So last Sunday night Sir tells me if I masturbate for him, in a particularly humiliating manner, I would be free to masturbate all week, whenever I wanted to, in any way I chose. So I gladly debased myself masturbating in the way he specified (of course, I would have anyhow), thinking gleefully that I would be able to self-adjust anytime I wanted to during the week. The only caveat is that I would have to tell him how and when I pleasured myself. Well, here we are Friday evening, I will be seeing Sir in an hour. I have nothing to report
I fantasized about it, thought about it, got really wet, but I never pulled the trigger. I love doing the she-bop, what's wrong with me. I really wanted to, I licked my fingers, but I couldn't could not initiate digital-clitoral contact
I'm sure he knew I wouldn't be able to, but I was looking forward to a nice orgasm before bed each night. I guess I shouldn't be, but I'm a little confused. Has he bent my will, did I make this choice willingly?
I fantasized about it, thought about it, got really wet, but I never pulled the trigger. I love doing the she-bop, what's wrong with me. I really wanted to, I licked my fingers, but I couldn't could not initiate digital-clitoral contact
I'm sure he knew I wouldn't be able to, but I was looking forward to a nice orgasm before bed each night. I guess I shouldn't be, but I'm a little confused. Has he bent my will, did I make this choice willingly?