Geek Pride Day! Official Support Thread

Oh!! Congratulations! :D

That's what I missed, weftandwarp. I studied your post and was trying to figure, "Sooooo...does this mean another contemplative author might want to dip toes in?" But I forgot to ask.

And lo, you're actually finished! Marvelous. :) I shall be sure to include you in the next list (usually when I have 3-4 notable alterations, if not more...don't want to be too anal about the updates. Anal is intended to be fun, not annoying. :D )

I've just send you my finished [well, 1st draft finished] product for your opinion on whether or not it qualifies... if not, then I might be up to try again, now this monstrosity's done. :D
Time to update The List!

In Order of Appearance:

ChloeTzang "Penetration Testing" (John Ringo/ e e doc smith but a version where the Chinese are doing the heavy lifting. Note: the name of the ship is NOT the SLAP Happiness.)
Oh!! Congratulations! :D

That's what I missed, weftandwarp. I studied your post and was trying to figure, "Sooooo...does this mean another contemplative author might want to dip toes in?" But I forgot to ask.

And lo, you're actually finished! Marvelous. :) I shall be sure to include you in the next list (usually when I have 3-4 notable alterations, if not more...don't want to be too anal about the updates. Anal is intended to be fun, not annoying. :D )

Ha, don't worry. I wrote it night before last, from 7pm to 11 am. I'm not fast. It will be thought a fantasy more than what I understand to be science fiction. I've had the courage to base it on me. Very difficult.

I like the idea behind this because everyone starts equal, more than with the others. It is so difficult to run contests.
It also helps that there's a wide variety of topics, settings and plots one can pick from. Geekdom and Nerd Culture are vast areas. If this ever gets a second outing, I'm totally writing some Transformers fanfic.

Arcee captured by the Decepticons? BlackArachnia showing her the pleasures of the roboflesh before Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker oil her tailpipe(s)? Hrr Hrr Hrr... :)

Also, dearest whip-swinging, cheerleading dark elf mistress, my story clocks in at 27.629 words, to be utterly exact. :)
Well, I got sidetracked. 3k words into "Beware of Geeks Baring Dicks".

....That story springboards with just the title. :devil: I can see why you got sidetracked!

No worries. 6 weeks out still. Plenty of time to for PLANS and Trojans, if you want. ;) Har har har!
....That story springboards with just the title. :devil: I can see why you got sidetracked!

No worries. 6 weeks out still. Plenty of time to for PLANS and Trojans, if you want. ;) Har har har!

Well, the final line is already written. "This time those Geek dicks were all going to be wearing Trojans." (Copyright). My heroine is Dana lol and at the start she's reading the Aeneid.

And I think it was either Handley-Page or Ogg quoting something classic that gave me that idea.
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3rd April = movie geek heaven day.

2001 A Space Odyssey was first released, fifty years ago.

My piece (for Etaski, 17k5 and counting) is reverential, with two major thematic references and an in-joke. There's also a literary Easter egg that Clearwater missed because he's sill catching up on his twentieth century reading, three poets, another writer, and an artist. And a long dialogue crib from a real moon landing.
Yo, geeks and freaks. How is it going? Is it going/flying/transdimensionally repositioning at all?
Are we still having a Nude Day contest or is Geek Pride Day replacing the Nude Day contest?

If we are having a Nude Day contest, when does that begin?

Lastly, is there no prize money assigned to the Geek Pride Day contest?
Yo, geeks and freaks. How is it going? Is it going/flying/transdimensionally repositioning at all?

For the sake of Etaski's tracking data, I'm at 3.5K words and my setup just got a thumbs up from my beta reader. Most of my stories end up around the 10K mark. I don't expect this one to be any different, so call it about one-third finished.
My entry's a no go, so I'm starting afresh. I was looking for inspiration, and decided to give one of those plot generators a go. I'm liking it. I can work with this.

In a hole there lived a corrosive, pleasant kudakan named Jaspar . Not a glittering distant, elusive hole, filled with scratchings and a vermillion smell, nor yet a calcified, introverted, programatic hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a kudakan-hole, and that means horror.

One day, after a troubling visit from the Thylacoleo carnifex Gabe , Jaspar leaves his hole and sets out in search of three predatory notes. A quest undertaken in the company of humans, crawlers and slick colonists.

In the search for the Thylacoleo carnifex-guarded notes, Jaspar surprises even himself with his intelligence and skill as a watchman.

During his travels, Jaspar rescues a flower, an heirloom belonging to Gabe. But when Gabe refuses to try leaking, their friendship is over.

However, Gabe is wounded at the Battle of The Caves and the two reconcile just before Jaspar engages in some serious leaking.

Jaspar accepts one of the three predatory notes and returns home to his hole a very wealthy kudakan.

I know, you're all excited to see how this one turns out.

