funny consecutive thread titles

Insomniac's Corner

Attention the ZipLocTM Bags My Wife Has Washed Out and Left Drying in the Dish Rack:
Did anyone else get fidgety reading that, or am I overly ticklish?

True and embarrassing story.

My friend Maki has a short-hair chihuahua. Cutest little thing. Always cold, especially in the winter.

Whenever I'd go to her house, Lulu would climb underneath my shirt to get warm. Between her constant moving around and licking, it was ticklish as hell. So I'd sit there and cackle like a little girl from being tickled, while everyone laughed at me.
who's having cunnilingus for dinner?

Can Someone Give Me Technical Help?
Ask the retired grandma (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)

Can someone own too many guns? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5)

This post reminds me of a board game I played this weekend. Cards against Humanity. Fucking hilarious game....