GOP's voice is all too clear


Jul 4, 2002
Powerful senator James Inhofe (Repub-OK) on internationally transmitted television

"I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel ; that it has a right to the land. This is the most important reason: Because God said so. As I said a minute ago, look it up in the book of Genesis.

In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says:

The Lord said to Abram, ``Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever. ..... Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee.''

That is God talking.

The Bible says that Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar before the Lord. Hebron is in the West Bank. It is at this place where God appeared to Abram and said, ``I am giving you this land,''--the West Bank.

This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true...

Islamic fundamentalist terrorism has now come to America. We have to use all of our friends, all of our assets, and all of our resources to defeat the satanic evil."
Thou crownest the year with thy bounty;
the tracks of thy chariot drip with fatness... (Psalm 65:11)
So you ran over Frimost and kicked some of his cellulite up on the under carriage?
From Israel's Solution to the Palestinian Problem: ppman

70/30 said:
Powerful senator James Inhofe (Repub-OK) on internationally transmitted television

"I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel ; that it has a right to the land. This is the most important reason: Because God said so. As I said a minute ago, look it up in the book of Genesis.

In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says:

The Lord said to Abram, ``Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever. ..... Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee.''

That is God talking.

The Bible says that Abram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar before the Lord. Hebron is in the West Bank. It is at this place where God appeared to Abram and said, ``I am giving you this land,''--the West Bank.

This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true...

Islamic fundamentalist terrorism has now come to America. We have to use all of our friends, all of our assets, and all of our resources to defeat the satanic evil."

My post lifted from another thread . . . the question was whether Biblical records of Jewish settlement in Jeruselam and environs gave contemporary Jews just claim to what is now called Israel . . .

There was a continuous Jewish presence in Baghdad for about three millenia, does that give the Zionists claim to Iraq and its oil?? Saddam Hussein chased them out after he came to power . . . does that make him Pharoah??

In Oz, the European invasion started in 1788 and has systematically dispossessed the indigenous people . . . even to the extent of the High Court retrospectively confiirming all land transactions up to 1975 when the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) made it illegal for the High Court to validate later transactions . . .

The Oz High Court decisions starting with Mabo No 2 are morally wrong and indefensible . . . they do nothing except protect the landed establishment from resumption or paying reparations to the indigenous owners from the public purse . . . and have created an on-going problem within the Oz legal system . . . political interference by Liberal PM Little Honest Johnnie Howard has exaccerbated the problem . . .

Maybe the Zionists controlling the Israeli government need to take a leaf from the inexcusable Oz method of dispossessing and suppressing an indigenous minority . . . all else has failed . . . except peaceful co-existence . . . which AmeriKKKa will not allow . . .

But perhaps Jerusalem is NOT the site of the holy city claimed by the Jews . . . numerous archeological expeditions have failed to find any evidence of the 40 years in the wilderness of Saudi Arabia . . . other archeologists claim that the "Jerusalem" of the Bible was located on a plateau of the eastern shore of the Red Sea, about two-thirds of the way south from the present head of the Red Sea . . .

Yet again, many scholars suggest that the Old Testament is really a family history which has been magnified into a political text . . . they cite the lack of correlation between the pre-James II Bible and other contemporary events, especially the Pharoahs . . . but then, the dates of the Pharoahs could easily be wrong, given the astronomological evidnece from the pyramids . . . and the educated speculation byVelikovski . . .

There are numerous studies which verify that parts of the Old Testament are very old writings which have been faithfully copied by many generations of scribes . . . indeed, Biblical studies since the late nineteenth century have been instrumental in contributing to our understanding of our early history . . . the difficulty is using the Bible to justify the Zionist beliefs which only date from about 1890. :)
I think this might eventually be a sticking point. Christians and Jews who strictly follow the bible and believe that the land belong completely to Israel and that Palestinians should be expelled.

For many Jews, it is a matter of security just as much as it has to do with scripture. For Christians, it is necessary for the second coming.

The ultimate objective though is for a war to be fought to settle the matter and for the rapture to begin.

A lot of people in the Bush government belong to churchs that advocate for this.
JohnnyCLately said:
I think this might eventually be a sticking point. Christians and Jews who strictly follow the bible and believe that the land belong completely to Israel and that Palestinians should be expelled.

For many Jews, it is a matter of security just as much as it has to do with scripture. For Christians, it is necessary for the second coming.

The ultimate objective though is for a war to be fought to settle the matter and for the rapture to begin.