Get ready for some serious leaking.
Get ready for some serious leaking.

It's like someone played a game of Mad-Libs by pulling a handful of random Scrabble tiles out of a bag and making the highest scoring words they could.

Huh. That actually sounds like an awesome way to play Mad-Libs.
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So why the limitation to sci fi/fantasy? Computer workers, engineers, cos-players, architects, anyone who wears a short sleeved shirt with a tie...

Why the category requirement? Just curious.
So why the limitation to sci fi/fantasy? Computer workers, engineers, cos-players, architects, anyone who wears a short sleeved shirt with a tie...

Why the category requirement? Just curious.

Two reasons:

1) There's not going to be a special page to collect stories from different categories under the same banner unless PuckIt works it out with Laurel. If they're in one category, they will be easier to see on the theme day.

2) My understanding is that we're courting stories that celebrate the internal worlds of Geekdom. The category requirement invites stories written for Geeks, not about them, stories of the fantasies going on inside geeks' heads, for other geeks to read, rather than stories poking fun from the outside at those who are geeks in the real world.

The Sci-Fi/Fantasy category is for erotic stories where the main draw is world-building. The stories are set somewhere else, often with non-human beings but just as often with humans together.

It's the setting that sets Sci-Fi/Fantasy apart from Non-Human or Erotic Horror, for example, where, the majority of the time those stories are set on Earth, often in the modern day, and include non-human beings.

Here's an example of contrast PuckIt gave me recently:

Two geeks knocking their gameboard aside to have non-con anal sex with the jock who has been making them miserable. Yeah, not geeky enough.

If, on the other hand, two cosmonauts want to have a go at the uppity astronaut as they drift through space... well, then.

I imagine there will be some deviation from this since it is open to anyone and no one is vetting or blocking stories except per Laurel and the usual submission rules for Literotica apply. A writer could see the announcement, write whatever they want, submit it per the guidelines, have it posted for Geek Pride Day. If it doesn't fit Sci-Fi, it would go somewhere else per Laurel's discretion and we'd never know it.

But since you're curious and you asked here, this is the reason. :)
So why the limitation to sci fi/fantasy? Computer workers, engineers, cos-players, architects, anyone who wears a short sleeved shirt with a tie...

Why the category requirement? Just curious.

I asked the same question back in Post #50. It was answered about four posts later. Feel free to read it; I doubt the answer has changed any.
Heyla, guys and gals, dudes and dolls, Crazy Cats and Kool Kittens.

Sorry I dropped off the radar for a bit. Do nothing but hang out in front of the computer for months and then just when you get involved in something, the shitstorm hits.

"Dude! Is it just me? Or does that storm building look like it's going to be a motherfucker?"

Any road, it's not important. If anyone is all that curious, they can read about it in my "give a fuck" thread. I refuse to let that penis cloud rain on our Geek Parade.

Thanks guys for keeping the freak flags flying!

And a special thanks to Etaski for covering my slack while I was moping. (And in case her husband reads this, I would clarify I said "slack," not "slacks." [And I'm sticking to that story since he's much bigger.])

So, let's get any kinks (other than the sexual kind) smoothed.

Is This Real?

In answer to SusanJillParker's question, this did turn into a real event fully sanctioned by the site administrators.

It is not, however, a contest with voting composite metrics and cash prizes and is not part of Literotica's Special Contest Calendar (found here).

Nude Day is the next event on that calendar where writers will be competing to see who has the highest score for cash and bragging rights.

How Lit's Geek Pride Day event got started was that I, personally, had made an internal pact with myself that I would get something up for each contest over the course of one year primarily just to keep myself writing and then evaluate where I was on a personal level. (Again, that sad shit story is elsewhere and I won't kill the chill by going into it here.) But, Nude Day is so far away, I was having trouble motivating after slinging some monkey poop up for April Fools.

Like an idiot, I decided to post my intention in the AH in my, now defunct, "May the Fourth" thread, primarily to keep myself from backing out, when I decided to do a little something Geeky (Sci-Fi or Fantasy[ish]) in May. I did not expect that others would jump on the bandwagon.

And I damn sure didn't expect that Queen Laurel would call me to the throne and bid me to turn my little self-motivating thing into a full-blown event for all interested authors. I mean, anyone that has been paying attention should have gleaned by now that I'm just the court jester, not even a knight, much less a bard.

Any road, yes. It is a real event. It is not a contest. Unless maybe the prize is Geek Cred.

Why Sci-Fi & Fantasy Category Only?

Although Etaski pretty well covered it, I'd just like to chime in a little to jsmiam's question.

My initial plan, when it was just for myself, was to do a little something in that category to celebrate "May the Fourth (Be With You)." However, once I began thinking in terms of getting other people involved (under Mistress Laurel's whip), I came nose to fist with the fact that that particular holiday is widely accepted to be Star Warped. (And I think Disney may be trying to buy the rights.)

