gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Phoenyx said:
erections that are so hard they hurt...
Mine is like that every morning.

And every night before I empry my balls.
Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Plus, in between that.
Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Phoenyx said:
erections that are so hard they hurt...

don't remind me of those, i get them far to often, I wish there was like an anti viagra at those times something to loosen the blood flow, and maybe something for that morning water wood too
Re: Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Todd-'o'-Vision said:
don't remind me of those, i get them far to often, I wish there was like an anti viagra at those times something to loosen the blood flow, and maybe something for that morning water wood too

think of Rosie o donell and Rosanne bar in a naked lesbian threesomen with Oprah
Re: Re: Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

Phoenyx said:
think of Rosie o donell and Rosanne bar in a naked lesbian threesomen with Oprah

i want to be able to use it again in this lifetime and i think my gal would appreciate its use as well
Here's a good conversation for you, Todders.

Many people who are seemingly very religious, don't want to hear facts. In fact, their faith is so fragile that they will actively oppose opening their minds up to anything that might dispute any single tiny piece of their religious beliefs.

Take for example - evolution. Many religious zealots who are creationists, do not even let the scientific facts of evolution settle in their brain for in their mind evolution and creationism simply cannot exist on any level. Thus, any small belief in evolution shatters their world. They can't believe in any aspect of it because their beliefs are so fragile that they are not constantly testing them.

In fact, those who are truly religious, who truly have faith and believe strongly in the principles of their religion of choice are those who allow themselves to constantly question and find ways that fact and religion can coexist.
Re: Re: gimme a good old fashioned conversation

curious2c said:
Yep. shur can. Uh huh. So Todd-o, whuts fur supper?

foot long pizza sub, foot long combo sub and a 6 inch rib sub about a loaded subject......Good one thought Lavender.

lavender said:
Here's a good conversation for you, Todders.

Many people who are seemingly very religious, don't want to hear facts. In fact, their faith is so fragile that they will actively oppose opening their minds up to anything that might dispute any single tiny piece of their religious beliefs.

Take for example - evolution. Many religious zealots who are creationists, do not even let the scientific facts of evolution settle in their brain for in their mind evolution and creationism simply cannot exist on any level. Thus, any small belief in evolution shatters their world. They can't believe in any aspect of it because their beliefs are so fragile that they are not constantly testing them.

In fact, those who are truly religious, who truly have faith and believe strongly in the principles of their religion of choice are those who allow themselves to constantly question and find ways that fact and religion can coexist.

I believe in biblical and scientific micro evolution. testable, reprovable, repeatable.

I don't believe in unsceintific and unbiblical macro evolution. untestable, unreprovable, unrepeatable.

I have lived as an athiest and as a christian, i have read a lot of sides on boths sides of the fence, and understand that both have a lot of faith and blindness to them, the hard aspect, is to sit on the fence and reach out to each side and take what is good and loeave behind the thrash.

have i done it yet, nope, not fully, still working on balancing on that sucker, its very narrow and tall.

but i thought religion and evolution were your off topics with me?