Furloughed Workers


Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2011
Should Furloughed workers in the federal goverment get back pay when they are not working.

I say no. When they are furloughed in the private sector they don't.
Should Furloughed workers in the federal goverment get back pay when they are not working.

I say no. When they are furloughed in the private sector they don't.
They do if they have a good employment contract.

I did. I fulfilled my end of the emplyment contract and was available to do the work I was hired to do. The fact that my employer decided that they temporarily didn't want stuff done didn't change that. Nothing short of a Chapter 11 would have prevented me from getting paid, eventually.
Should Furloughed workers in the federal goverment get back pay when they are not working.

I say no. When they are furloughed in the private sector they don't.

You make note, but do not elaborate on one of the points of the selective shutdown designed to "hurt" the American people for political points (never let a crises go to waste). The Administration has shut down sites that are privately funded because, for example, the Parks Service may have control of the parking lot, and whose workers are then laid off and will not get their money back. What we see is once again, as with Obamacare, if you are a government worker, you get special treatment and protection.

In Western States, where the government owns a lot of land, homeowners are being told that if their homes are on government property, they must leave.

That isn't right.
Shutdown is shut down.

Don't like it?

Don't vote for republican douche bags next time.
Shutdown is shut down.

Don't like it?

Don't vote for republican douche bags next time.

Harry Reid and Barack Obama wanted the shutdown.

They hated the fact that they lost the House and thus, in order to never deal or negotiate with the People, they simply refused to act on budgets and appropriations. In short, their no negotiations ever policy walked us right up to this cliff and only the "douche bags" are offering solutions; Harry and the President are still in "don't tell us how to hold the mop mode" as if they still controlled all branches of government.
Buncha fuckin' control freaks.

I hope it all comes back and eats their sack lunches.

Every Goddamned lyin' Comanchero one of them.
Harry Reid and Barack Obama wanted the shutdown.

They hated the fact that they lost the House and thus, in order to never deal or negotiate with the People, they simply refused to act on budgets and appropriations. In short, their no negotiations ever policy walked us right up to this cliff and only the "douche bags" are offering solutions; Harry and the President are still in "don't tell us how to hold the mop mode" as if they still controlled all branches of government.

Spin your spin.

The shutdown was caused by your little tea bagger buddies and a weak speaker. Now they are holding the gun to the brains of the economy.

Voters have short memories but I doubt they will forget about these actions in time for the next election.
Spin your spin.

The shutdown was caused by your little tea bagger buddies and a weak speaker. Now they are holding the gun to the brains of the economy.

Voters have short memories but I doubt they will forget about these actions in time for the next election.

Yeah, we get it. Everything wrong, ever, in the world is "THE REPUBLICANS."

Two, three weeks ago I was being continually admonished that the Tea Party was dead and that Libertarianism had been rejected by the people in favor of just a little Socialism in order to make things "fair." Now, suddenly, the Tea Party is controlling the entire Republican Party and if Harry and Barry could just separate the "reasonable Republicans," like John McCain, from all those Radicals, then they can get the deal they want, which is for Republicans to recent their evil ways and simply capitulate to whatever Democrats want, even though they lost two elections in a row when it comes to the People's House.

I can just see it now, when the Broncos lose a game, it will be because the officials were part of the vast rw conspiracy...
We saw how the "reasonable" John McCain was treated when he ran for President.

Then he was a freaking radical...
Should Furloughed workers in the federal goverment get back pay when they are not working.

I say no. When they are furloughed in the private sector they don't.

And this is why Federal employees join unions.

They protect themselves from arbitrary capricious actions of management that directly impact their livelihood.
Yeah, we get it. Everything wrong, ever, in the world is "THE REPUBLICANS."

Two, three weeks ago I was being continually admonished that the Tea Party was dead and that Libertarianism had been rejected by the people in favor of just a little Socialism in order to make things "fair." Now, suddenly, the Tea Party is controlling the entire Republican Party and if Harry and Barry could just separate the "reasonable Republicans," like John McCain, from all those Radicals, then they can get the deal they want, which is for Republicans to recent their evil ways and simply capitulate to whatever Democrats want, even though they lost two elections in a row when it comes to the People's House.

I can just see it now, when the Broncos lose a game, it will be because the officials were part of the vast rw conspiracy...

