Hanns revealed - 25%

heh :D

I apologise. Then you wake up again. Really Hanns, you shouldn't sleep so much. *tsk*
Really, I can't help but laugh at that thought. Have a pleasant night Hannsy-poo. :)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I just sent a pic to 4laterer which shows about 25% of my face

This is the first time in 9 years online that I have sent a pic out

She was gobsmacked at my handsomeness

said I was "fucking gorgeous"

Now she can't shut up about it

What should I do>?

fuck her...
Gag her.

I'm surprised you had to ask.

Let me know if you need help giving her an orgasm.
Hannsy pannsie

If you gotta ask.....you aint no man.....

She was just talkin thru her AL-KO-HALL anyhow ;)
4laterer said:
he is unattractive

his face bears a striking resemblance to

1. a girl's

2. a camel's

So I am better-looking than Hanns?

No surprise there.
4laterer said:
tell him he looks pretty

he'll like that

Oh, he looks DAMN pretty when I dress him up like a schoolgirl with pony tails and shove my cock in his mouth.

He squeals like a schoolgirl too.

Not that I've boned any schoolgirls lately.