For those of you who are sick of Hanns Schmidt



Please stop posting about him, responding to his threads, or bitching about him. Every time you do, you're feeding his need for attention. He will go away when he figures out everyone is ignoring him.

This is the biggest no-brainer since the dawn of man. Ignore the guy.

Feel free to bump this, but please don't respond.
Indigo.Rose said:
so you're posting about hanns to tell people not to post about hanns?

do you have any idea how many people have made the same damn "don;t post about hanns" threads? this must be like the 15th thread ive seen that says " don't post about hanns, you are only encouraging him"

Well then maybe you should put one of your funny links here to liven things up a bit.
I will end my hijacking soon...sorry Sugar;)

I am feeling much better - thank you Gorgeous! I owe you a phone call soon...