Harry Potter


I'm sorry. This would ruin my illusions! I love Harry! Good luck with it anyway.
OOC: Sure, might be interesting to see what would happen between Harry and either Ginny or Cho Chang.

glad to see someone else interested, but if you cant tell by my name id only play as Hermione, you would have to find someone else to play either Ginny or Cho Chang
Interesting... and who would you think Hermione's love interest would be?
im not quite sure, possibly Ron since they like each other so much in the movies and all, or maybe a different person could be made up for her
I'd be in... sure... As to love matches - one of them seems obvious - Ron is already Hermione's henpecked and cuckolded husband going by my reading of the books.

Now... who's gonna be Moaning Myrtle?

ne1 still want to do this thread? the only idea i have for it though is, we've all gone seperate ways after graduating from hogwarts, and we come back for a big reunion
I'm still in if you can start it - there are probably many different things that can be done with the srp. Your idea of a Hogswarts reunion would work, or post-graduate studies at Hogwarts maybe? Life in Hogsmead? Lots of things. Do we need to select our chars yet?
like i said before, this is my first thread and i need some help in running it, so its up to you guys to decide what to do first
HermioneGranger said:
like i said before, this is my first thread and i need some help in running it, so its up to you guys to decide what to do first
Okay how about he who shall not be named is causing some turmoil elsewhere and Harry, Hermoine, and Ron are asked back to be teachers while Snape and Dumbledore go to combat He who shall not be named?
I'd be up for playing harry if the role is still open. If not I could also play he who must not be named.
sounds fine, but remember this is an ADULT thread, so no lil kiddie stuff, everyone should say who the are gonna be and make a description of them. i of course will be Hermione

fit but slim
long brown hair, not as curly as it used to be and reaching her slim shoulders
OOC: OK, I'm in this if everyone else is....Are we doing the thread where we're teachers or what? :)

Cho Chang:

Age: Now 19
Stats: 5'3, 110 lbs, 34B-24-34, chin length black hair, dark eyes. Still has a crush on Harry, but won't let anyone know. Has come back to help at Hogwart's as an assistant to Hermione who is helping teach while He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is being sought by the real teachers of Hogwarts.
Harry Potter:

Current Age: 18

5'10", dark hair that's been transfigured to midnight blue, bangs just short of the eyes, green eyes. The years on the house quidditch team have given harry a slightly more muscular physique. Though he'll never be called brawny, he is far from the small youngster he was when he entered Hogwarts. After the resurrection of Lord Voldemort, Harry was called back to Hogwarts to serve, ironically enough, as the new potion's master and head of gryffindor house. He still nurses feelings for Cho that he has never quite gotten the oppurtunity to express.
now all we need is someone to play Ron, and i need to choose who Hermione is taking the place of since Harry is the new potions master
I'll play Ron.

Ron is 19, still living burrow. But it is only him and Ginny and their mom now...Mr. Weasley was killed when Voldemort raided the Ministry of Magic and the older boys have all left to start their own lives. Ron was always a little bulky but has turned into a fine looking man. Hair is still red. He is 6'1" and maybe 206 ilbs, but it's mosly muscle, being the only man at the Burrow, he must do a little of the outside chores. Those of you who need to know his cock size, 9 inches. Being such a big guy, Ron was asked to take over Defense Against the Dark Arts while Snape is out fighting the Dark Lord. Ron hasn't seen Hermoine in forever, but still hides his undying love for her.
Any problems with Neville Longbottom being the head of "plants and herbology"?
6 foot even sandy colored hair wieghs about 230 lbs but stocky
still a little clumsy, not sure about broomsticks but vary good at his job.
Carries a crush for Ginny.
HermioneGranger said:
now we can start, Hermione will take the Spells class since its the only i can really see her doing
Neville is waiting on the main walkway area in fornt of the great hall. Looking very dapper in his instructor robes. However he stumbles a little as he turns. He leans over catching himself. In doing so he ends up staring at the most beautiful breasts he has seen in a long time. A very long time.......................
Harry Potter, the boy who lived, was no longer the boy. Quite to the contrary he was a young man and had just finished his years at Hogwarts a few months ago. At first he hadn't known what to do, should he persue Quidditch? Should he become an auror? He might never have decided if it hadn't been for a letter he had received. But he remembered with a certain degree of nostalgia that a letter had begun his life in the wizarding world. He held the letter in his hands and read it once more.

Dear Mr. H. Potter,

We would appreciate if you would return to Hogwarts and serve as the New Potions Master. With the resurgence of the dark arts the best and brightest of the wizarding community.

Yours in Fellowship,

Professor Albus Dumbledore

Professor Minerva McGonagul
Vice Headmistress

Yes he had decided. Hogwarts is where he should be. Harry ran his hands through his dark blue hair. "I really should get rid of this, the Dursley's had a fit when they saw it, and it wouldn't do for the students to have a teacher with such hair, but still..." Harry's normally dark hair had been transfigured a little over a year now. It was a departing girlish prank from Cho the night before she graduated. She had kissed him on the cheek and apologized for what had never been. As much as it was an adjustment, Harry just couldn't bring himself to change it. Tomorrow he would be at Hogwarts, then he would decide, but for now he would enjoy his last moments before the new term.

Being as punctual as ever Hermione was the first to arrive at Hogwarts after recieving her letter. She smiles as she looks out the window of the Spells classroom, her classroom now. Hearing someone walking by the class she walks to the door, just in time to catch him. She smiles when she sees Neville.

"Hello Neville, long time no see." laughs slightly