Happy endings…


Vixen Wife
Mar 8, 2024
I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety
It will depend largely on how you advertise. Most "legit" therapists will include in their ad that the massage is non-erotic or therapeutic only. If you post a sexy photo of yourself and are the slightest bit ambiguous about the services you offer, you will be propositioned. I expect that you will still be asked, but this should cut down some of the inquiries; guys who are looking for a handjob will usually go to a place where they're sure to get one.
I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety
One of my ex-gf's was a massage therapist, trained and certified through a special school, and she was constantly hounded for happy endings by male clients. She did not work anywhere that was even borderline an illegitimate facility for professional therapy (she worked mostly for chiropractors), but yet almost on a daily basis she'd come home from work complaining about a request. I will say that while we dated I did benefit from her amazing hands and skills as a massage therapist...and I was even her practice patient while she finished up school.
Anker2019 says it best...don't underestimate guys when it comes to getting a hand job. Good luck with your new endeavors!
I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety
My first ever massage was when I was 18. The masseuse had a claw hammer on the cabinet where she kept her oils. Being naive, I asked her what it was for - so she told me. There was no hint that I was interested in anything other than a massage - clearly some were!
You underestimate the depravity of males. :)
I never do: I only meant @HotWife2024 would not risk her reputation for being a legitimate massage therapist if her practice is correctly advertised: happy ending can't be expected as part of the ... menu.

Then males can be depraved at a massage parlour or else where
My current gf always finishes me off in her mouth after vagina sex! Then she always gets the softest sweetest kiss - told her I have to start cumming on her lips for that kiss!!!
I think happy ending only exist in certain given massage parlors where there is no real massage therapy being practiced ... I may be wrong
You're... Not wrong?

But you're wrong if you think nobody would ever ask for it in a legitimate professional setting.

To @HotWife2024 :
When it happens, just be very clear and firm that it's inappropriate to ask and it is not going to happen.

Make no exceptions, ever. You're worried about your reputation? That's how reputations get started.
You're... Not wrong?

But you're wrong if you think nobody would ever ask for it in a legitimate professional setting.

To @HotWife2024 :
When it happens, just be very clear and firm that it's inappropriate to ask and it is not going to happen.

Make no exceptions, ever. You're worried about your reputation? That's how reputations get started.
And if you really want to make exception, do not do it where you do massages. Arrange another place and time and strictly separate it from business,
Be careful what you do. Currently there is a male massage therapist here in lower delaware under multiple indictments for inappropriate sexual conduct. No matter the outcome, his life is ruined. Felony indictments are no joke.
I’ve enjoyed many happy endings from my local massage parlor. I think there are several ways that they advertise and operate that would give the impression that they offer “extra” services.

1)the website-features beautiful Asian models in a variety of settings(hot stone,standing by a table,etc) It seems like they almost want it to look slightly sexually enticing.

2) when I go in they have me lie down and undress as they leave the room. I’m nude when they come back and they always ask me if I want “hard,medium,or soft” I think literally saying I want it “soft” is the go ahead to make it an erotic massage.

I go for alot of sports massage as I run alot.
I had a race coming up and had really tight calfs so tried my usual sports massage people but no one could fit me in.
As I drove through town I saw a new Thai massage place and looked it up online and saw they do sports massage.
On the website was also information stating this is a genuine massage place and nothing sexual will occur etc.
I went for the massage and spoke to the lady and she said she was constantly asked to perform sexual acts.
Felt really sorry for her to have to put up with that.
I've only ever been to one genuine professionally trained massage therapist. When she had finished the massage she asked me if there was anything else she could do for me. We ended up fucking. No extra charge.
I get massaged by a qualified attractive young woman regularly and it's often quite painful.

We have joked about how anyone could find it erotic, it's work for both of us
I agree with most of the above.

In any advertisement, and perhaps a sign on the wall, say "Non-sexual massage only." Or words to that effect.

Yes, be prepared for men to ask or suggest a happy ending. Decide what you will say and how to react. Be firm.

Men are horny, but most are not aggressive perverts.
Maybe have clients sign something that states that they understand what the boundaries are, and that you reserve the right to terminate the session if unwanted advances are made?
I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety
When the girl is after the cash from happy endings, I have found she initiates that discussion at the time of my flipping to laying on my back. It's never later in the session, and if I agree and pay her, the last half is really just sex, no massage. She may on the flip initiate the option with some touches or moves, not necessarily verbal. It's all fun, or should be. I am okay either way because I like massages, and I also like sex.

