Gotcha Hanns!

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
Some of you noticed that Hanns has been calling me "Rob" and "Robert", and mentioned that I "looked old", had a "beard", and starred in something called "The Country Girl". And you noticed that Hanns has been saying for days that he knew who I was and that I was "going down". Yeah, well, here's the story on all that:

1) I decided to make Hanns think I was somebody, just to see if he'd fall for it. I found an actor named Robert *** at the *** Theatre who looked a little like my AV, and chose him out of the blue.

2) I created a geocities site that featured Robert *** photo, added a headline that said “DCL”, and anonymously sent the URL to Hanns.

3) I anonymously sent Hanns the link to Robert *** page at the *** Theatre web site so Hanns would have lots of juicy facts about “me”. (Here it is:

4) I told PC, Raw Humor, Intrigued, Killer Muffin and Sunstruck about this plan days ago. Others found out earlier today.

5) I detailed this whole scheme in advance in a post dated Nov 18, here (middle of the page):

6) Once Hanns stared calling me “Rob” I knew I’d hooked him, so I eggged him on by playing scared, deleting posts, and even my AV, trying to look erratic and on the run.

7) Sure that he had me, Hanns even revealed one of *** credits as one of mine.

8) I was going to let this go on for a while, but if Hanns really is sending gay hookers to this *** guy's house I can't really continue.

So, I tell you true believers, in the days ahead, if darkling clouds gather, and I’m feeling blue, I need merely conjure up the sweet image of Hanns furiously surfing from site to site looking up and memorizing all this info about Robert Budaksa while creaming his panties and muttering “I got DCL! I got DCL!” under his Ranch Doritos breath, and the clouds will part, the gloom will fade, and I’ll smile at how Herr Hanns Schmidt the Fuck-Up got played like a Viennese glockenspiel.

I win. Hanns down.
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Someone should tell this Robert Budaska he looks an awful lot like Lenny Bruce.
Somthing evil this way walks!


I give it a 10!
Yeah, that's why I picked him. The guy was even in a production of "Lenny". I'm sure that had Hanns screaming "Ah-hah!" a lot.
LOL, I found out earlier today. Funny how those puppies that yap the loudest usually get kicked under the wheels of a bus.

Hanns, you've been had, roasted, toasted, and served well fuckin done. Never play hardball when you bring nothing but a weak forearm.
Pyper said:
That's, um, some elaborate website you got there.

And packed to the gills with content, ta boot.

Seriously, twas a masterful manipulation. Kudos!
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Yeah, that's why I picked him. The guy was even in a production of "Lenny". I'm sure that had Hanns screaming "Ah-hah!" a lot.

That's definitely one of the things that made me think I had stumbled upon your identity also...the whole reference to Lenny.
So the next time Hanns bothers us with a big scoopful of personal information, you can pretty much be sure he's either pasting something everyone already knows, or it's bullshit that someone sent him.

The Lit Gazette is Ge-Splatt.
Pyper said:
That's, um, some elaborate website you got there.

lol...I know, there's not even a button to take you back to the home page...

He had to keep it simple otherwise Hanns might end up in the FAQ section and get lost.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
So the next time Hanns bothers us with a big scoopful of personal information, you can pretty much be sure he's either pasting something everyone already knows, or it's bullshit that someone sent him.

The Lit Gazette is Ge-Splatt.
pawpaw, we already knew this :p
I hope many of the people on Lit give some serious thought about changing any personal information they may have on Lit, Yahoo, Hotmail etc... making themselves more anonymous.
Bob_Bytchin said:
I hope many of the people on Lit give some serious thought about changing any personal information they may have on Lit, Yahoo, Hotmail etc... making themselves more anonymous.

whatever you say willie nelson jr.
Ya know I don't normally bother to open up a thread by or about that guy, but since it's Dixie Cup I had a feeling it just might be worthwhile...well, slap my ass and call me Mabel, this IS a right good laugh! Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!
peachykeen said:
Ya know I don't normally bother to open up a thread by or about that guy, but since it's Dixie Cup I had a feeling it just might be worthwhile...well, slap my ass and call me Mabel, this IS a right good laugh! Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!

*slaps ass* Mabel
This is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time. Can't think of a bigger fool to have been made a fool of than Hanns!
damn, DCL is going to be impossible to be around for the next few weeks. his ego has swelled so much that it's slowing down the server. :p
seXieleXie said:
damn, DCL is going to be impossible to be around for the next few weeks. his ego has swelled so much that it's slowing down the server. :p

Oh, so THAT'S what's going on!