Well, I took a little virtual stroll (playing pocket pool) and ran across Geek Pride Day. And I decided that fit what I was actually trying to do a little better since even I have no intention of having Princess Laid getting some Wookie Nookie after being tickle tortured by Darth InVader. So, I set about checking how I could hammer that into some kind of shape.

Having been an abysmal failure at the now-defunct Survivor Competition (under a different name [and don't bother asking since my current crop of crap is bad enough without inflicting that on anyone]), I was aware that there are 35 distinct categories. Now, maybe a lot of people don't know that the all-time highest rated story in the Humor Category is actually a Geek story of a sort, "The Double-Ds play D&D" or something like that. However, I've got a feeling that a lot of Geeks who aren't also Geeks (like me) who tend to cruise all the various categories just to see what is there might not have ever read it.

Any road, perhaps it was a tad arbitrary of me, but at the time I was trying to come up with the official post for the front page under threat of Mistress Laurel's displeasure and trying to start this thread, Sci-Fi & Fantasy just seemed to make the most sense to keep everything what most Geeks would want to read.

Along the way, both in open forum and in private, I've had it called to my attention that this cuts out some aspects of Geekdom. And that was not my intent at all! The entire point of Geekness (and Literotica) is, or should be, to allow anyone and everyone to get their Geek freak on in whatever way best suits them!

And I would be the last person to tell anyone not to write whatever they damn well please (so long as it fits Mistress Laurel's decrees)!

However, as Etaski was too polite to spell out, I'm also a lazy son of a bitch (and maybe a little concerned that I might not be physically able to do everything I would need to in order to make this little event the success BlackRandi has managed with her efforts such as the westerns or more recent mysteries).

Any road, as I was looking, I myself could make several arguments for Geek stories all up and down all thirty-five categories. I could see Geeks being into Anal. If you don't think Geeks can be into BDSM, I challenge you to read the old Gor novels. Ok, so the Reviews & Essays might be a little more Nerd than Geek. But, pretty much I could see a Geek story that would fit most of the thirty-five categories.

However, I could also easily see how most of those ideas could be adapted to fit Sci-Fi & Fantasy as the broadest, most accepting category available. And, considering I'm about as sharp as a box of marbles these days, I figure if I can see, any other potential contributors most likely would as well.

Computer Workers? Well, who's to say that they are Computer Workers from now or from the future (or the past)? Who's to say they aren't IT Geeks that got sucked into King Arthur's Court? "Abacus? Bring me two coconuts, seven lemons, and twenty-two potatoes."

Engineers? Oh, please. Engineers are the original Sci-Fi. They are the ones who make what other people don't think is possible.

Cos-Players might be a little tricky. But... Well, what if the cos-player got all duded up just trying to look good and then got sucked into the novel/game/whatever s/he was cosplaying? How would they deal with the "realities" of the world they were cosplaying the were a part of?

Any road, my thought process was that while I could argue that Geekness could be spread throughout the thirty-five categories, it was also possible to redraft so that virtually all thirty-five categories could fit into Sci-Fi & Fantasy if the author of the piece went to the effort of building that particular world.

Don't sweat it. It's all fun and games (at least until someone loses their arm to a photon grenade). Fly your freak flag high! Write the story you have. When you're done, eyeball it for Geek Cred. Aim for the Sci-Fi & Fantasy genre, sure, since that's where the Geek eyes will be aimed for this little dungeon delve. (And don't forget to put "Geek Pride Day" in the notes!) But, when it's all said and done, Geeks of your particular stripe will love you for any tale of a little tail so long as you tell it well.
Two reasons:

1) There's not going to be a special page to collect stories from different categories under the same banner unless PuckIt works it out with Laurel. If they're in one category, they will be easier to see on the theme day.

2) My understanding is that we're courting stories that celebrate the internal worlds of Geekdom. The category requirement invites stories written for Geeks, not about them, stories of the fantasies going on inside geeks' heads, for other geeks to read, rather than stories poking fun from the outside at those who are geeks in the real world.

The Sci-Fi/Fantasy category is for erotic stories where the main draw is world-building. The stories are set somewhere else, often with non-human beings but just as often with humans together.

It's the setting that sets Sci-Fi/Fantasy apart from Non-Human or Erotic Horror, for example, where, the majority of the time those stories are set on Earth, often in the modern day, and include non-human beings.

Here's an example of contrast PuckIt gave me recently:

Two geeks knocking their gameboard aside to have non-con anal sex with the jock who has been making them miserable. Yeah, not geeky enough.

If, on the other hand, two cosmonauts want to have a go at the uppity astronaut as they drift through space... well, then.

