Have I completely missed any thread about the missing Laci Peterson?


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
For those of you who don't know, I'll give it to you Cliff's Notes Style.

There's a woman who is 8 months pregnant who was last seen Christmas Eve near her home in Modesto, CA. Her husband, the chief suspect, spent that entire day out on his boat fishing. He's been, to say the least, evasive and there's now a great bit of acrimony between he and his wife's family, mostly due to his telling them exactly jacksquat about anything.

The police apparently uncovered that the husband had been having an affair. The woman came forward and said it was true, that he told her he wasn't married and she had no evidence until the news broke that he was, and that she's fully cooperating with the police. The husband's alibi isn't really solid, but neither is any public evidence against him either.

Now a woman in Washington State has come forward saying that a woman matching Laci's description came into a store with an older man. The woman, who works as a cashier at the store told her that the woman, in an unguarded moment, told her that she had been kidnapped and to call the police. The cashier said that she got distracted and didn't think of it again until she saw a story on Laci in the local news (Okay - this cashier wasn't really bright, apparently).

That's the story right now. I can't believe that there hasn't ben a thread devoted to this quite yet. Or maybe I missed it.
*not bright* doesn't cover an appropriate description for that cashier.
I think the news media are covering this one, not Lit.
It's almost funny, in that I've told that story to four or five folks who hadn't heard it and every one of them gave me the same google-eyed look of disbelief when I told them that she just now remembered enough to call.

It's simply amazing...

And yes, kotori, I realize that the news media is covering it. But every other story of even remote import gets hashed out here ad nauseum so I figured that this one was worth some time on the boards, too. I just foud it hard to believe that I was the first one who considered this threadworthy.
JazzManJim said:
And yes, kotori, I realize that the news media is covering it. But every other story of even remote import gets hashed out here ad nauseum so I figured that this one was worth some time on the boards, too. I just foud it hard to believe that I was the first one who considered this threadworthy.
You know, maybe it's my own callousness or jaded-ness. I guess I didn't think it was a story of even remote import. I mean, when I first saw it, I thought it was sad. Then I figured, "okay, the husband did her in, and it'll be a Dateline or 48-Hours or 20/20 (or more likely all three) episode during the summer, or next fall when the guy's about to go on trial during the Nielson sweeps period."
debbiexxx said:
There have been two other threads about this, JMJ. :)

Thanks, Debs :D

This cashier thing just strikes me as either the stupidest thing, or completely unbelievable, in the strict sense. It's just boggling.
Problem Child said:
My guess is the cashier is trying to cash in.

They are reviewing the tapes of the days she worked. If she lied she's screwed.
HeavyStick said:
They are reviewing the tapes of the days she worked. If she lied she's screwed.
She's screwed. It was phony.

I understand that this is a horrible thing, but I don't need to see it on TV all the time. Like the Chandra Levy case and the D.C. snipers, it's getting to the point where the media exposure is now acting as a detriment to the investigation and not as a benefit.

Shit, an 18-year old freshman from Notre Dame named Chad Sharon has been missing since December 12. It's been all over the place here locally, but I've seen it mentioned exactly once on national news — "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren" covered it and the Laci Peterson case when both stories were relatively fresh in late December.

If you have any information regarding this case please contact: Notre Dame Security/Police: (574) 631-5555

Local businesses have chipped in and doubled the reward established by the University to $50,000.

kotori said:
You know, maybe it's my own callousness or jaded-ness. I guess I didn't think it was a story of even remote import. I mean, when I first saw it, I thought it was sad. Then I figured, "okay, the husband did her in, and it'll be a Dateline or 48-Hours or 20/20 (or more likely all three) episode during the summer, or next fall when the guy's about to go on trial during the Nielson sweeps period."
My thoughts were "why is this so nationally important? I hope the best for her,but the story does seem pretty overcovered.
teddybear4play said:

Shit, an 18-year old freshman from Notre Dame named Chad Sharon has been missing since December 12. It's been all over the place here locally, but I've seen it mentioned exactly once on national news — "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren" covered it and the Laci Peterson case when both stories were relatively fresh in late December.


I think when it's a young person it's harder to get people to pay attention. They automatically assume they just ran away.
Ok, JMJ.....my .02 worth. I think the cashier is either lying or is really stupid.

I think the husband is responsible for Laci's disappearance.

We have a case going here now that started around Thanksgiving.

A mother of 3 told everyone that he thought his wife had gone out of town to visit friends for Thanksgiving. The friends said that she had called and said that she wasn't going to be able to make it. This was before Thanksgiving.
On the 28th, cops called her husband to tell him that his wife's vehicle was found abandoned, keys still in ignition. At this point, he had not reported her missing, even though the friends told him that she was not there with them as he claimed.
He told the police not to go to his house that he would call them back; he didn't.
Hours later, he called police to report her missing.
The next morning, police impounded the vehicle, they noticed blood smeared on the console.
That evening (this is the 29th) he let them in his house to look around. Authorities found blood smears on the wall, door frame and closet of the master bedroom.
A neighbor found a strange Suburban in her garage. The cops found with the Suburban a map, unopened paper towel rolls, a large plastic bag, a clothes-filled wicker basket, plastic mats, a small green shovel, and a wallet with something in it with his name on it (I can't remember what it was); blood was found on the rear bumper. She also found three gasoline cans, 2 insecticide containers and 2 bags of charcoal inside the garage.

The husband had test-driven a Suburban matching the description of the one found. He also took it after-hours and tried to get the station owner (where it was for sale) to lie about it to police. The owner said the husband was the only one who test drove it.