A lot of people in the Bush government belong to churchs that advocate for this.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear . . . that sounds like the plot out of Logan's Run a 60s SF book and movie where the ruling elite controlled population size by attributing religious significance to the people jumping into an electric/atomic vaporiser when they reached "the age" of 30 . . . there were breeder cells and everything . . . and only the elite rulers lived over 30 years . . . :)

Think the Aztecs did much the same with their human sacrifices . . . population control by claiming that sacrifice was an ecstatic state . . . sure controlled the hothead young males . . . who could also play life-and-death "hip ball", winner take all . . . :)
I liked this though:

OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1999, page 78

The Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers

With Total U.S. Aid to Israel Already Exceeding $91 Billion, Congress Resists Clinton Pressure for More

By Richard H. Curtiss

Both houses of Congress have voted to reduce U.S. economic aid to Israel by $120 million but increase U.S. military aid to Israel by $60 million for fiscal year 2000. This will bring U.S. foreign aid to Israel for the coming fiscal year to $960 million in economic aid, $1.92 million in military aid, and $60 million for “refugee resettlement,” for a total of $2.94 billion. Congress plans to continue this formula for an annual $60 million reduction in total foreign aid to Israel for a span of 10 years, reducing the eventual annual total of bilateral U.S. foreign aid to Israel to $2.4 billion.

Rest of the article found here:

This year, we're in the 3 billions.

I'm sorry, everyone is screaming about our economy, but since the 1940s we've given Israel just under $92 billion dollars.

Foreign aid costs us a chunk.

I say glass parking lots solve problems.
Re: From Israel's Solution to the Palestinian Problem: ppman

Don K Dyck said:
My post lifted from another thread . . . the question was whether Biblical records of Jewish settlement in Jeruselam and environs gave contemporary Jews just claim to what is now called Israel . . .

There was a continuous Jewish presence in Baghdad for about three millenia, does that give the Zionists claim to Iraq and its oil?? Saddam Hussein chased them out after he came to power . . . does that make him Pharoah??

In Oz, blah blah, blah, blah blah, blah...

Sorry. You lost me by the third paragraph.
God told me the Palestinians have the right to live outside of a police state. The right to grow up outside of refugee camps. Fuck Israel, Fuck Palestine. One chunk of land, we can call it BOB for all I care, in which everyone lives together in some sort of loose-knit society.
Like trying to explain color to a man blind from birth.

Don't worry about it.

Everything is as it should be... And in Gods own time.

Didn't we cover this a couple of years ago?
Don't forget the Soviets were funding the Arabs. It is also in our best interests to make sure a nuclear power remains stable. We do it for the new criminals in Russia too. I'll lay you dollars to donuts were're giving all sorts of aid to Pakistan. Why do you think the dwarf of Pyongyang is screaming at the top of his lungs?

Don. Don't matter what archeaology says when it comes to matters of Religion. It's what you believe. Thanks for not mentioning the CIA...
Bush 1:1

"And God spake unto me, and he said, Givest thou massive tax cuts to the rich, and starve state governments of fundage, so as to wage war upon the poor, because the God your God is a God of the rich, and not of the poor, and wage ye war merrily all over the world. Verily I say unto you, take away the freedoms of your decadent countrymen as fast as you can, for they have too much freedom already, and they don't appreciate it anyway.

War with end. Amen."
I would cite chapter and verse from the Book Of REDWAVE, but it only has one verse, repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Bush 1:2

"And God spake unto me, and he said, Givest thou massive tax cuts to the rich, and starve state governments of fundage, so as to wage war upon the poor, because the God your God is a God of the rich, and not of the poor, and wage ye war merrily all over the world. Verily I say unto you, take away the freedoms of your decadent countrymen as fast as you can, for they have too much freedom already, and they don't appreciate it anyway.

War with end. Amen."

"And Dubyah the Shrub, son of George the First, son of Prescott the Nazi financier, said unto God, "Er, God . . . do you think . . . that I . . . should tell . . . the people . . . the truth . . . about 9/11?"

And God said, "Now Dubyah, our Texas Fundamentalist Christian principles tell us that to lie is a sin . . . so it is probably wiser for you to say nothing . . . that way there is less chance that you will be impeached."

And Dubyah nodded his head slowly because this was a very big concept, and he was having difficulty comprehending it.

"War without end, Amen."
Bush 1:3

And from the South there came a man of weakness who was appointed King by the money men at the Temple of Florida. And his name was George begat by George before him and begatter of two females both stricken with a terrible thirst.

Now it came to pass that George looked with envy upon the land in the East ruled by a tyrant named al Hussein, a heathen who did not worship the Lord God and George sent many people to meet their maker in the name of "what is right" and "WMD".

And God looked down upon his servant George and was much displeased and thus reawakened the Dems from their long slumber.

The problem is, if we don't fund Israel and their Middle Eastern enemies close in on them, if Israel doesn't outright kick their asses back out and conquer their territory like they did last time, they will launch their nuclear weapons and inflict a holocaust on their hostile neighbors.

Ever heard of the Samson Option?
LovingTongue said:
The problem is, if we don't fund Israel and their Middle Eastern enemies close in on them, if Israel doesn't outright kick their asses back out and conquer their territory like they did last time, they will launch their nuclear weapons and inflict a holocaust on their hostile neighbors.

Ever heard of the Samson Option?

By supporting Israel with its Zionist leadership you're supporting a racist government

Again it's the old American 'double standards' trick...

Re: Bush 1:3

p_p_man said:
And God looked down upon his servant George and was much displeased and thus reawakened the Dems from their long slumber.
I think this part of the verse is apocryphal.