I imagine there will be some deviation from this since it is open to anyone and no one is vetting or blocking stories except per Laurel and the usual submission rules for Literotica apply. A writer could see the announcement, write whatever they want, submit it per the guidelines, have it posted for Geek Pride Day. If it doesn't fit Sci-Fi, it would go somewhere else per Laurel's discretion and we'd never know it.

But since you're curious and you asked here, this is the reason. :)

I have a Computer Science degree. I have worked as a computer scientist at research labs and at engineering companies. I'm not sure, though, if I am considered a geek: I have 4 high school varsity letters, 4 college letters, and played three seasons of semi-professional soccer.

So yeah, Sci-fi/Fantasy has to be where my story will go. After all, who wants to read about the college athlete bedding the English and Art majors who were his roommates?
See, I wanted to do a story about real-world geeks too. So I went ahead and wrote it, and now it’s pending. After getting kicked back because it uses words like “sophomore” and “underclassman.”

Best of both worlds. A geek story getting its own airing, a SciFi story contributing to this effort.
I have a Computer Science degree. I have worked as a computer scientist at research labs and at engineering companies. I'm not sure, though, if I am considered a geek: I have 4 high school varsity letters, 4 college letters, and played three seasons of semi-professional soccer.

Yes, you are. You've got the starter credentials, and you've put them in a list. And you've claimed superiority over the Arts majors. Case closed. Start writing ;).
Oh, and for Etaski's list, the bit with turning the 8" fairy into a gunge girl has been put on hold for the nonce.

Instead, thanks in a large part to my own mental and emotional darkness (and not just because I'm an ass who wanted to tweak a certain Drow Priestess' nose), I've gone with a little something that will have to go in hard Sci-Fi instead of Fun-loving Fantasy.

Sci-fi 'cause, of course, I'm not really the disembodied brain of a man who donated his body to science... and who has figured out how to back-hack the electrodes and probes to invade computers on the other end and springboard from there into the electronic world of gizmos and gadgets including the webcam on your laptop or your smartphone, who has taken an interest in a certain Lit personality (who shall remain nameless), and who is even now taking over the XFab plant for the purpose of manufacturing a robotic body with triple piston driven dildos and clamps in the place of hands and feet...

Or am I?


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Best of both worlds. A geek story getting its own airing, a SciFi story contributing to this effort.
Your incredibly generous gift (and your very first earmarked for the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category no less!), might have also spurred some complacent Geeks to grab their dice bags and hustle a bit, Mr. First! ;)

Yes, you are. You've got the starter credentials, and you've put them in a list. And you've claimed superiority over the Arts majors. Case closed. Start writing ;).
That is the simplest it could be said. *ahem* Buries blushing face in her list.... Where were we?

In Order of Appearance:

PuckIt (Progress Rebooted, Dragon egg now going cold with pixie off to sooth her craving for brownies. A Hard One Is Rising!)


Antryg Windrose

(17K5 and counting, Easter Eggs of 2001 and Apollo 11. Be sure to brush up on 19th century literature to experience full impact. Deep impact..)

Blind_Justice (30K+ and counting. The Novel without a Name. Mash-up and strain together Mass Effect, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Babylon 5, pour into a sizeable goblet, and enjoy. Add a Rind of Firefly to that Margarita glass. Etaski runs out to buy more printer paper to keep beta reading in bed (true story).)


(John Ringo/ e e doc smith but a version where the Chinese are doing the heavy lifting. Note: the name of the ship is NOT the SLAP Happiness. Addendum: Slight detour to 3K words on antiquity puns with so many cleverness modifiers, it broke my d20.)

Voboy (FIRST FINISHED! Quote the author: "21,000 words, and yes, it includes penetrative sex with an alien who has a prehensile penis and can cum on order. Also lots of oral, in all sorts of contexts. And a space battle!" I keep pasting this and know I have to wait for the prehensile penis. :eek: Such tragedy.)




(In Progress, closer to 5K, secret. Very secret. Okay, hope you like word problems. "Do your own work, everybody!!")

Alice_Rosaleen (1500 words, but hopefully more. Cyberpunk triple-distilled, topshelf. *tips empty shotglass.* Sigh, damn.)


(Completed novella, 43K dark speculative fiction deemed too goddamn scary for being so real/surreal. :eek: But I really did enjoy it; not for the meek, and like Voboy's two stories, it should be posted anyway. Ideas being rebooted via Mad-Libs. "Get ready for some serious leaking.")



(You made a list and elbowed out the Arts Majors!! Admit it! One of us! One of us! ;) :D )

MSTarot (PIRATES! YARR! AT LAST! I seriously wants pirates.)

weftandwarp (SECOND FINISHED! Dark Horse sweeps in with 10K words of Botany, love, and autism.)

Taroo Taroo! sang the horn as Monty Python's Black Knight carries the Freak Flag across the Battlefield wedged in his visor.
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