Good Clean Fun!

I step in naked so...

1. Turn Around
2. Turn that shower knob thing. I wonder what the name is.
3. Turn back around.
4. Decide if I like how the water is hitting me.
5. Make adjustments to shower head as needed.
6. Stand.
7. Get washcloth
8. Give a good scrub to the nether regions
9. Shampoo
11.Sit down
12.Think about stuff
13.Wash between toes
14.Stand up
15.Scrub body
17.Get out
chest...face...naughty bits...the rest...and if the day is divisible by 3 i shave
Damn it, I have a whole system but I have to go and it's entirely too long to type right now.

I'm making a mental note to come back later.
first, I get wet............

obviously I get hit with the water.........shampoo hair and beard first.........soap up......starting at my neck......arms.......chest......stomach.......spend some time on the little buddy............upper legs.......down to the toes.........rinse.......pause for a moment under the shower head.......big deep sigh...............water off............

Brush teeth
Wash face
Exfoliate face
Wash hair
Condition hair
Wash body
Salt scrub

Ever notice that if you fuck up the order, you can forget to do somthing?
1. Turn on water.

2. Check temperature before entering.

3. If #2 OK, enter shower!

4. Soap up scrubby.

5. Scrub upper body and torso.

6. Scrub legs and feet.

7. Leisurely soap up cock and balls!

8. Keep rubbing cock and balls..................

9. OK, shampoo hair.

10. rinse

11. turn off water.

12. Towel off.
Rubyfruit said:
List the order in which you do things in the shower.

Get in Turn on Water....
Picture Rubyfruit in my mind.

Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate Masturbate

clean up
finish shower...turn of wter..
get out
I wash my hair first then apply conditioner.

Then I wash my face and put cream on it while I soap up my body and then shave.

I rinse off the gook on my face then the conditioner out of my hair, after rinsing off my body.

That pretty much sums it up.

I have a male friend who drinks his coffee while he's in the shower in the mornings. lol he's such an odd duck sometimes.
I start out by washing my breast working up a good lather, then arms and then working my way down to my toes. then I wash my hair and face. last I shave my legs and pussy. Rinse once more. when dry lotion all over my body.
His_kitty said:
I wash my hair first then apply conditioner.

Then I wash my face and put cream on it while I soap up my body and then shave.

I rinse off the gook on my face then the conditioner out of my hair, after rinsing off my body...

tyme, try using the lotion while you're still wet (better yet, use baby oil) - it will lock in the moisture that way and you won't believe how soft your skin will be.

Phoenyx, I'm glad to be of service. ;-)

Kitty, coffee in the shower - now that's a good idea!
most of the time I am still damp when I put it on. you are right it helps alot. Its so dry in Arizona my skin get bad if I dont.
Well after thye obligitory turn it on and get in...

Wash and rinse hair...on alternate days or after a workout

Put conditioner on and leave it in...see above

Shave....if I'm going to the office...never...well almost never on the weekends

was my body starting at my arms and chest.....spnd some time soaping up the cock and balls..and then the legs..

If i have time.....a little...or a lot of masturbation...then I need to soap up again

get out and dry off

makes the morning hum:D
Good thing I do this in the evening before bed :grin:

Turn shower on, check temp. Adjust. Check again. Its got to be HOT.

Step In, stand there and enjoy. Get hair thoroughly wet. ahhhh.

Shampoo hair.


Turn water off.

Get Out.

Start water running into my gigantic tub. I hate showers LOL.

Soak for 20 minutes or so.

Wash face.

Apply soap to japanese scrubby, scrub body head to toe. Rinse.

Sit on edge of tub, shave legs, puss, pits.

Pop back in shower and rinse everything one last time.

Lotion, etc.

Turn hot water on.
Leave bathroom for forgotten items such as towel
Return to find room covered in steam. Perfect.
Take clothes off
Stick hand in past shower door to test water. Ouch!
Turn on cold.
Get in
Let warm water fall over body until eyes are open
Add cleanser for piercings on nipples & let it sit
Scrub body bottom up
Finish cleaning nipples
Get distracted
Start playing with them instead
End up giving myself an orgasm so some places need to be re-washed
Wash face
Shampoo & condition hair
Turn water off
Wash hair wash body then exfoliate face.
Then I condition my hair, comb the conditioner through my hair removing all tangles, shave my legs, arm pits, and pussy, wash my face, then rinse again.
Turn on water.

Get in and get wet.

Shampoo hair.

Wash Face.

Condition hair.


Wash body.

Shut water off.

Squeegee doors.

Dry and get out.
Condition...wait 5 minutes before rinsing (like it says to on the bottle!)
Wash face with expensive face washing stuff
Wash the rest of me with cheaper body washing stuff
Rinse out conditioner

Towel dry...
A man who squeegees is a man after my heart, bk. :)

tyme, I live in a dry climate too. Have you ever tried a salt scrub? I'm totally addicted to them. It will exfoliate, polish and stimulate your skin, leaving the wonderful oils behind to lock in the moisture. No need to use any other moisturizer afterward.
  • wet my hair and put some of my yummy blonde shampoo in it
  • put soapy on my fluffy scrubby thing and lather up while singing "At the Car Wash"
  • rinse my body
  • brush my teeth
  • exfoliate and wash my face
  • brush my teeth again
  • rinse my hair
  • squeeze it all dry
  • condition my hair for like 30 seconds
  • rinse
  • do one last complete rinse...cleanliness is next to godliness!
  • dry my body and then wrap my towel around my head and get out.