;) Maybe it is a sin?? :confused:

"Oh well, just enjoy," Eve said to Adam, as she handed him a piece of fruit. :eek:

Pookie :rose:
jon.hayworth said:
Pop - please change your AV it does not go well with a slightly (hic) alcoholic haze.

Please tell me I really did see a flying pig!

Pig? What pig? Seriously, Jon, don't you think you've had one too many? There, now, go to bed, that's a good boy, you know pigs can't fly...

Pookie_grrl said:
Sometimes I think "erotica" is too good for me! :confused: It should be a sin to have so much fun writing a story. ;) Maybe it is a sin?? :confused:

"Oh well, just enjoy," Eve said to Adam, as she handed him a piece of fruit. :eek:

Pookie :rose:

No I think it was, "I'm not stroking that Serpent again Adam, it was sick all over me last time."

jon.hayworth said:
It is as if you feel writing erotica is something dirty, hole-in-the-cornerish.


someone is off my christmas list
:( Chicklet, re-read what I wrote.

What I was saying was that it seemed that the Earl felt that way about writing erotica. :cool:

:p Me I enjoy writing erotica / pornography whatever you want to call stories about sex - I am so unashamed that I use my own name. :p

I agree I may be off the Earl's Christmas Card List, but if he is not at ease with this genre then it is better that he finds a genre he prefers.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
Down, Girl

Svenskaflicka said:

Svenska, you're in a self-induced frenzy because your husband is going to be there this weekend. Thank God you're finally going to get laid! I hope the poor man can walk after you get finished with him. In the meantime, cool down, girl. Maybe a few shots of Aquavit and a nap.
Is writing ever a waste???

Whenever I produce a scene that I'm really proud of, the same thought always goes through my mind: Am I sure I want to waste this on erotica?

First off, is anything we write a waste?
I often feel similarly with my poetry. After all, who the hell really reads poetry, or gives a seven headed fig leaf what I have to say about anything? I should save all of my good stuff for my short stories, or novels, right? The thing is, why do we write at all? Who the hell is going to see our work? Will we ever get published without a mentor? And published, will we be good enough to sell, or were we just fooling ourselves the whole time that we had something to write that others would care to read? There comes a time in every writer's life when they have to put it on the line, or get out of dodge. Perhaps that time has come for you now Earl, and if so I wish you well on your journey. But as my old skipper use to tell me, don't be too quick to burn your bridges behind you as the rubble makes a barrier reef that you can never navigate through again.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
TheEarl said:
Whenever I produce a scene that I'm really proud of, the same thought always goes through my mind: Am I sure I want to waste this on erotica?

I'm in the middle of a story now, which did originally start off as an erotica idea, but has developed into non-erotic fiction. It's good and I felt that the idea and storyline was too indepth for the people here.

Has anyone else ever felt like this?

The Earl

Hey Earl,

Are you really sure what you wrote is what you meant? Because when I read your post, it appears to me that you are rejecting the legitimacy of the whole erotic genre and I doubt seriously that was your intention.

Erotica is in fact an extremely valid branch of writing and one of the oldest forms of literature. Since people started forming written words they've engaged in the telling of sexual stories. When an author sits down and pens an erotic story they are in some pretty lofty company. Amazing writers such as DH Lawrence, Anais Nin, John Cleland, Collette, Aristophanes and many, many other talented authors have written work that falls within the definition of erotica. But I'm sure you already know this.

As for wasting your best work. That's not even possible. It is after all yours and you can, as Bridget has suggested, recycle anything, anytime you feel like it. You can also rework it as you grow as a writer and revisit it, like an artist or muscian often does. A variation of a theme kind of thing. Lots of writers make careers out of doing just that. Lit is even doing you a favor in this instance, because as a repository, it is providing you with a nice storage facility that could come in handy if you're as lackadaisical as I am at saving your work.

What really disturbed me about your post though was the feeling that I got that you thought it didn't matter if you wrote your best when writing erotica. Earl, if you truly want to be a writer than what really doesn't matter is not what you write, but how you write it. All of it, regardless of the venue or fomat, should be your best.

You seem to think that isn't necessary here because the majority of the readers don't seem to be concerned with quality, but I think that's not exactly accurate. I think the real truth is that the majority of readers at Lit are willing to overlook some things, but if given the choice they'd pick well written hot stories over poorly written ones every time. So if you have the talent to give them that, it would be a shame not to just because you know their expectations aren't that high. And I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised by the response you get if you really do give it your best shot.

But if you never got any email, it would still be worth it because at least then you wouldn't have to be embarrassed if twenty years from now. when you're a famous writer, someone goes digging and finds your old net stories. I mean, wouldn't it be better for someone to say, 'Ah yes, you can see the initial development here of the idea for his classic tale of the sea, Whatever Rocks Your Boat', rather than, 'God lord, he was really a pervert back then wasn't he?'

TheEarl said:
Whenever I produce a scene that I'm really proud of, the same thought always goes through my mind: Am I sure I want to waste this on erotica?

It's a terribly conceited thought, I know, but there is always the temptation to excise that scene from the story and use it elsewhere. I haven't published anything anywhere else and haven't even finished a non-erotic story yet, but I do have vague ambitions of 'proper' writing sometime in the future. Even if it wasn't published anywhere, I'd like to be able to point to it and say: I did that. It feels that my best work won't be appreciated here on Lit other than by a very select group of people. Egocentric, yes, but I fear true. Everyone else will want the sex now, rather than later in the story.

