Get real.


Really Really Experienced
Aug 9, 2002
I understand power transfer. I understand the need of a woman to submit to the strength of a man. I do not understand the need of some men to submit to a woman. That does baffle me, but hell... maybe they're more in tune with their feminine nature.

What I don't understand is how SERIOUSLY people take this. Come on... it's sex.

Nothing grates my fucking nerves more than a woman who refers to he "master" as "sir"... in the third person. And what's the capial/lowecase thing? "Y/you?" "i?" Jesus people... it's not that serious. You are having sex... she wants to feel weak against you... she needs her ass spanked. She's not a goddamn blowup doll.

I couldn't have sex wth a woman who was not somewhere near my intellectual equal. Therefore, for her to refer to me as "him" demeans her and I both. Why doesn't she just call me "it?" I make my subs say "yes, sir," but they also call me by my name. I have a name for a reason. I also let my current girlfriend select the name she calles me when we scene. It means "sanctuary" in Japanese. Now that's how I to show dominance. I made her work to find my title and it's of mutual respect.

Not that I don't understand humiliation. I have been in some hard scenes. I can run a show, certainly, but seriously... it's just fucking. Enough already.

I understand headspace. I understand the way endorphins and adrenaline work to heighten the sexual response though pain. I do not understand mutilating the human body. That's fucking sick. I have seen pictures online of a woman with nails being driven though her nipples and another of a steel rod penetrating the breast. That fucking causes cancer you goddamn mindless freaks! DO NOT fuck with the perfection of my woman's tits! Damn! That shows that you do not care about the person. I saw an mpeg of a woman absolutely crushing a guys balls with her foot. Hey... fuck him... he didn't use them anyway to get in that situation.

And while I'm at it... ANY fucker who is into scat needs to take a break. That's unbelievably disgusting. Do you know the germs inherent in that activity? It's like BEGGING for a staph infection! You do NOT EAT SHIT!!! Goddamn, people! If you want to have sex with someone's poop involved, please... PLEASE... the Department of Health has free psychiatric services.

I guess what I'm saying is this: it's just sex. Why be so goddamn SERIOUS about it? And don't fuck people you hate.
I was rather surprised that your post was so full of anger and judgements.

Perhaps it would be more helpful to you if you were to actually read about BDSM and understand what it is about BEFORE you make inaccurate generalizations that reflect your complete ignorance of the subject and the thoughts and feelings of those who enjoy it.

There are many great threads here that explain the difference between what we practice and your naive perceptions of BDSM. Educate yourself first, then perhaps we can have a rational discussion
Thanks for telling us about your preferences, Rocket.

It's about choices, really.

We all do things that make us feel good, physically, spiritually and psychologically. You choose to get these experiences one way, other people choose to get their experiences another way. There is enough room for everyone.

Do not deny someone pleasure, because you do not understand it. Do not judge someone because you do not choose what they do.

Accept your differences, and appreciate the diversity.

I'd hate to live in a world where everyone thought and felt and experienced things the way I do. I'd never learn, or broaden my horizons, because I wouldn't be able to see from a different perspective.

Thank you for giving us yours, though.
In my humble opinion... If you think it's just sex, you must be missing something.

For me, anyway, it's a lot more than sex. Sex is just the icing on the cake. Well, maybe it wouldn't be if I did the one night spank thing, but developing the level of trust and communication necessary to sustain a D/s relationship takes it way beyond the physical and into the the psychological, emotional and spiritual realm. I'm truly sorry that you don't get this. Being a Dom is about so much more than knowing how to swing a flogger or accurately place a crack from a single tail. It's delving into the psyche of the submissive, stripping away fears, discovering needs and desires and using that to push them to their limits. Done properly, it not only results in better sex but actually provides a sense of accomplishment, security, confidence and often translates into a better sense of self in the everyday world.

As far as the capitalizations, I use it to denote a profound respect and place of honor for Sir. Everyone uses the honorific titles and caps in different ways... I restrict mine to His name only. And I call Him Sir because... well... as far as I'm concerned, that's His name. You mentioned that your girlfriend calls you by your name... Not all of us have the same kind of relationship. My Dom is not my boyfriend and never will be. Nor am I His girlfriend. We maintain the formality of Master/ submissive as it helps both of us create a certain tone to our interaction that facilitates a safe place for both of us to explore some of the less conventional needs within us.

