Going nuts?


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
I'm already nuts, though I never can decide on the kind. Hazelnuts are good, pistachoes hmmm, brazil nuts are wonderful as are macadamias.
Cashews are a little boring and peanuts aren't a nut at all.
Someone just said that they thought I was more of a pecan.
Then there are walnuts, almonds and tons more.
I just can't decide.
So, what kind of nut are you?
A psycho nut but my doctor is going to put me on medication for it soon.
I am a red pistachio.

You have to work really hard to open the shell, then savor the nut inside. After that, your fingers are red with reminder of the pleasure I brought you for some time!


Well, it sounds good, anyway!
nakedcowboy said:
well sweet and salty at the same time?? now that would be somthin to taste

It is. Once you pass the sweet/salty exterior...I'm creamy smooth on the tongue.
nakedcowboy said:
ok now you need not tease me like that pacblue
im to fragile for that lol

Cowboys were never meant to be fragile or did you not read the handbook?

You are saying you don't like how the sugar crystals on the salty nut melt like snowflakes on your tongue?
PacificBlue said:
Cowboys were never meant to be fragile or did you not read the handbook?

That's right!!
and I was going to ask you for wild, hard ride....
Well, personally, I'm not settling for a man who can't drive a nail through a two by four with his dick! :D
Coca~Cola said:
Why thank ya kindly

and I think butt week has ended and we're on to jeans week...
just a hint.
Lacking jeans pic so I stuck to this. :p
thats one feat i have yet to try but you give me the nail and the 2x4 and ill do it just for you lol
nakedcowboy said:
thats one feat i have yet to try but you give me the nail and the 2x4 and ill do it just for you lol

Can I come over and watch???
nakedcowboy said:
thats one feat i have yet to try but you give me the nail and the 2x4 and ill do it just for you lol

hmmm... a man who likes a challenge.

I wouldn't recommend trying it anytime soon...unless you were intending on cleaning up the gene pool.
nakedcowboy said:
why of course but you might wanna back up i dont want you to get hit by any splinters
Right, I'll wear my **safety goggles**