Has anyone seen Adaptation yet?


romantic, in a dirty way
Sep 23, 2002
I'm going out to see Adaptation later tonite - social time with the ex, a mixed joy - anyone want to comment on the movie, let me know what I'm in for?
be prepared for lots of jumping around story-wise. Cage gives a brilliant performance as does Streep. Some of the scenes are a bit disturbing. The story is kind of slow.
The swamp scene is.....wont spoil it for ya :)
De Sade, thank you, but -


I haven't so much as seen a preview for it.... I'm going on the recommendation of a friend.

Tell me more, tell me more?
You don't want to know anything. It's sort of the point of the movie. Any fact you get, no matter how small, will be a spoiler.
agrees with dixon its a fantastic movie but best if you know NOTHING about it

after you see it read some reviews of it from imdb.com or something like that

but do that after ... don't let anybody tell you another thing about it until you see it :)

well, that tells me, doesn't it! Thank you all... I'm the Buffy fan who wants her spoilers, too. But some movies are better without knowing a thing - I would have hated having One Hour Photo described to me, all of you are probably right..

you know, the best thing about going out with an ex - no worries about putting on a face, or doing your hair - it's just friendly and familiar. Then again, I have a great friend for an ex.

Just counting my blessings this evening.
it involves quirky characters and its basically about 2 brothers who are screenwriters. Cant tell you what they encounter.
Go see it w/ an open mind and lots of patience
dunno about the movie... i will lay odds that the ex wants in your panties tho.

Honeylick -

he just might. We did that for a while after we split up - I forget who, but someone around here at lit has a sig line to the effect that the hardest thing is missing the person right next to you. I think it's a very true thing..

Lately I've also been intrigued with a quotation I saw on a dry board at work -

Neitsche - "In parting - it is not how two souls come together, but how they move apart, that shows me their kinship to one another."

I don't think I have the words quite right, but I've been thinking on that quite a bit lately...

movie time, movie time, not yet movie time.. if I went out now, I'd just wander the mall spending more money on crap -
hurrah for lit!
watergirl, if you like freaky flicks, rent Donnie Darko, Butcher Boy, Delicatessan, Ravenous and Memento.
Donnie Darko left me going,


the others, I haven't seen... Memento, I will get around to someday.. Tell me a snip about Butcher Boy and Delicatessan, if you don't mind?

Sometimes I like freaky, sometimes not... I prefer my freaky with a bit of fun - Harold and Maude, Tampopo...
Butcher Boy is about a troubled Irish lad who kills people in his hometown. The narrator is the kid all grown up in an asylum.
Delicatessan is about post WW3 France and the people in an apartment complex are cannibals.
^wholesome viewing for the whole family.
I also recommend El Topo (if you can find it).

doesn't sound quite my cuppa tea.. but where are those post it notes?!?

I used to be able to keep track of things i wanted to remember, but I think the paint fumes have taken their toll.
Shameless plug

I wrote about it in my movie review thread, but it does have some spoilers, so you may want to wait until you've seen the movie before reading - but I'd love to hear your input on it!

I did give it an A, if that tells you anything. :D
Hmmm.. I'll withstand the wondering..
thanks, De Sade, for the brothers screenwriting tip -

that is about all I know about the flick.. should be cool.

I really want to see Gangs of New York again, but don't know if I'll manage to get time or not.

Let's all go to the lobby,
Let's all go to the lobby,
Let's all go the lobby,
and buy ourselves a treat!

It's just about movie time, kids!
spoilers: A man comes up to Nicolas Cage's character and informs him that he is "the one". He is then taken into a cybernetic world that runs our world like a computer program. He then fights robots in the computer world and our world. The film's title comes from Nicolas Cage's character's adaptation to the fact that our world doesn't really exist.

And he's white.
Awwwww, Spin, you ruined it for me!!!!!!!


I did enjoy it, thank you all for not telling me anything... but you certainly could have...

red rose - so... the ending... I half expected to be taken back out of the 'screenplay ending,' and back into the 'real' world... do you know what I mean?

I don't want to say much else here, but pm me sometime if you want. ;)