Also, you could work at a regular massage parlor, but keep thursday and fridays off. Then work at a fun parlor fridays. That might be interesting.
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I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety

I've only ever been for proper physio massages. One was with a regular lady who I used to visit monthly - we talked about it while she was sorting the knots out in my back and said that men do ask but she's firm about it. She was very good at the massage. Make clear that you're a massage therapist (no extras is apparently a key phrase). The other was in Cornwall at a wellness centre and it was a definite no, especially with Mrs AW getting her nails done in the main area outside :D
I'm a client who has received HJ (and more) at massage places. I don't think there is anything wrong with a man asking as long as he does so politely and immediately accepts the answer he is given. Open communication about services and prices is required to do any business, not just this one. If you don't even want to be asked, then a sign on the wall is effective. I would never ask if a sign says "don't ask." But I can tell you firsthand that it is absolutely not possible to just "pick up the vibe" and know the policy without any clear written or verbal communication. I've been to clinical-looking rooms with handjobs offered, and have engaged masseuses who advertise in lingerie but offer absolutely zero sexual massage. So it is unreasonable to assume or hope that people can read your mind. Besides, there are a lot more policies than you can imagine out there. Some are strictly non-sexual. Some will allow the client to masturbate. And then there are an infinite variety of sexual activities between two people, all of which may or may not be offered.

So my advice would be, just be plain about it. Whatever is your policy, make it known, regarding sexuality or anything else.
Some of the messages here seem to reflect a total lack of understanding of the fact that requesting a hand job from a massage therapist is asking them to commit a crime. A hand job is a sexual act, and performing a sexual act for money is called prostitution. Try asking your doctor or nurse for a hand job. They are in a position to touch your naked body. You would end up thrown out of that office faster than you get dressed. Why do you think it is OK to ask a licensed massage therapist for a hand job? They are professionals, not prostitutes. Ask your accountant to commit tax fraud for you, and see what happens. Or ask your lawyer to help you embezzle from your employer and see if you are not shown the door immediately. It is not OK to assume that massage therapists are sex workers and and may be propositioned because you are horny.
Not ever had a massage, I'm certain that I would only want a female to massage me, and given that I get hard easily when a woman touches or caresses me in any way, I know I would get an erection. I don't know the protocol for when you want a HJ or whatever for "relief" but surely females giving massages see erections all the time. If I just ask for unspecific "relief", do I offer a handsome tip, or just see how she answers. If she responds with options, obviously she has done something along this line before. What if she refuses - will she leave the room while I masturbate? Or will she stay and watch?
My sister was in a massage therapy class and it was obvious that two of the girls studying were learning the trade for the purpose of having their own sex massage business. I wish I knew where they opened up for business.
I'd get a massage regularly if I knew where I could receive one with a happy ending. I wouldn't know how to let it be known that I would want it. I think I'd be too embarrassed to ask.
I’m currently retraining to become a massage therapist and a few people have asked about how I will deal with customers asking for happy endings :oops:.

Being a bit naive I didn’t really think this happened outside the bedroom or porn, but I’d be interested to know how common people think this is. I’d love to hear from customers that have received them (how on earth did you broach the subject?!😳) and those that have received the requests - how did you react🫣.

I want this to be my new business so I don’t want to be getting the reputation that I’m some sort of prostitute, and the idea that I’m going to be continually propositioned is now giving a whole heap of anxiety

I have only had a few massages.

One for a sports type injury. And two for pleasure.

First one was an older rough lady. It was a horrific experience.

Second one was a professional, but someone I knew. I got bored after about 40 minutes and suggested she stop. I jokingly suggested I massage her and she agreed 😱 It was difficult to resist touching places I maybe should not have and this got her in extremely horny and one thing led to another. When finished she jokingly said that she should be paying me 😂

If you seriously do not want clients asking for happy ending, put up a notice.
If you seriously do not want clients asking for happy ending, put up a notice.
Virtually every establishment in which I've received a happy ending massage had a notice that stated they didn't do such things. Unless previously (before the appointment) discussed/arranged/advertised, I've never asked for a happy ending - it was just offered.