Has anyone ever broken a bone?


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Has anyone here broken a bone? If so, what did it feel like, how did it happen, and how long did it take to heal?

That's my shoulder in 2007.
Holy crap, Byron. Ouch!

I chipped the bottom of a toe bone once, it stayed that way for about 4 yrs til I finally had the chip removed.
OUCH! How did it happen?

He looked at me funny.

I had a fractured vertebrate when I was a teenager. That counts, right? It should count - I think it makes me sound cool.

Oh, and my hand. It's called a boxer's break. I'm serious business.
He looked at me funny.

I had a fractured vertebrate when I was a teenager. That counts, right? It should count - I think it makes me sound cool.

Oh, and my hand. It's called a boxer's break. I'm serious business.

I would imagine that the jagged edges of a chipped bone inside you must have been pretty painful.
I would imagine that the jagged edges of a chipped bone inside you must have been pretty painful.

It did not feel nice. I don't think it was "Ow! Sharp bone!" pains, though. More like "Fucking owwwwww my body is breaking and my skeleton is in pieces aaauuuggghhhhhh."
Has anyone here broken a bone? If so, what did it feel like, how did it happen, and how long did it take to heal?

Yes a couple of times.

The pain can be intense in a tooth pain kind of way, you know how if you don't use your mouth it's a tolerable ache, but the slightest effort to use it suddenly sends your pain off of the scale?

A cracked bone can be like that, a little weight on it that widens the crack makes it so that you don't know whether to laugh or cry, and your only desire is to make it stop.

The first time was a football game, and somebody wanted to get revenge on me for making them look bad. I was thrown onto a frozen field, and stuck out my arm to break my fall.

The other time I was working in cold weather, slipped on a metal ladder, put out the same arm to break my fall onto a frozen driveway.

About 6 or 8 weeks, both times.
It did not feel nice. I don't think it was "Ow! Sharp bone!" pains, though. More like "Fucking owwwwww my body is breaking and my skeleton is in pieces aaauuuggghhhhhh."
So imagine a collarbone break.

I'd never had a bone be disconnected like that, in all my life.

The points would poke around in the flesh. Very disconcerting.
So imagine a collarbone break.

I'd never had a bone be disconnected like that, in all my life.

The points would poke around in the flesh. Very disconcerting.

Oh, how uncanny, to see yourself in pieces. That must have been so painful :( Thank goodness for osteoblasts.
I broke my arm on the night I graduated from high school, being one of the cool kids I was riding in a convertible and flashed my bottom at the people behind us and fell out the side!

Broke my ankle playing volleyball too.

Oh and if you can wiggle your toes doesn’t mean the bone isn't broken.

I'm guessing I am one of the few people who have had sex with an un-treated broken ankle...........

Copious amounts of alcohol and umm stuff didn't seem to help at all!
Yes, several.

It is excruciating from about 2 minutes after the initial shock wears off until the painkillers take over after setting. It hurts worst when you are on the x-ray table and they have to move you about to get proper pictures. Even more worst is the swelling and fear of loss of blood flow to extremities. Finally and most worstest, it takes forever to heal if you are over 30 when you break it and the arthritic pain will be with you until mercifully relieved by death.

any other questions?
Several toes, sometimes the same ones over and over again.
I used to like being barefoot.

Middle finger of my left hand, 2007.
Thank god, no. Years ago I remember people breaking bones, they had a pot on for ages, it came off, everything was fine again. Lately a few of my friends have had breaks and they've not healed correctly and had to be re-broken or have operations on them. Weird.

One of my mates recently fell and broke her arm in France and she's still having problems with it. I think they must have put it back in place with Sellotape or summat.
Finally and most worstest, it takes forever to heal if you are over 30 when you break it and the arthritic pain will be with you until mercifully relieved by death.

any other questions?

This is why I walk like a mincing halfwit on ice and snow. Am terrified of falling now for this reason.
Several toes, sometimes the same ones over and over again.
I used to like being barefoot.

Middle finger of my left hand, 2007.

Same here, he right pinkie toe once, the left pinkie toe three times.

I broke the left pinkie toe one of the times chasing the girlfriend around the bed during sex. It slowed me down, but didn't stop me. Plus I got an extra special blowjob out of it.
The only break I knew about for the first 30 yrs of life was my collar bone. Since then I have broken a few, a drunk driver caused some, but the most spectacular ones I did all by myself in freak accidents.

What it feels like:

Hairline fractures hurt unbearably for a short time. I used to get these on the tops of my feet, had no idea at the time they were fractures.

Other breaks I usually don't feel because I go into shock pretty fast.
It usually goes something like this- I fall or whatever, sometimes I hear a crack, I think this should hurt but it doesn't, I decide to get up or off whatever but I can't, for a while I am just stunned, and then I start passing out when I try to get up, so I yell or crawl to a phone to get help. If I can make it to the frig/freezer I drink orange juice and slap ice on it until someone shows up. After my last, I actually made it to the front door to unlocked it. It usually starts hurting several hours later.

Breaks don't worry me as much as soft tissue damage, my bones heal in the normal if not record time, soft tissue seem to take for ever.
Several toes, sometimes the same ones over and over again.
I used to like being barefoot.

Middle finger of my left hand, 2007.

Yep, I am almost never barefoot these days, not worth it.
Same here, he right pinkie toe once, the left pinkie toe three times.

I broke the left pinkie toe one of the times chasing the girlfriend around the bed during sex. It slowed me down, but didn't stop me. Plus I got an extra special blowjob out of it.

All I ever got was colourful, intense swelling and the buzzing like bees from hell at the break sites... never any sex. Bummer.