From vanilla to Dom/me overnight

Never said:
Ah, it's like people who like men and women. Poseurs, all of them. Or those people who drink Coke and Pepsi. Sorry but life is all about either/or orientations. There is no middle ground.

I like coke and pepsi!
Liana26 said:
God, how could someone be so cruel and have such little regard for human life? It scares the hell out of me...

What shocks me is that she got only two months for pulling that shit. That was serious, long-term aggravated assault. The woman is a big danger to other people.
TaintedB said:
What shocks me is that she got only two months for pulling that shit. That was serious, long-term aggravated assault. The woman is a big danger to other people.

I'll bet you that if the victim hadn't been a sub, but had been vanilla she'd have gotten in much bigger trouble. But the courts are gonna decide that the victim was asking for it or something like that. (The courts, not me. I say she should have spend a lot more time in jail.) Let's hope that she got her ass kicked in jail. :devil:
graceanne said:
I remember reading a real life story about a guy who kidnapped this girl who was hitchhiking (it was the 70's). He and his wife convinced her that their was an underground group of people that had slaves(real ones, not consenting ones), and that if she tried to escape or tell anyone what was goin on, they'd kill her parents. Then he would made up his bed so that she had to live in this little area under it. They lived like this for like 20 years before his wife started to feel guilty and told her the truth. I never finished it, but I think he's in jail, too.

This was a kidnapping of a hitch-hiker by a husband and wife team. They held the girl captive in a box under their bed for the most part for seven years. Jack Ketchum wrote a novella called Proof of Life based loosely on this real life crime. You can read the details of the actual case at the Crime Library site. Search under "The Girl in the Box".

The couples name was Hooker. The husband got 25 to life. The wife, who testified for the prosecution got 10 years. When the wife and the "slave" found religion they started reading the bible. The wife started feeling bad, and told the "slave" "Kay" that the tales about the group were false. The had her live in several locations. She "lived under their waterbed after the kids were born. She sometimes "lived" in a closet. I have a book here somewhere with the story in it. I "think" that it was written by Ann Rule.

They had convinced the girl that this "group" would kill her family, etc if she ran away. She was also marked with the wires he used to electrocute her. Had her convinced that she was Branded and indentifiable by the marks.

Sad story, but at least she survived. I just finished reading about Slavemaster. My sis sent me the book. Ghastly! I have also read Cellar Of Horror. Another true crime book. Sickos! Yuck!! The worst of the worst! The only worser (worser?) is one who goes after children. The worst of the worst of the worst!!!
I worry about the Ego issues concerning people calling themselves Master, if their ego is bigger than their intent to play safely, I would run a mile. :)
Yep. The first thing that popped into my head was Slavemaster. I recently finished reading the book detailing the series of events (Title: Anyone You Want Me To Be), and to be perfectly honest, it frightened and sickened me. I'm more careful online now.

Anyhow, stories like these are the ones, I think, that give the BDSM community a bad name. Even from a newbie standpoint, it's easy to see things as an "outsider," if you will. So many people don't understand the realities and truths about BDSM that when they hear stories like this and the whole Slavemaster epic, one is led to believe that this is what we're all about. Because it isn't as mainstream as it could be, it frightens people, and then you get the ones who identify themselves as Dom/mes and really what they're looking for is a simple excuse to cause unwarranted pain and damage to others.

Living within a safe & sane world.

This thread struck me deeply; its truth and wisdom, and the similar aspects of my own journey. The years I have spent in study and discovery have taught me so much; about my dreamed wants versus my real life needs.

I began as I am, a submissive; though I have doubted it so often. I have never made a bad choice to serve another, but I have made some poor ones, and have felt on occasion that a great deal of my time was wasted.

I have found that our world is similar in many ways to the plain vanilla, controlling freaks abound. I have been confused and shattered; told I am not submissive enough, and too, untrainable. I did too believe it for a time, until I truly understood myself.

Love and trust are the cornerstones of all relationships; without them all is worthless, empty, lost. And, a dominant whom feels that "it is their way or the highway;" or worse that I need more discipline to accept their chosing, is a fool.

My devoted submission is a gift to be treasured; and if I am not kept fed by my dominants attention, comfort, and security I shall slip through their fingers. It takes years to build something truly sacred and divine; yet only a few careless moments to destroy it all. :eek: