GLBT Daily Vibe

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Hello my dear Light:heart::rose:
lol believe it or not I am the hot head in our little family, K is the one that offers sound reasoning, most of the time. lol Her reaction is basically how we will handle it. If she thinks I am over reacting then I will back off. But with my child I feel very strongly about the issues he is facing because I was much like him when I was young. I was damaged by my family, they do not hold my health in high regard, they will not hold his either if it does not suit their reality.

My sister has MS, she is deteriorating, I have to be vigilant. She is not the same person I knew when I was younger, that person I loved very much.
*grin* I imagine she can say the same about me.:rolleyes:

Trophy for, Best Evolved Woman goes to:

Best thoughts for your sister's condition. I bet she misses herself.
That can't be less than cruel to her heart.....
I am glad you are warm hearted enough to even bother to be considerate to her and her situation. Because there are enormous differences, to say the least and I have to acknowledge that you think of her - even in disagreements..because this is what humanity is all about. This is what I aim to do, each day, each night. For myself as well.
Good luck on trying to give my hair an updo. I have the hair from hell. Too thick to stay up..doesn't like to be styled much at all.

It's good to see you around, Light.
Trophy for, Best Evolved Woman goes to:

Best thoughts for your sister's condition. I bet she misses herself.
That can't be less than cruel to her heart.....
I am glad you are warm hearted enough to even bother to be considerate to her and her situation. Because there are enormous differences, to say the least and I have to acknowledge that you think of her - even in disagreements..because this is what humanity is all about. This is what I aim to do, each day, each night. For myself as well.

Lol you are silly.:kiss::heart::rose: My life is a zoo these days. Went and met my new therapist today about had a meltdown. Nervous dealing with new people. But the focus will be on my fear and anxiety issues which is the source of my depression. They are recording my sessions and discussing my case. *grin* I gave them something to talk about today.:cool:
ooooh no! I am not brave. I am just desperate. lol I have had 50 years of my fear and anxiety time to get rid of it. *hugs* thank you dear, you are sweet.:kiss::heart:

I'm really glad you went. I was afraid I'd have to beat you senseless with a wet noodle.
Lol you are silly.:kiss::heart::rose: My life is a zoo these days. Went and met my new therapist today about had a meltdown. Nervous dealing with new people. But the focus will be on my fear and anxiety issues which is the source of my depression. They are recording my sessions and discussing my case. *grin* I gave them something to talk about today.:cool:

Oooh a new therapist? Sorry for whatever I may have missed Gia, because I had no idea you were making such a brave move. *Hugs*
I hope you get a sound, deep sleep tonight to recover from it. That must have been draining for you.

Oooh a new therapist? Sorry for whatever I may have missed Gia, because I had no idea you were making such a brave move. *Hugs*
I hope you get a sound, deep sleep tonight to recover from it. That must have been draining for you.
IT did too! That wore me out.:rose: I slept like a rock:)

I am tired of all that fear and nonsense. I want to be able to live my dreams.

Oh by the way I am having computer problems so if I drop out of sight for a while that is what happened. I will make it back eventually.:heart::rose:
I hope my membership to Vibeland hasn't expired, due to inactivity.

Hello all. Not sure why I'm posting, since I have nothing to say, which is why I haven't posted; and my son has had the laptop, all day, every day, for school; but anyway, yeah- hi.

okay.... back to my hole now, bye.
I hope my membership to Vibeland hasn't expired, due to inactivity.

Hello all. Not sure why I'm posting, since I have nothing to say, which is why I haven't posted; and my son has had the laptop, all day, every day, for school; but anyway, yeah- hi.

okay.... back to my hole now, bye.
Doll there is no expiration.:kiss::heart::rose: ((((((((Andi))))))))
i am a bad person

i choose to play games, surf the net, and masturbate all day, instead of going out looking for work so i can contribute to society
i am a bad person

i choose to play games, surf the net, and masturbate all day, instead of going out looking for work so i can contribute to society

each moment is an opportunity to recreate yourself dear
:kiss: tearing yourself down is not healthy for you. Seek things that build you up, that means thoughts too.:rose:
I hope my membership to Vibeland hasn't expired, due to inactivity.

Impossible. Membership doesnt seem to expire here. I went away for 2 years and was welcomed straight back. :)

Sooooo.. I went out last night. And ended up on the town with some people from work. I have to be thankful I am Australian and that Dont ask dont tell doesnt apply to me.
on further inspection i think the problems i mentioned are linked to my deep-seated narcissism/dependancy. i just GOTTA have my fix of flattery and affirmation and when i get it it feels so good i get off on it.

i told some of my friends today, you can try to cure me or you can feed me, either way i'll be pleased with you
Impossible. Membership doesnt seem to expire here. I went away for 2 years and was welcomed straight back. :)

Sooooo.. I went out last night. And ended up on the town with some people from work. I have to be thankful I am Australian and that Dont ask dont tell doesnt apply to me.

Oooh. Do we get the rest of the story??? :D
on further inspection i think the problems i mentioned are linked to my deep-seated narcissism/dependancy. i just GOTTA have my fix of flattery and affirmation and when i get it it feels so good i get off on it.

i told some of my friends today, you can try to cure me or you can feed me, either way i'll be pleased with you

Aww, hon. *hugs* Someday you'll be able to flatter and affirm yourself, and then there will be no more limits. :rose:
Needing flattery and affirmation from people you value does not make you narcissistic. It just shows a low self esteem..which you do need to work on. But those who care about you can help build you up by giving you remind you that you ARE beautiful, sweet, and strong.

You need to stop giving yourself bad labels. That's a dangerous trap right there.
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