Former Top Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby...

Perhaps you can identify a victim in this sham fraud case.
Who's the victim when you're issued a speeding ticket? How about a parking ticket? Who's the victim when you drive without a drivers licence?
Who's the victim when you lie on your incorporation documents? Who's the victim when you're drunk in public? Who's the victim when you're trespassed? Who's the victim when you're jailed for recreational drug use? I could go on writing forever on crimes where there is no need for a direct damage to a "person" to have occurred.
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James is on a self serving ego trip. Campaigning on vengeance towards Trump she exhibits the appearance of impropriety as well as impropriety and reeks of arrogance and hypocrisy setting a new precedent which will eventually lead to a exodus of tax paying businesses and cause great harm to New York’s business climate. There are no victims.
Wrong and wrong.
She’s within her bounds. The trial has ended. It’s all over but the crying. As I’ve stated before:

(NYC) Home of the stock market. One of the biggest media markets in the world. 8 million consumers that often dictate economic trends worldwide. But yeah, businesses are going to be leaving there in droves because of this judgement. 🤔🙄
James is on a self serving ego trip. Campaigning on vengeance towards Trump she exhibits the appearance of impropriety as well as impropriety and reeks of arrogance and hypocrisy setting a new precedent which will eventually lead to a exodus of tax paying businesses and cause great harm to New York’s business climate. There are no victims.
Trump's appealing, why don't you shut your pie hole until after that? If what you claim is true, I am sure the appeal court will act.
Trump and Bannon committed fraud when they collected donations to build the border wall and kept the money for themselves. Trump pardoned Bannon, of course, because Trump is a law and order kind of guy. 😄
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Non sequitur.
Want some non's a sample from ican'ts past....

Here's one where he's gleefully praises New York's legal system

More about your hero!!

Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case

• In 1997 Andrew Weissmann was officially reprimanded by a judge in the Eastern District of New York for withholding evidence.

• Weissmann was reported to the Department of Justice Inspector General and Senate Judiciary Committee for alleged “corrupt legal practices.”

• A formal letter from U.S. Attorney Eastern District of New York Zachary Carter requested the judge to remove Weissman’s name, according to documents.

• Civil rights and Criminal Defense Attorney David Schoen said Weissmann needs to be investigated for alleged past misconduct in court cases.


Civil rights and criminal defense attorney David Schoen, was the lawyer who reported Weissmann. Schoen met with Inspector General Michael Horowitz and several FBI officials to discuss Weismann in 2015. Schoen, who says he has never been a member of a political party, told this reporter his concerns about Weissmann do not stem from politics but from Weissmann’s ‘egregious’ actions in previous cases. He became involved in Colombo crime cases more than 20 years ago after evidence revealed that the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence in the case.

Does this sound familiar!!

Schoen’s work is not limited to criminal defense but also extended to civil right’s cases. He was awarded the prestigious National Pro Bono Publico award in 1995, and the American Bar Association reported that various federal judges credited him for positively changing “the face of public institutions in South.”

Schoen said he decided to revisit the nearly two-decade-long cases based on new witness information and “recent evidence that has come to light in the last several months.”

“The issue with Weissmann both pre-dates and transcends any of these current political issues,” said Schoen, who also used to represent the ACLU in civil rights cases in Alabama. “I have met with Senator (Charles) Grassley’s staff and the DOJ IG about these issues and that was well before all of this…I care about these issues as a person who chose this profession and am otherwise very proud to be able to practice law, as the proud son of an FBI agent, and as a civil rights attorney dedicated to doing my part in trying to improve public institutions.”
Here's one where he claims New York is a shit hole where everyones leaving...( so why does he care suddenly about Trump's and other business there)?
And yet people are bailing out of California and New York by the boatload, migrating to Florida and Texas. I'm sure you're smart enough to understand the reason why. If you don't I can provide a list for ya.
Below is where he claims Trump will be president by the time the trial he is now whining about even starts....
New York will probably be dismissed.

We'll be celebrating a new president by the time Fani gets to prosecute her case.
I could go on, but why, everyone but the RWCJ crowd already know's ican't has his nose so far up Trump's ass, he can see daylight every-time Trump opens his mouth....
James is on a self serving ego trip. Campaigning on vengeance towards Trump she exhibits the appearance of impropriety as well as impropriety and reeks of arrogance and hypocrisy setting a new precedent which will eventually lead to a exodus of tax paying businesses and cause great harm to New York’s business climate. There are no victims.
It sound like your main problem with Leticia James is that she’s uppity.
It sound like your main problem with Leticia James is that she’s uppity.
My main problem with James is she’s agenda driven with hatred for Trump the agenda not upholding the law nor demonstrating any form of neutrality in the case. She is, in my humble opinion, abusing her power as NY’s AG. If you have any objectivity left would this fraud case ever see daylight if Trump didn’t throw his hat in the ring for President?
James was pursuing charges before Donald Trump started campaigning. He’s not even the Republican candidate yet.