Greetings to Raw

:kiss: :kiss: to baby bro! How's the wife and kiddies?
I see you stop back once in a while. . .miss us, don't ya? :D

Mornin', LTGR! :kiss: How are you this fine Friday morning?
cutie pie said:
Why? It doesn't bite. :D

Well, considering you just called me little brother, shoving your tit in my face just seems wrong somehow.

Rubyfruit said:
Hi Raw! :)

As always, it's great to see you.

Thanks, gorgeous! Your avs always make Lit a nicer place.

And your posts are good too! LOL
I'm glad to see you back here

even if it is just once in a while! You really add to the boards - and make me smile alot!
Thanks! But really I'm just here to perv on the women and occasionally add something witty to a conversation.
17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 - post time!

I haven't seem Ram, Pix or Woodgie around much lately either. I wonder how they've been.

I tot I saw a cutie pie though! :rose:
I'm here! Hiya guys! and gals...

Raw...good to see you from time to time!