France asks for Iraq oil contracts after the war

I think out of principle the US should refuse Iraqi oil for a period of 10 years after this is over. That would be the perfect way to dispell those critics who say we invaded Iraq just for the oil.
I'd give the French a contract to extract the cheese out of the socks of the coalition forces. That's about it.
I think it's a smart move to ask now. If Dubya is gonna play revenge games because a country disagreed with him then I'd want to be lining up my needs with South America or another arab country.

I don't see Japan helping and I bet they get oil. They just didn't make waves..... like the majority.

Just like in America. It's ok to disagree as long as you don't say anything. And if you do disagree then you are automatically dising the troops somehow. That is pretty fucked up in my opinion. A fucking cheap shot.

Fuck it.
The french were getting their oil from the Iraqis before the war.
And your point is.......

I don't see anything my post to say they were not. In fact, just the opposite.
nimbus9 said:
I think it's a smart move to ask now. If Dubya is gonna play revenge games because a country disagreed with him then I'd want to be lining up my needs with South America or another arab country.

I don't see Japan helping and I bet they get oil. They just didn't make waves..... like the majority.

Just like in America. It's ok to disagree as long as you don't say anything. And if you do disagree then you are automatically dising the troops somehow. That is pretty fucked up in my opinion. A fucking cheap shot.

Fuck it.

I dont think we should do it because the foul and most foreign French disagreed either.

For reneging on thier promises made earlier, for breaking sanctions, and for selling military spare parts to Iraq in clear violation of the sanctions, THAT is why we should do it.
We should just drop this whole moral high road crap and met out some dark age justice. Level the cities sow their fields with salt and take their oil. To the victor goes the spoils. Does anybody truelly belive that the world is a better place because we hide behind a thin coat of civilization.
Cheney /Halliburton violated the sanctions and did business with Iraq also.A lot of US compaines did. America sold Saddam weapons before Desert Storm also, parts also, Chem's the whole nine yards even when he was killing his own people then. Doesn't make any difference what the date was.
Blindinthedark said:
No western country should get the oil. It's as simple as that.

Absolutely. I think that everybody should forget its there and go back to a coal fired economy.
nimbus9 said:
I think it's a smart move to ask now. If Dubya is gonna play revenge games because a country disagreed with him then I'd want to be lining up my needs with South America or another arab country.

I don't see Japan helping and I bet they get oil. They just didn't make waves..... like the majority.

Just like in America. It's ok to disagree as long as you don't say anything. And if you do disagree then you are automatically dising the troops somehow. That is pretty fucked up in my opinion. A fucking cheap shot.

Fuck it.

I can't make any sense out of what you just said.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Absolutely. I think that everybody should forget its there and go back to a coal fired economy.

Personally, I think it's time we get off our asses and convert to hyrdogen fuel cell power.
nimbus9 said:
Cheney /Halliburton violated the sanctions and did business with Iraq also.A lot of US compaines did. America sold Saddam weapons before Desert Storm also, parts also, Chem's the whole nine yards even when he was killing his own people then. Doesn't make any difference what the date was.

I disagree.

Also you need to check your facts. Very few weapons systems, if any were sold to Iraq by the U.S. Information, yes. We even have to own up to the fact that the first Iraqi chemical plant built in the early 80's was built using plans from an American company.

55% of the weapons sales to Iraq were/are Soviet/ Russian. Another 22% were/are French.

Less than 2% were American, and that was in the 80's.

American governmental support for Saddam ended, albeit reluctantly, when he started gassing the Kurds.

And if dates dont matter, then it's okay to hate the Germans for 1933-1945?
RosevilleCAguy said:
Absolutely. I think that everybody should forget its there and go back to a coal fired economy.
If the coalition takes the oil, muslims will see it as a war for oil only. It would spark more resentment.

Non-coalition western powers shouldn't profit from a war either.

It should go to the third world. They need oil too.

And from your rhetoric I thought you had a coal stove :D
Dixon Carter Lee said:
AND a really great way to get those gasoline prices up to $5.00 a gallon.

The argument to that is that our gas prices are high because the refineries can't keep up. And in fact we need to build more refineries to process the HUGE reserves we have from our own resources, which are pretty large. However, we can't build or improve the refineries because of the environment agencies.

Bottom line? We care. We are civilized.
RosevilleCA guy .... cute how you bring Hitler in. Typical right wing smoke and mirrors.

I'm done dude. I ain't getting in to numbers with you. According to you if you don't go over some dollar level you ain't doin' nothin'.

Blindinthedark said:
If the coalition takes the oil, muslims will see it as a war for oil only. It would spark more resentment.

Non-coalition western powers shouldn't profit from a war either.

It should go to the third world. They need oil too.

And from your rhetoric I thought you had a coal stove :D

LOL. I'm lucky enough to live in a climate where either the furnace or the AC is a rarity.

Most of what is being discussed is the contracts for rebuilding the country.

When you say "oil should go to the third world" I have trouble understanding who you mean.

I would think that the Iraqis should decide who to sell their oil to.