I'm in the middle of a story now, which did originally start off as an erotica idea, but has developed into non-erotic fiction. It's good and I felt that the idea and storyline was too indepth for the people here.

Has anyone else ever felt like this?

The Earl

I have a tendency towards writing something other than erotica at the moment. To me, this feels like a growth step. I have a need to drag more from my readers than just their body juices.

I have written scenes that simply popped into my head, and which fit absolutely nowhere, certainly not on anything I would 'normally' submit to Litland. Those pieces of writing are sitting in a box high up in my study. I've used a couple over the last few months but there's plenty more left.

I understand that authors can write stories or scenes that blow them away, and I now understand that some authors can pick and choose where those wonderful scenes go.

If you have written something that enables you to grow as an author and it doesn't happen to fit within the confines of your own description of erotica, then sobeit, write it and see how it ends up.

Any experiences you have as a writer, are useful to your own learning. In breastfeeding, the more the baby nurses, the more milk is produced, writing is the same. You'll probably surprise yourself when you've finished this story and begin writing the next one that you can actually write another great scene.

There are boundaries/certain styles for the type of stories that work well on Literotica. I think you're taking a tentative step outside to see what the world is really like.

Whatever you do, keep writing. Worry about where it's going to go when the story is finished.
Hey, Earl, you're not alone.

To be honest, I've had the same feelings. (Yeah, I know, no one's surprised, least of all me, that I have delusions of grandeur.) When I give birth to a piece of fiction that is really amazing, I sometimes wonder if it's being wasted.

Why do I feel like that? For one, I aspire to being published in the mainstream, and on the very subjective, illogical "legitimacy scale," erotica isn't way up there. Let's all be honest with ourselves about that. It may not be right, but that's the way it is.

In addition, Muffie has a good point: this is an archival site. Having a story posted here is not true publication. So, if I write something stupendous, should I not be shopping it around to a publication with stricter, more traditional standards? I've gotten money from Lit, to be sure, but only because of the random votes of readers, which is not what I look upon as a reliable indicator of literary value.

Also, assuming we're just talking about Literotica, I have to take into consideration the sheer quantity of stories offered here and the manner in which they're offered. Don't get me wrong. The site is terrific. However, we all know how easy it is for a story to get buried after its first day.

And lastly, I consider the audience. Yes, there are discerning readers out there. But, and I may be wrong, I've always assumed that the majority just want to get off. Do I want to offer up something I've toiled over for hours, weeks, months or even years to an audience who would be just as satisfied by a story that someone else dashed off in forty-five minutes?

But it's not all negative in my little brain. There are lots of pluses to posting here, but I'll go into those some other time. My kids need help with their homework now and I've been putting them off for half an hour to get this post written.
TheEarl said:
Whenever I produce a scene that I'm really proud of, the same thought always goes through my mind: Am I sure I want to waste this on erotica . . . I'm in the middle of a story now, which did originally start off as an erotica idea, but has developed into non-erotic fiction. It's good and I felt that the idea and storyline was too indepth for the people here.
Has anyone else ever felt like this?
The Earl

No. No I haven't, Earl.

It depends on what you wish to do with your Lit submissions, I would think.

Are you planning on:

*simply practicing your craft?
*improving your writing and editing skills?
*posting stories for your personal ego?
*posting stories for friends?
*planning on being discovered?

If you create something that is worthy of publication (for monetary gain) great! If not, Lit is certainly a terrific place to begin that process or to just have fun.

I have already begun expanding several of my posted short stories; I would truly love to see something more legit become published. And the daily writing impetus is certainly having a positive effect on my work.

You should be able to work with Lit to your advantage. That's my plan! (other than having fun posting naughty bits, that is!)

Thanks one and all. Just like to clear up a few points though.

I’m not rejecting erotica as a genre of writing. I like it myself :D. I’m rejecting the preconceptions that people have about erotica. I have told 2 people about my writing here and they’ve both been remarkably well adjusted about it, but I keep my pseudonym, because I know that people in general would look down on this.

The problem is: every story is a struggle for me. I’m technically an excellent writer in terms of grammar and knowing what to do, but in terms of storytelling, I falter. A lot. I put so much effort into forcing out one of my darlings and even then I know it won’t be perfect. That’s fine, I’m okay with that. The problem comes is when I have one of my few bouts of lucidity and write something really good. The thought goes through my mind of ‘With a little bit of tweaking this could be in a ‘proper’ story.’ It’s not that erotica is below non-erotic, it’s that non-erotic would tend to get more respect.

I don’t know whether anyone understands that, but it’s just how I feel. Bear in mind that no-one is off my Christmas card list. I asked your opinions and it’d be a bit snotty if I went off on one just cause I didn’t like them.

The Earl
Re: Down, Girl

MathGirl said:
Svenska, you're in a self-induced frenzy because your husband is going to be there this weekend. Thank God you're finally going to get laid! I hope the poor man can walk after you get finished with him. In the meantime, cool down, girl. Maybe a few shots of Aquavit and a nap.

Since I can't walk (because of my back), then why should he able to?:devil: