From our "You've got to be fucking kidding me" file


Apr 25, 2004

Sometimes, what you’re looking for might be right in front of you. In this case, it was even closer.

It all started when an Icelandic bus driver contacted police to initiate a search after a foreign tourist reportedly went missing from her group. The driver described the missing woman as “Asian, about 160cm, in dark clothing and speaks English well,” reported the Reykjavik Grapevine.

The tour group was driving through Eldgjá, a volcanic region in southern Iceland.

The Iceland Review reported that a coast guard helicopter assigned to search for the lost woman was delayed due to foggy conditions, so the tour group started looking for her on foot.

About 50 people participated, including the woman herself. She later stated that she didn’t recognize the description of herself and unknowingly took part in a literal soul-searching mission.

Part of her confusion is also what caused the snafu. She had changed her clothes and “freshened up” at a stop before getting back on the bus. There was also allegedly a head count error. Similar mistakes have gone very wrong in the past.

The search was called off after the woman contacted the police and clarified the situation.
You'd think it would be difficult to misplace an Asian woman in Iceland, but I guess not.
You'd think the Asian woman would say "Hmmm, I don't remember seeing any other Asian women around here."

For the past 50 years or so, we've been believing that Asians are "smarter" than other peoples.

Turns out they're recycled Polish jokes.

Who knew the slants were actually such stupid little fuckers?
Considering this all took place in Iceland, we can't even conclude that it had a happy ending.