Please don't fall into the My Kink is Better than Your Kink trap. So you and your girlfriend like to play a little slap and tickle. Good for you. But don't presume that everyone is going to play the same way you do or enjoy the same things you do or have the same sexual orientation you do. You may not understand it, but at least respect it.
Re: Re: Get real.

Red Menace said:
In my humble opinion... If you think it's just sex, you must be missing something.

For me, anyway, it's a lot more than sex. Sex is just the icing on the cake. Well, maybe it wouldn't be if I did the one night spank thing, but developing the level of trust and communication necessary to sustain a D/s relationship takes it way beyond the physical and into the the psychological, emotional and spiritual realm. I'm truly sorry that you don't get this. Being a Dom is about so much more than knowing how to swing a flogger or accurately place a crack from a single tail. It's delving into the psyche of the submissive, stripping away fears, discovering needs and desires and using that to push them to their limits. Done properly, it not only results in better sex but actually provides a sense of accomplishment, security, confidence and often translates into a better sense of self in the everyday world.

As far as the capitalizations, I use it to denote a profound respect and place of honor for Sir. Everyone uses the honorific titles and caps in different ways... I restrict mine to His name only. And I call Him Sir because... well... as far as I'm concerned, that's His name. You mentioned that your girlfriend calls you by your name... Not all of us have the same kind of relationship. My Dom is not my boyfriend and never will be. Nor am I His girlfriend. We maintain the formality of Master/ submissive as it helps both of us create a certain tone to our interaction that facilitates a safe place for both of us to explore some of the less conventional needs within us.

Please don't fall into the My Kink is Better than Your Kink trap. So you and your girlfriend like to play a little slap and tickle. Good for you. But don't presume that everyone is going to play the same way you do or enjoy the same things you do or have the same sexual orientation you do. You may not understand it, but at least respect it.

I couldnt agree with you More ,Red(GEE i OWE YOU some avy websites still dont I? sorry..) anyways especially THIS STATEMENT you made hits home with me..>""developing the level of trust and communication necessary to sustain a D/s relationship takes it way beyond the physical and into the the psychological, emotional and spiritual realm. ""

For me,my submissiveness and respect for my Master Artful carries into much more than just our sexual pleasures derived from one another,It's part of our daily living,He is my Master OUT of the bedroom also...:rose: our deep feelings of Love and committment to one another are displayed in all aspects of our lives..NOT just sexual ones:D
Can you say "troll" boils and ghouls? (Well, it's almost halloween...) :)

Seriously, it looks like he's straining so hard to provoke he's going to get a hernia in his typing fingers. Best to ignore, methinks.

Sexy black cooze to follow (do you realize that you folks have the dubious honor of seeing me type that "c" word for the very first time? ;) I am sick and tired of all the old words I always use and am trying to expand my pornographic vocabulary):
How do you go from the choice of bdsm to scat?

I see no relation to each other.

This would have been posted on the GB,wouldnt it?
WriterDom said:
What's the Japanese word for intolerant blowhard?


No need in really discussing this topic with Rocket. His mind is made up.....

Instead let's all do some thing fun.
I've just defecated right on your post, Rocket88.

Your anus needs to be stretched a bit.
It is all relative and individual.

Some involved in D/s prefer the formality and the "His/her's, W/we, Master/slave, Sir/pet references.

Others view it as pure uninhibited sexuality and aren't as intensely involved as others.

No one is right.
No one is wrong.

Just do as you, please.
Rocket88 said:
...I do not understand the need of some men to submit to a woman.

...What I don't understand is how SERIOUSLY people take this. Come on... it's sex.

... I do not understand mutilating the human body.

Guys, I think he's just saying he doesn't understand. Maybe he wants us to explain it to him?


I know that Rocket sounds like a flamer, but there are some things he brought up that I don't understand either. Genital mutilation for one. UCE posted a picture in another thread of a breast that was severely damaged with nails through it and such. It was a huge turnoff for me. Turned my stomach actually.

For those who find that a turn on, can you explain why?

Always curious .....
Hi Rocket88

I guess that's where the expression "Eat shit and die." comes from...