That is just the beginning of the case. There is a lot more to it, including more discrepancies in his story, etc. Finally, her burned-beyond-recognition body was found in a field out in the boonies. I think dental records had to be used to identify her. He was finally arrested and charged with her murder. The medical examiner ruled the death to be caused by blunt-force trauma.

She had recently confided to a friend that she had planned to file for divorce.
CuffedKitty said:
I think when it's a young person it's harder to get people to pay attention. They automatically assume they just ran away.
I realize this, and obviously with Laci being pregnant, that adds some extra urgency to the case, but if some of the exposure from her case were transferred to Chad Sharon's, it would be mutually beneficial.

Chad's originally from Wisconsin, and evidently there were a string of similar disappearances of young male students from colleges in that area.

As for poor Laci, I think she's unfortunately not going to be found alive, but I'm not convinced on her husband's guilt yet. He doesn't seem the type that can plan and execute the perfect murder. While his actions seem like those a guilty man would do (immediately hiring an attorney, lying about an affair, etc.), they could just as easily be the actions of an innocent man who just doesn't want to appear guilty.

teddybear4play said:
I realize this, and obviously with Laci being pregnant, that adds some extra urgency to the case, but if some of the exposure from her case were transferred to Chad Sharon's, it would be mutually beneficial.

Chad's originally from Wisconsin, and evidently there were a string of similar disappearances of young male students from colleges in that area.

As for poor Laci, I think she's unfortunately not going to be found alive, but I'm not convinced on her husband's guilt yet. He doesn't seem the type that can plan and execute the perfect murder. While his actions seem like those a guilty man would do (immediately hiring an attorney, lying about an affair, etc.), they could just as easily be the actions of an innocent man who just doesn't want to appear guilty.


Could very well be, TB. But I guess I'm just jaded because of the case here.
teddybear4play said:
I realize this, and obviously with Laci being pregnant, that adds some extra urgency to the case, but if some of the exposure from her case were transferred to Chad Sharon's, it would be mutually beneficial.

Chad's originally from Wisconsin, and evidently there were a string of similar disappearances of young male students from colleges in that area.

As for poor Laci, I think she's unfortunately not going to be found alive, but I'm not convinced on her husband's guilt yet. He doesn't seem the type that can plan and execute the perfect murder. While his actions seem like those a guilty man would do (immediately hiring an attorney, lying about an affair, etc.), they could just as easily be the actions of an innocent man who just doesn't want to appear guilty.


Saddly most of the time it turns out it is the spouse or if it's a child the parent.

I'm not sure how or why some people get tons of publicity and others sometimes can't even get someone to take them seriously.

It is probably because she's attractive and pregnant. Her husband denied and then later admitted to having an affair. It has all the drama that the public eats up. That is a big draw for a national audience - which the media loves.

The case of the missing Midwestern college students is not as compelling (yet) because the cops haven't quite made the connection to a serial murderer theory. Once that is established, the story will increase in coverage.

The latest tragedy has an even more gawk-worthy angle. (You know we are a nation of rubber-neckers) The child who was abandoned in the store. He told the cops that his stepfather shot at his mommy but missed. Now, they discover the stepfather passed out on the floor with a loaded gun nearby, a bottle of booze and some pills. They also find a rolled up carpet and padding with blood stains on it in the backyard and a missing wife.

This is the stuff of an editor or news director's dreams. Sad but true, if it bleeds ... it leads.
Agent99 said:

It is probably because she's attractive and pregnant. Her husband denied and then later admitted to having an affair. It has all the drama that the public eats up. That is a big draw for a national audience - which the media loves.

The case of the missing Midwestern college students is not as compelling (yet) because the cops haven't quite made the connection to a serial murderer theory. Once that is established, the story will increase in coverage.

The latest tragedy has an even more gawk-worthy angle. (You know we are a nation of rubber-neckers) The child who was abandoned in the store. He told the cops that his stepfather shot at his mommy but missed. Now, they discover the stepfather passed out on the floor with a loaded gun nearby, a bottle of booze and some pills. They also find a rolled up carpet and padding with blood stains on it in the backyard and a missing wife.

This is the stuff of an editor or news director's dreams. Sad but true, if it bleeds ... it leads.

Very good points. Of course the media is only interested in sensationalism and what will get them ratings. Not very helpful to those who have a missing loved one and their story just isn't very exciting.

I did hear something about the child in the store on the news today. Wasn't really paying much attention but I'm sure I'll hear more about it though.
Agent99 said:
The latest tragedy has an even more gawk-worthy angle. (You know we are a nation of rubber-neckers) The child who was abandoned in the store. He told the cops that his stepfather shot at his mommy but missed. Now, they discover the stepfather passed out on the floor with a loaded gun nearby, a bottle of booze and some pills. They also find a rolled up carpet and padding with blood stains on it in the backyard and a missing wife.

This is the stuff of an editor or news director's dreams. Sad but true, if it bleeds ... it leads.

I missed all that because for five hours, FOX News insisted on showing an unmoving mail truck in the middle of a Miami intersection.

teddybear4play said:

I missed all that because for five hours, FOX News insisted on showing an unmoving mail truck in the middle of a Miami intersection.


I guess they were waiting for the...what did Agent99 say...if it bleeds it leads....they were waiting for the blood. Thank God they didn't get it!
I had that on when I lay down for a nap today, and when I awoke about 1.5 hours later, the tire had been blown and the van was just sitting there. They were still driving when I went to sleep.