Franks, but no Frank.


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
I'll take a hot dog. They taste real good. But I don't want them served to me by anyone named Frank because, you know - that just ain't right.
Dillinger said:
I'll take a hot dog. They taste real good. But I don't want them served to me by anyone named Frank because, you know - that just ain't right.

How about served by someone named "Franklin"?

Just wondering.
You need some good ole bangahs and mash with some Grey Poupon. Yes, that's the ticket. Tally ho chaps.
Oh I like this thread. So many hotties all in the same place.

I've never called them franks, ever! So I'm not sure if that makes it right or wrong.
bratwurst and saurkrout

HOt~spicy Gemmen dOg

Big fAt.. :rolleyes: :D... hehe anything...

yyyummmmmmmmmmmmmm to me ....

too bad I don't eats all this...

I am a vegetarian..:eek:
My ex would eat weiner and he would eat beans, but he would never eat weiners and beans together.
JerseyBoy said:
Franks 'n beans! franks 'n beans!

okay, this cracked me up!!!

and seriously, dilly, I thought you were callin my name... again. ;)