Being called Sir Feces Fest or Lord Lovely Load or even Master Merde Mangez isn't my thing either.

But some people dig scat and some people dig olde englishe D/s and Gor speake.

And there's room for them here I figure.

I like D/s.

And in general I enjoy taking stupid arguments apart until their small minded proponents are twitching on the ground and foaming at the mouth.

What do you like?

How's the weather OBX these daze?

A Desert Rose said:
Pretty dead on the General Board today, Chilled?
Yea, they are talking about romance and love. Bollocks to that.
Re: Re: Get real.

Rubyfruit said:

Guys, I think he's just saying he doesn't understand. Maybe he wants us to explain it to him?


I know that Rocket sounds like a flamer, but there are some things he brought up that I don't understand either. Genital mutilation for one. UCE posted a picture in another thread of a breast that was severely damaged with nails through it and such. It was a huge turnoff for me. Turned my stomach actually.

For those who find that a turn on, can you explain why?

Always curious .....

I can't speak to why genital mutilation is a turn on, but I can think of it as being part of a scale. There are those who think pierced nipples are disgusting - and there are those who think pierced nipples are totally erotic. Technically, one could argue that piercing nipples is mutilation, yes? So why do people engage in it? (totally rhetorical question)

I've seen mutilation pics that truly did gross me out. I think of OUTSIDER's avs in that regard. Yet, unless these folks are having this done against their will, I would have to assume that they either a. like it, or b. can withstand it for the money paid out.

Oh, and there must be some one out there who gets off on seeing these things.

But the attraction? I would say that the person who finds severe mutilation a turn on (either viewing or pariticipating) is only further along on the scale than the person who finds less offensive body mutilations (nipple piercings, and such) a turn on.

Well, that's my take on it, anyway.
Thanks for your response, Chele, and I agree with you completely. I don't hold a judgment on it, I just want to understand it.

For instance, I PM'd Lit's resident scat enthusiast, asking him honestly what appealed to him about it and found out it was about extreme intimacy for him. He gave me better insight into something I previously had no explanation for.

Here to learn, as always....
This thread makes me think....

don't we all have turn ons that can't be explained.

It just happens.

We may even have things we enjoy, fetishes that turn us off to see a photo of them, but when engaging in the act, we can't get enough?

So, there may be no complete answers to the original post.

Whatever makes us hot, just makes us hot?
zipman7 said:
I was rather surprised that your post was so full of anger and judgements...
I wasn't angry... I was laughing. Except for the people who take advantage of the emotionally weak and mutilate their bodies. If that's you, you're a sick fuck and I hope you get your balls caught in a meat grinder.
Re: Re: Get real.

Red Menace said:
...So you and your girlfriend like to play a little slap and tickle...
It's a lot deeper than that. My word is not questioned and she does exactly as I say. But I respect her and I would not have any power had she not given it as a consenting, intelligent adult.
Re: Re: Get real.

ChilledVodka said:
I've just defecated right on your post, Rocket88.

Your anus needs to be stretched a bit.


Lancecastor said:
Hi Rocket88
I guess that's where the expression "Eat shit and die." comes from...
Being called Sir Feces Fest or Lord Lovely Load or even Master Merde Mangez isn't my thing either...
That was really funy. I guess if I were a 14 year old on AOL I'd say "lol."

...What do you like?...
Bettie Page. Is there anything else?
MissTaken said:
This thread makes me think....

don't we all have turn ons that can't be explained.

I don't think I have any turn ons that I can't honestly explain to myself, if nobody else.
Re: Re: Get real.

Rubyfruit said:
Guys, I think he's just saying he doesn't understand. Maybe he wants us to explain it to him?
...Genital mutilation for one... For those who find that a turn on, can you explain why?...

See, you're sweet. Notice how everyone bashed me and said how open-minded I'm NOT? They weren't very open to my opinion, I guess.

Then comes you... lovely dark-haired ray of sunshine. Much like the aforementioned Betty Page. Sure, you'll be mailgned and castigated for being nice to me in this thread, but what the hell.

No one with a normal mind can explain any type of physical mutilation. Not only is is bizare and sick, it's criminal.

Also, for the kneejerks: just because someone uses profanity in a thread, doesn't mean they're angry. This ain't fucking Sunday School.