Has anyone ever written a story to deliberately antagonize the LW hate readers?

Yes. Part of my motivation for writing "Fire Woman" was exactly that. They might be expecting cuckolding, burn the bad man or woman, and whatever, but none of that appeared in my LW story about happy swingers. :D
I've never ventured there, but I got the impression that every story in LW antagonised the locals.
Kind of hard to tell what's bait and what's real over there. I do know a guy who did a fake on that to antagonism them. Yet I liked his MC so much that I contacted him for permission to use his character. He said, "Sure, no problem, I used an alt account anyway for that." I gave him a credit even though he said it wasn't necessary. When I was done, I sent him the link and he really liked it, including the talking parrot.

Here is his bait - er, work, which got 35 LW comments.

Helping My Wife Find Love

This is what I did (not on LW).

New American Gigolo
Lots of people have. It rarely works; they're kind of expecting it at this point. If it looks like a cuckold story, they'll treat it as a cuckold story. If it looks like a reconciliation story, they'll treat it that way. If it looks like a BTB, they'll treat it that way.

Badly written BTBs get panned, so that's not a way to make it work; there have been a couple of absolute howlers in that flavor I know were written by established AH writers under other pen names. A few of the more rabid BTBers loved them, but mostly people bitched about how badly they were written. Bad RAAC stories already abound, as do bad cuckolding stories. Well-written ones with illogical endings, too.

Look, there's an angry segment of the readers there. That's no secret. But what's the sport in shooting fish in a barrel?

If you want to do something a little more sophisticated than trolling, take the structure and do something funny with it. SimonDoom had an absolutely hilarious take on the dynamics of the two camps with "Cuckolds & Incels: A Chain Story" over in Humor. Bebop3 played with Interracial in "Running to Something Larger." RobertaBob did a sendup of February Sucks this morning in Loving Wives titled "Statistically, February Sucks."

If you want to try trolling them, go ahead. Most of the time, though, it's lazy and ineffective. Give them a laugh instead; that's a lot harder, but a lot more satisfying.
oh, this is funny, I actually wanted to start a similar thread... not just the LW haters, but about twisting things in a story in any category.
I have, but the story isn't written in the vein of "I need to piss these losers off, so my next story will be..." but when I have an idea for a cheating wife/cuck story, I write it, and I will not be told I can't put in LW by a faction of losers trying to bully people away from it. "I don't see a loving wife, this is your idea of a loving wife? Put this in fetish!!!"

Put this in fetish, man babies.

So I post it, the comments are mostly mean, the score sucks, they froth, I smirk. Good time had by all.

I'll mention again how the same material in other venues is not met with any level of hate. Its only here. Says a lot more about the readership than it does about me. Most people can take my style of cuck story as a fantasy fetish, the losers here can't.
Good grief, no...here on Literotica, and in life generally, I do not derive pleasure from antagonizing people. I will definitely submit a story into the Loving Wives category at some stage, however, but not with the intention of pissing anyone off...
Good grief, no...here on Literotica, and in life generally, I do not derive pleasure from antagonizing people. I will definitely submit a story into the Loving Wives category at some stage, however, but not with the intention of pissing anyone off...
I have some stories there in a prior account as well. I wrote them to the explanation provided by the Web site on what should be in the category. One of them earned a Green E from Laurel, so I guess I guessed correctly on the intent of the category.
A year and a half ago, I wrote:
"A Gathering of Trolls"
"Ambitious friends look in on the slut and her husband."

I did that expecting to antagonize the "incel trolls" everyone here in the AH claimed dwelt in LW. It did surprisingly well at about average.

But most of my stories are posted to LW, and they're almost all about swingers and sharing, which pisses off about 60% of that audience.

This past month, I've posted a series of 12 vignettes of various couple relationships, with some intended to bring out the worst there. My story "Pavlov's Dog - 750 Words" is about a wife who goes out to get ass-fucked and comes home to "train" her husband to accept that she's horny. It's currently at 2.13, my lowest rated story.

And I posted "Chasing Her in the Wild" (another 750-word) knowing it should have been in Humor & Staire, but I asked the Admins to put it in LW "just to fuck with their minds."

EDIT: And BTW, I am not antagonizing the readers there. You can write a story titled "We're Swingers" with the description "A husband shares his wife and loves it." and those LW haters will still open it to scroll to the end merely to 1-bomb it and leave a shitty comment! That's their form of entertainment! So, I'm feeding the sharks by throwing chum in their water.

The advantage of posting to LW is seen in my story "What Were You Thinking?" As I'm a rather shitty writer, I got over 95K views on that one!
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Like others have said, I don't see anagonizing as a particularly useful place to start writing from. That said, my ultimate goal is to write a story in nearly every category (and actually I've only got Non-Erotic and Novels to go now) and for the longest time, Loving Wives was giving me a lot of trouble coming up with something. I didn't want to write a typical BTB or cuck story (although strangely I've published a cuck story since, in Mature and am currently writing a fairly typical BTBish story that just arose naturally).

Anyway what I ended up with was Goodbye My Young Hot Wife which I wrote because I personally thought it was funny. It sends up some of the overwrought writing of LW stories, the protagonist naval gazing before the 'twist' recontextualizes everything. The difference is I think an intelligent BTB reader (I know I'm going to get some blowback on that phrase) should enjoy it even if they uncomplicated like the usual LW stories.
No. A little too much like trolling. Not something I am willing to waste my time on.
Good grief, no...here on Literotica, and in life generally, I do not derive pleasure from antagonizing people. I will definitely submit a story into the Loving Wives category at some stage, however, but not with the intention of pissing anyone off...
The only stories in LW which doesn't piss them off must end in divorce if there is any extramarital sex. And if you want a red-H there, the more violent the ending for the cheater, the higher the score.

