Has this happened to anyone else?


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2001
I have a hotmail email account. I've had it for years. I use it exclusivly (now) for Lit.

I check it often and keep it cleared out. It never gets near 100% full.

I had some pictures (3 small ones) saved in a folder. The folder is now gone. Deleted. It's not in my trash. It's gone. The whole fucking folder and contents are gone. Gone. Gone. Gone!

I didn't delete it. And no one else but me has been on the computer since I checked emails in that account an hour ago.

Thank god I had the pictures saved to my hard drive.
it's happend to me as well.

I use a couple of various email groups, hotmail being one. when the went to thier upgrade a few months ago people lost things, including me. wrote to their "powers that be" and got the proverbial "Oh well!"

gee thanks Hotmail. :mad:
Blurty refuses to send any email verifications to my hotmail accout, but I'm not sure if it is blurty or hotmail yet.
Burning Chrome said:
Blurty refuses to send any email verifications to my hotmail accout, but I'm not sure if it is blurty or hotmail yet.

I got my blurty verification ok at hotmail.
Why Hotmail Blows Chunks.

1. Bill Gates is Satan;

2. MSN is like GMC...barely average products, debugged by the public;

3. Hotmail is tres simple to crack...got any ex boyfriends?

4. Since announcing "added storage", MS is fucking the free service on porpoise.
Re: Why Hotmail Blows Chunks.

Lancecastor said:
3. Hotmail is tres simple to crack...got any ex boyfriends?


I did not know that!
Re: Why Hotmail Blows Chunks.

Lancecastor said:

3. Hotmail is tres simple to crack...got any ex boyfriends?

Yeah.. but I cracked his email.. he isn't smart enough to crack mine.

Plus the pictures that were in that folder he already has in his hotmail account.

I checked.. they are still there.
Go.com is also messing with accounts.

Several of us had entire accounts 'cleansed" and 'wiped'. I think sometimes TPTB just get bored and want to start a ruckus.
I've had an Angelfire account for about 7 years. I guess I'll change everything over to it.

Atleast it's reliable.