Glitter and Gold...

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I have a story on that topic:

Years ago while working retail, a man came into my shop. He crouched down to look at something on the bottom shelf. I walked over, asked if I could help him find something..... and as I looked down I noticed his cock peeking out, just like in that tumblr pic! They were somewhat short shorts he was wearing! I didn’t know where to look!!

(I find this an interesting image)
(This is not a part of life I have direct experience with, only second hand. I honor the process. However I am concerned as a male I'm intruding)


(posts and then runs and hides)
(I find this an interesting image)
(This is not a part of life I have direct experience with, only second hand. I honor the process. However I am concerned as a male I'm intruding)


(posts and then runs and hides)

My opinion: Not an intrusion at all. Just bring us chocolate and a hot water bottle, and be understanding if we break a date or are a bit irrational during that time. :eek:
(I find this an interesting image)
(This is not a part of life I have direct experience with, only second hand. I honor the process. However I am concerned as a male I'm intruding)


(posts and then runs and hides)

No intrusion. :rose:
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