Gay for pay? Wouldn't this be terrible?


LuvLoox betr'n Color
Jul 22, 2021
I stumbled on a YouTube channel with a perspective on sex in prison, specifically for gay men.

The YouTuber identifies as straight and uses the handle STRAIGHTFELON.
Since watching ContraPoints, I buy you can be straight and have sex with trans women.
He professes to prefer dating trans women (I believe he is married to a trans woman now).

His target audience is clearly gay men and I find him attractive.

That said, he uses the label "Gay4Pay" and he has some hot stuff clipped to promote his OF.

Tempted to subscribe to his OF, I stopped short. I felt too icky about it.
He is clearly bottoming and sucking dick, but makes it clear he doesn't enjoy it.
I've had sex when I didn't want to. It is awful.

Because of his criminal record, no one will hire him. The income from his OF, he says, is life changing.

I guess he's lucky people will pay to see him do that, but I can't help thinking that if he had another option... he'd take it.

I don't know. I feel bad for the guy, taking cock up his ass to survive. In my opinion, it highlights some defects in how the system functions.
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I sympathize with your view point.
However, not much different than doing a job you dislike because you have to put food on the table.
I have fantasized about being a male prostitute and fucking guys for money. My pimp would be a hot femdom though. LOL
I agree with you about performing a task that is necessary to put food on the table rather than doing a job that you enjoy but may not be financially suitable for your needs, family, etc. It's not good to have a job that is work though, fortunately for me I like what I'm doing.
I sympathize with your view point.
However, not much different than doing a job you dislike because you have to put food on the table.
I have fantasized about being a male prostitute and fucking guys for money. My pimp would be a hot femdom though. LOL
There’s a difference between doing a job and doing a dream job. One of my fantasies is to be pimped out by my girlfriend, although I imagine her getting all the money and spoiling herself with it. All the bills and stuff taken care of first, of course, and anything she gets would be spent on spoiling herself - spa days, vacations, clothes, purses, cigarettes - and I do it as her loyal slut.

The reality would have to be a good bit different, mostly from a personal safety and time standpoint, and it would be for excitement and pleasure rather than just doing a job. It should be an escape from that, even if it’s presented as a day job.
I saw a documentary on Prime, called All Male, All Nude. It interviewed a group of men who are Nude dancers at a gym club. Almost all were straight, one was married to a woman and had a kid, one was studying for med school. It was clearly just a job for all of them. Some enjoyed it, enjoyed being the center of attention. A few were honest enough to admit they did it out of need for money. They made a good living at it but would jump at the chance to do something else.

Being a stripper is clearly different from being a full on sex worker, but the principle is the same. My concern is for the ones being pimped out against their will. It's one thing to realize a fantasy of being pimped out by your girlfriend, or boyfriend. It's another thing to do it out of desperation.
Yes, if he really hates it, it's bad.

It's usually better to be gay for free even just for the enjoyment of that type of sex.
There are literally thousands and thousands of women (including trans) who do sex work for money. The first trans woman I ever met (virtually) was a cam model who hated her work. I helped her find something else to do to make money (sari sari store) so she could quit. My point is, nearly all of them hate it but they do it to survive.

Aside from sex work there are probably millions and millions of people who hate their jobs but they do what they gotta do.

My hat is off to everyone who does what they must to put food on the table. It's a rough world.
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I stumbled on a YouTube channel with a perspective on sex in prison, specifically for gay men.

The YouTuber identifies as straight and uses the handle STRAIGHTFELON.
Since watching ContraPoints, I buy you can be straight and have sex with trans women.
He professes to prefer dating trans women (I believe he is married to a trans woman now).

His target audience is clearly gay men and I find him attractive.

That said, he uses the label "Gay4Pay" and he has some hot stuff clipped to promote his OF.

Tempted to subscribe to his OF, I stopped short. I felt too icky about it.
He is clearly bottoming and sucking dick, but makes it clear he doesn't enjoy it.
I've had sex when I didn't want to. It is awful.

Because of his criminal record, no one will hire him. The income from his OF, he says, is life changing.

I guess he's lucky people will pay to see him do that, but I can't help thinking that if he had another option... he'd take it.

I don't know. I feel bad for the guy, taking cock up his ass to survive. In my opinion, it highlights some defects in how the system functions.
I feel bad for any worker who hates their job but feels they have to do it to survive.
If they don't enjoy their job but put up with it because they like making a lot of money, I think that's different than feeling trapped.
I will say paid sex is a huge fantasy for me, but I also know reality is going to be far different than fantasy. Because of that, my fantasy has always been a lover tells me to sell my body as proof of my devotion, therefore giving me plausible deniability. But that is fantasy...

As for this situation:

This situation is tough, yet what he ultimately is dealing with is the consequences of breaking the law. There is more to prison then just time spent in prison. And a person’s sentence is more than just for the criminal. If a person robs a bank, yes they committed a crime against society, but what about the bank teller who was traumatized? He or she wants that person to get the maximum sentence for sticking a gun in their face, but often they get only a few years. Yes that is due to over-crowding and for costs, but also because a criminals consequences extend past their release date and the judge knows prison destroys lives.

But its not just about the criminal. The traumatized bank teller should feel a sense of vindication, but also understand prison destroys lives long after the sentence is over. We do not do a great job foretelling this in our society, but we should as it might prevent crime if people understood the real cost of it.

But what should not be done is have the criminal feel “not getting a job” is some sort of victimhood thing. It’s not. Its about trust in the workplace, and truly crime not being worth the cost, and letting people know that BEFORE they break the law.