Link to where I claimed the tea baggers were toast? Yeah, nothing.

Obama this, Obama that from you. Constantly. The irony here is thick. Keep spinning your spin. It will not change the fact that the freshman from Texas and a speaker with the balls of a mosquito put a wrench in the American spokes.
Should Furloughed workers in the federal goverment get back pay when they are not working.

I say no. When they are furloughed in the private sector they don't.

Let's call it what it is....a freaking VACATION
Link to where I claimed the tea baggers were toast? Yeah, nothing.

Obama this, Obama that from you. Constantly. The irony here is thick. Keep spinning your spin. It will not change the fact that the freshman from Texas and a speaker with the balls of a mosquito put a wrench in the American spokes.

you are the TYPICAL no info voter that just screams


They do if they have a good employment contract.

I did. I fulfilled my end of the emplyment contract and was available to do the work I was hired to do. The fact that my employer decided that they temporarily didn't want stuff done didn't change that. Nothing short of a Chapter 11 would have prevented me from getting paid, eventually.

Good? Wtf!?!?!? Have you lost your mind?

1. A contract by government idiots
2. A contract for government idiots

Government does t do things good, this is why people go into government ...no stress, no accountability .... no responsibility .... thats why government is so fuck up
Link to where I claimed the tea baggers were toast? Yeah, nothing.

Obama this, Obama that from you. Constantly. The irony here is thick. Keep spinning your spin. It will not change the fact that the freshman from Texas and a speaker with the balls of a mosquito put a wrench in the American spokes.

Learn to read. I never said you.

How can two people control an entire party?

I would surmise that if there were not a lot of grass root support, then they would have been quashed long ago.

This, then, is the big problem with Harry and Barry, they are completely insulated, by choice form the People. Nancy was too. They should think about where she is now and has been through two elections of railing against the "Tea Party" radicals.

How can I talk about government without mentioning the President and his missteps, antics and refusal to follow the law?

How can you talk politics without blaming the Republicans for the Democrat failures?

I wish I knew...
You might have insulated yourself from the majority too with the help of a press that continually assures you that everyone thinks just like you except for a few isolated radicals. But again, how can a few isolated radicals bring the entire government to its knees with no gun, no bomb and only words?

It might be principles that actually resonate with the majority, the same majority that has given the purse strings to those wascawwy kids and their darned meddling dog...
Learn to read. I never said you.

How can two people control an entire party?

I would surmise that if there were not a lot of grass root support, then they would have been quashed long ago.

This, then, is the big problem with Harry and Barry, they are completely insulated, by choice form the People. Nancy was too. They should think about where she is now and has been through two elections of railing against the "Tea Party" radicals.

How can I talk about government without mentioning the President and his missteps, antics and refusal to follow the law?

How can you talk politics without blaming the Republicans for the Democrat failures?

I wish I knew...

The rule that applies to lawyers applies to LIBS:

But again, how can a few isolated radicals bring the entire government to its knees with no gun, no bomb and only words?

Two words, chief: Hastert Rule

The Tea Party has manipulated the House Leadership into kowtowing to the desires of the fringe rightwing.

Like you, they make all sorts of excuses why an up-or-down vote on the Clean CR should not occur.
The medieval world of two classes, lord and peasant, continued for centuries. What was hated, then and now, was the newcomer, the upstart, the man without contractual obligations, neither rich nor poor, neither dependent nor surrounded by dependents, the skeptic who Tocqueville thought would keep America from becoming what it is becoming.

The non-medieval mind always fails to perceive the romance of the poor, and fails to hanker after the tastes and culture of the lord. Translated, that means he is the uncouth ignoramus who has no clue what Sidwell Friends or the Menlo School is, no grand strategy of how to get Junior into Princeton or Stanford, no idea what a Hobie or Cannondale is, but maybe knowledge of a handgun, a jet ski, a camper, or any other of the many superfluous appurtenances that are proof that the tax rate is too low.

I think America is becoming sick and tired of being lectured by some young pompadour who made a billion dollars in Silicon Valley and therefore deems himself Socrates; by some ossified Washington Sixties-era careerist who believes the laws that he passes simply cannot apply to himself and his kind; and by some crusading hip talking-head whose self-absorbed material aspirations and values make the 1950s suburbanite seem bohemian in comparison.

