GOOD!...And send em ALL back to their shiity rat holes!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
News Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif.
2 hours, 42 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Jill Serjeant

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hundreds of Iranian and other Middle East citizens were in southern California jails on Wednesday after coming forward to comply with a new rule to register with immigration authorities only to wind up handcuffed and behind bars.

Shocked and frustrated Islamic and immigrant groups estimate that more than 500 people have been arrested in Los Angeles, neighboring Orange County and San Diego in the past three days under a new nationwide anti-terrorism program. Some unconfirmed reports put the figure as high as 1,000.

The arrests sparked a demonstration by hundreds of Iranians outside a Los Angeles immigration office. The protesters carried banners saying "What's next? Concentration camps?" and "What happened to liberty and justice?."

A spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service said no numbers of people arrested would be made public. A Justice Department (news - web sites) spokesman could not be reached for comment.

The head of the southern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) compared the arrests to the internment of Japanese Americans in camps during the Second World War.

"I think it is shocking what is happening. It is reminiscent of what happened in the past with the internment of Japanese Americans. We are getting a lot of telephone calls from people. We are hearing that people went down wanting to cooperate and then they were detained," said Ramona Ripston, the ACLU's executive director.


One activist said local jails were so overcrowded that the immigrants could be sent to Arizona, where they could face weeks or months in prisons awaiting hearings before immigration judges or deportation.

"It is a shock. You don't expect this to happen. It is really putting fright and apprehension in the community. People who come from these countries -- this is what they expect from their government. Not from America," said Sabiha Khan of the Southern California chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations.

The arrests were part of a post Sept. 11 program that requires all males over 16 from a list of 20 Arab or Middle East countries, who do not have permanent resident status in the United States, to register with U.S. immigration authorities.

Monday was the deadline for men from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Sudan. News of the mass arrests came first in southern California, which is home to more than 600,000 Iranian exiles and their families.

Officials declined to give figures for those arrested or for the numbers of people who turned up to register, be fingerprinted and have their photographs taken.

"We are not releasing any numbers," said Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) spokesman Francisco Arcaute.


Islamic groups and the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said they had been swamped with calls for help.

INS spokesman Arcaute said those arrested had violated immigration laws, overstayed their visas, or were wanted for crimes. The program was prompted by concern about the lack of records on tourists, students and other visitors to the United States after the Sept. 11 hijack plane attacks on New York and Washington.

Islamic community leaders said many of the detainees had been living, working and paying taxes in the United States for five or 10 years, and had families here.

"Terrorists most likely wouldn't come to the INS to register. It is really a bad way to go about it. They are being treated as criminals and that really goes against American ideals of fairness, and justice and democracy," Khan said.

The Iranian protesters said many of those detained were victims of official delays in processing visa and green card requests.

"My father, they just took him in," one young man told reporters. "They've been treating him like an animal. They put him in a room with, like, 50 other people and no bed or anything."

Khan said one of those in jail was a doctor, who was being sponsored for U.S. citizenship when his sponsor died.

One Syrian man said he went to register in Orange County with a dozen friends. He was the only one to come out of the INS office. "All my friends are inside right now," M.M. Trapici, 45, told reporters. "I have to visit the family for each one today. Most of them have small kids."
Some things can be taken to the extreme, busybody. And some things are over-reactionary.

I am sure you can see that, too.
Lovely Rose

Yes of course.

And I take CONFRONTAIONAL stances on this board for discussion purposes only.

It is intended to get people to think....and to jar the psyche.

A counterweight to the pansy type posts.

Most is tounge in cheek......not many see it that way.....but tinged with truth.....

At least it PROVOKES thought!:D
Re: Lovely Rose

busybody said:
At least it PROVOKES thought!:D

No it doesn't. It just confirms to some people that the States is a xenophobic, paranoic, panic struck country...

Re: Re: Lovely Rose

p_p_man said:
No it doesn't. It just confirms to some people that the States is a xenophobic, paranoic, panic struck country...


not everyone is like that, in fairness.... just some don;t help the cause.
I think all the Arabic - and Arabic-looking - people in this country should wear yellow crescents on their clothing. That'll protect us!
I'm sure all the people in the U.S. that are here planning "terrorist" activities decided to be good law abiding people and show up at immigration when asked to. :rolleyes:
cybergirly1989 said:
I'm sure all the people in the U.S. that are here planning "terrorist" activities decided to be good law abiding people and show up at immigration when asked to. :rolleyes:
Who knows? Most terrorists have clean criminal records, and, with the right documentation, wouldn't show up on a terrorist hotlist. Better to go get your rubber stamp than be suspected because you didn't show up.

Now, the practice of arresting when they thought they would be registered is a little shady, and as the article says, some of them have perfectly valid reasons why their ducks weren't in a row. But that's a bureaucratical problem, and one more reason why the INS and other governmental agencies need to be turned top to bottom.

teddybear4play said:
Most terrorists have clean criminal records, and, with the right documentation, wouldn't show up on a terrorist hotlist.

Which makes it even more surprising that the terrorists involved in 9/11 weren't picked up earlier...

They were known to the security agencies.

this is ridiculous. what the fuck is next? next there will be "reolcation camps" like during WWII. i'm appaled.
Its not much different than what happened for about 2 week period after Sept 11. Anyone that was a Muslim,or middle Easterner or even had a name from that region was picked up by the FBI and interrogated "gangland style" I spent 2 weeks with the FBI being deprived of sleep,not allowed a lawyer,and haveing the choice of eating pork or not eating at all.My medications were denied to me as well.treated like an animal.

