Guardian Journalist Commits Professional Suicide?

lol very cool how many people have felt like doing something like that
Oh lordy! I hope that's part of April fools. If not admire the nerve as he clears his desk.
SOMEBODY at the Guardian was amused by it. There are links to it at the bottom of several of their cricket reports under the heading "Other things you might like". Another sports writer had
this to say in response to a curious reader's email:

"Enough beating around the bush," screams Dermot Smith. "I want to know what's happened to Scott Murray since his India v New Zealand report went round the world on Friday. Has he gone Hollywood? Has he been given a whacking pay-rise? And is he likely to be get his own Guardian column?" No, no and no again, Dermot, although Scott has received three marriage proposals in recent days...
I thought it was rather creative piece of writing.

I wouldn't be surprised the dude already had a book deal going.