And BTW, my 750-word story "The Teacher - 750 Words" about a wife talking about her cheating husband is doing relatively well (about the same as my best 750-word stories), which suggests they are NOT misogynists, women haters, but rather most of them hating ALL cheaters or any extra-marital sex.
The only stories in LW which doesn't piss them off must end in divorce if there is any extramarital sex. And if you want a red-H there, the more violent the ending for the cheater, the higher the score.

And BTW, my 750-word story "The Teacher - 750 Words" about a wife talking about her cheating husband is doing relatively well (about the same as my best 750-word stories), which suggests they are NOT misogynists, women haters, but rather most of them hating ALL cheaters or any extra-marital sex.
I wouldn’t go that far. They don’t like cheating that seems either cruel or dumb, I.e. “honey, of course I had to fuck him! He was cute!” If you give them a reconciliation with good characterization and reasoning, they’re mostly okay. Does it score as well as a BTB or a moving on? No. But you can get within spitting distance
I wouldn’t go that far. They don’t like cheating that seems either cruel or dumb, I.e. “honey, of course I had to fuck him! He was cute!” If you give them a reconciliation with good characterization and reasoning, they’re mostly okay. Does it score as well as a BTB or a moving on? No. But you can get within spitting distance
Ahh... but the extra-marital sex MUST stop.

I think that's the key to the majority of the LW readers: they HATE extra-marital sex. And anyone who participates must repent or be destroyed.

And I don't think they're religious fanatics. They're just adamant about marriage meaning monogamy, almost as if many of them have been burned by an unfaithful spouse.

This is what I've focused my 750-word stories on this past month, trying to come up with various scenarios to discern some of the nuisances of their reactions. For example, "Quiet, Don't Wake Him" is about a wife who grew indifferent and emotionally distant from her husband, so much so that the husband finally decides to cheat on her. That's actually doing rather well at 3.8.
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Most of my stuff is posted in essays, which the trolls find and bash me on, but I tend to inflame and antagonize them in my comments on stories. I have had several totally lose their shit and just rage at me in DM's, most anonymously.
Ahh... but the extra-marital sex MUST stop.

I think that's the key to the majority of the LW readers: they HATE extra-marital sex. And anyone who participates must repent or be destroyed.

And I don't think they're religious fanatics. They're just adamant about marriage meaning monogamy, almost as if many of them have been burned by an unfaithful spouse.

This is what I've focused my 750-word stories on this past month, trying to come up with various scenarios to discern some of the nuisances of their reactions. For example, "Quiet, Don't Wake Him" is about a wife who grew indifferent and emotionally distant from her husband, so much so that the husband finally decides to cheat on her. That's actually doing rather well at 3.8.
marriage and monogamy are a fairly recent concept, primarily North American Judeo Christian. Over 2000 years ago, the Roman Catholic Church addressed this issue directly, understanding the passions and the weakness of the flesh. They did not recognize divorce, and specifically said that adultery was NOT grounds for annulment, the church's version thereof. What they were telling us is that marriage is for society, the children, and the next generation, and that it is not about you. Be an adult, and deal with it
marriage and monogamy are a fairly recent concept, primarily North American Judeo Christian. Over 2000 years ago, the Roman Catholic Church addressed this issue directly, understanding the passions and the weakness of the flesh. They did not recognize divorce, and specifically said that adultery was NOT grounds for annulment, the church's version thereof. What they were telling us is that marriage is for society, the children, and the next generation, and that it is not about you. Be an adult, and deal with it
Well, yeah, and come to whatever conclusion about marriage and monogamy you want, I don't necessarily disagree. Just remember this is the same church that held endless discussions about whether or not Jesus' foreskin grew back during the accension (Because everything in heaven must be perfect) on top of all those more serious modern issues I could list. They're not know, at least not around my way, for common sense.
Yes and no

I wrote a horrible story, just bad even by the low standards I have for myself. I was not sure where to post it so ended up deciding to post it into the sewer that is LW under a second account. For a while it was less than 2 stars but somehow all the one star votes got removed and it is now over two stars.

It didn't start as a story to deliberately antagonize the LW haters but after I decided it would be going to literotica I knew full well the impact it would have.

At its core was a true story.

This woman, who was going thru a divorce that lasted longer than her marriage, acted goofy toward me for a period of months. Then she got a boyfriend and started acting negatively every time we interacted. What started as a two sentence text message question asking why she had flown off the handle at me for asking her BF if he wanted a beer quickly turned into a three page review of all the times she been acting goofy. It finally dawned on me that she had being acting goofy as she had a crush on me at one point and no longer wanted me around as she now had a boyfriend. At that point it was creepy and weird to send the now three page review to her, but I did anyway. i immediately regretted this decision as it was just a strange thing to send to someone. There was no way to recall the message, I very much tried. I think many of the LW stories have as their source something similar.

LW is full of hurt, confused, angry people, mostly men, most of them divorced. It does not take much to really push their buttons.

Two of the things I like about writing on literotica are insights I get about women and the cathartic nature of writing.