Many there werent even Muslims,there was a collection of Sikhs and Bahais and even a Coptic Christian from Eygpt.

My Mother who is dieing of Cancer at the young age of 60 had her Chador taken from her,and her many medications were denied as well,and was subjected to being called a "bitch" among other things.

She is 60yrs old,and hasn't been back to Algeria since I was born and that was 34 yrs ago!

I actually exspect some internment camps of some sort sooner or later.

People like Busybody truly disgust me.They hold out freedom like it's a white guys thing only,and doesn't apply to any other american that isnt like them.

I was BORN I will say what I want,and think what I want.

Only one way to silence me,Period.

Shotgun politics.......

Is it all or nothing? It must America en masse, all white people, all immigrants (illegal?), Rednecks, Nazis, can't anyone on this site just say this isn't right if the government is targeting legal immigrants? Are they here legally? There's a guy suing the government for unlawful arrest for 20 million, I can't see them being that stupid to face about a billion in lawsuits. Find more relevant info: :D
Re: Re: Lovely Rose

p_p_man said:
It just confirms to some people that the States is a xenophobic, paranoic, panic struck country...
But what about Bush?
crystalhunting said:
I actually exspect some internment camps of some sort sooner or later.
Sad, but true, I fear. And Camp #1 is already set up in Guantanamo.

The treatment of Americans of Japanese descent during WW2 (the same happened in Canada) was appalling.

But hey, there's a tradition for it. Hitler got his idea for concentration camps from the American Govt's indian reservations.

The Nazi party called them concentration camps because they were "concentrating" the threat into a restricted area. Hitler argued that the camps were modeled on those used by the British during the Boer War.

Hitler used the Enabling Bill to give him dictatorial powers. With that bill he took away many common rights and used them to bend the laws and to being to take over. By stripping his citizens of protection against unlawful arrest, he was able to take people to concentration camps for no apparent reason. He started using the camps for the emlimination of the political powers, but they would turn out to be camps against the helpless Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals.

Later Hitler would turn the concentration camps to more of a killing camp to eliminate what he and his party thought of as a "threat."

*Like we'll do to smokers, meateaters, and NRA members (citizens)..........:D

*The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Muslim Killer

crystalhunting said:
Its not much different than what happened for about 2 week period after Sept 11. Anyone that was a Muslim,or middle Easterner or even had a name from that region was picked up by the FBI and interrogated "gangland style" I spent 2 weeks with the FBI being deprived of sleep,not allowed a lawyer,and haveing the choice of eating pork or not eating at all.My medications were denied to me as well.treated like an animal.

Many there werent even Muslims,there was a collection of Sikhs and Bahais and even a Coptic Christian from Eygpt.

My Mother who is dieing of Cancer at the young age of 60 had her Chador taken from her,and her many medications were denied as well,and was subjected to being called a "bitch" among other things.

She is 60yrs old,and hasn't been back to Algeria since I was born and that was 34 yrs ago!

I actually exspect some internment camps of some sort sooner or later.

People like Busybody truly disgust me.They hold out freedom like it's a white guys thing only,and doesn't apply to any other american that isnt like them.

I was BORN I will say what I want,and think what I want.

Only one way to silence me,Period.


I have no SYMPOTHY for you......SORRY....Blame it on your BROTHERS and SISTERS

BTW, Do you ever PROTEST against THEM....or are you afraid of a FATWA against you

Do you believe all KAFIRS should be killer or converted?
Here's another source....

<excerpt>: Many of those arrested, according to their lawyers, had already applied for green cards and, in some instances, had interviews scheduled in the near future. Although they had overstayed their visas, attorneys argue, their clients had already taken steps to remedy the situation and were following the regulations closely.

"These are the people who've voluntarily gone" to the INS, said Mike S. Manesh of the Iranian American Lawyers Assn. "If they had anything to do with terrorism, they wouldn't have gone."

Immigration officials acknowledged Wednesday that many of those taken into custody this week have status-adjustment applications pending that have not yet been acted on.

"The vast majority of people who are coming forward to register are currently in legal immigration status," said local INS spokeswoman Virginia Kice. "The people we have taken into custody ... are people whose non-immigrant visas have expired."

The large number of Iranians among the detainees has angered many in the area's Iranian communities, who organized a demonstration Wednesday at the federal building in Westwood. <snip>

*The 9-11 hijackers were all on legal visas...L.C. :D
Lost Cause

In fact.....the terrorist handbook says that they must obey ALL laws so as to avoid scrutiny

Get em all outa the country

If they are so pissed......Why are they here? Why dont they go back to their Freedom Loving Democratic States?
Re: Lost Cause

busybody said:
Get em all outa the country

If they are so pissed......Why are they here? Why dont they go back to their Freedom Loving Democratic States?

Good idea! And while you are at it, send back all the Italians, Poles, Irish, Scots,South Americans, Spanish, English, Africans....... fuck it send back all the immigrants!

Oops, only the Native Americans left!

Just as it should be, it's their country!
.."Send back the Scots"....

Hey B'spoke, could you run up to near Forres, and put a fire on in the ol' castle? Tell the fine person there that the family is coming home! When's the next Highland Games? I've been working on my caber toss! :D
Re: .."Send back the Scots"....

Lost Cause said:
Hey B'spoke, could you run up to near Forres, and put a fire on in the ol' castle? Tell the fine person there that the family is coming home! When's the next Highland Games? I've been working on my caber toss! :D

LC. Love to help. I'll ask a cousin in Aberdeen to nip along the A89 and do the business.

There's only two Highland Games worth doing. Braemar in August and Aboyne in September!:D