We need a cultural Reformation, a Renaissance in classical thinking, a return to true diversity and real intellectual tolerance that rejects the medieval reactionary’s mind, exposes his hypocrisy, and recreates three classes from his two.
Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
Vindictive Shutdown Theater
The Editors, NRO
OCTOBER 7, 2013

‘I just don’t know what they’re trying to accomplish.” So says Jim Hagen, South Dakota’s secretary of tourism, about the federal government’s blocking off not only the entrance to the Mount Rushmore monument but also roadside viewing areas outside the park. “They won’t even let you pull off on the side of the road,” he says, noting that this particular act of shutdown theater is damaging his state’s tourism economy and ruining the plans of countless travelers. Shutdowns are strangely labor-intensive things: After setting up traffic cones to block off the Mount Rushmore viewing areas, the feds had to pick them up again because of a blizzard, but apparently had plans to put them right back down again after the plowing is done. Perhaps Mr. Hagen has too gentle a cast of mind to appreciate just what the Obama administration is trying to accomplish: It is an act of political theater, a gross and possibly illegal abuse of political power, an assault on private property, and a wanton subjugation of responsible governance to the political interests of President Obama and his party.

Consider the case of Ralph and Joyce Spencer, 77 and 80 years of age, respectively, who were evicted from their home on Lake Mead in Nevada by an officious park ranger who told them they had 24 hours to vacate the premises. The Spencers own their home outright, but it sits on land leased from the federal government. A lease is a legal contract, and the government shutdown presents no legitimate reason for the violation of that contract. Even if it did, the place to settle such a dispute is in a court of law — not through the arbitrary exercise of federal police power. This is not a blunder: It is the malicious harassment of private citizens in their own homes by an administration intent on creating hardships and then using them for propaganda purposes. You own your home right up until the moment when that the fact becomes inconvenient to President Obama.

Likewise, monuments that require no federal oversight — being, as they are, open to the public — have been barricaded by the federal government as part of the shutdown theater. The government has even ordered the closure of state-operated parks that sit on federal land. Anna Eberly, who manages the Claude Moore Colonial Farm in McLean, Va., one such shut-down park, says: “In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service, I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary, and vindictive group representing the NPS.” “Vindictive” is the right word: It takes federal action to close the sites and none to keep them open. This is not what an inactive government looks like, but a spiteful one.

Likewise, federal websites have been shut down rather than left alone, with the selection of blacked-out sites being “bafflingly arbitrary,” in the words of Ars Technica. The Amber Alert site at the Department of Justice was taken offline, but the first lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign remained up and running. As with the case of the roped-off monuments, it takes more work and resources to black out websites than it does to simply leave them be. The administration is willing to do a great deal of work for a political stunt, but apparently takes a nonchalant view of the situation of abducted children.

Or veterans. After closing off the World War II Memorial in Washington, the administration partly reversed itself, declaring the site open for “First Amendment activities.” In the United States, having a thought in one’s head or a word in one’s mouth is a First Amendment activity. We do not exercise our rights at the sufferance of the federal government; Washington is named after a man who fought for that principle, an irony apparently lost on Barack Obama.

The point of this federal propaganda exercise is obvious: The administration seeks to gin up ill will against the Republican-controlled House of Representatives for refusing to crumble when Obama and the Senate peremptorily refuse to even consider its proposals. But there is a bit more to it than that. The Obama administration cleaves to the notion that “government is the only thing we all belong to,” as the Democrats put it during their 2012 convention, and it seeks to put the state at the center of national life. That the government has resorted to turning old people out of their homes suggests a level of ruthlessness that is shocking if not surprising. The Democrats have called their opponents “hostage-takers” in this matter — but they are the ones conducting seizures.

This may simply be an extreme version of the Democrats’ usual strategy of closing the Washington Monument, but it is notable extremism: throwing people out of their homes and forcing the shutdown of non-federal facilities. It is, if anything, an excellent illustration of why conservatives believe that the tentacles of the federal government are too long and too many.

How much freaking money is the Federal Government willing to spend to make sure they hurt the people in order to "git" the Republicans?

Why are we acceptable collateral damage to a typical Chicago-style knee-capping?

Even Tonya Harding had more class!