For the Love of Pain

For me, inflicting pain is one entree on the pleasure buffet.

Etoile and s'lara bring up a good point about "connection". one of my girls is a real painslut, she'll take a whipping until I'm pretty tired from giving it. But she hated being physically punished (to the point of posing an emotional danger), especially the cane. (Now this is reflective of my D/s philosophy and all may not share it but) when I told her to think of her punishments not as judgements of her (beyond simple behavior), but instead to think of them as gestures of her devotion to me and us, she adopted a completely new attitude about them. she still doesn't enjoy them like a whipping (nor do I much enjoy giving them), but she willingly and gratefully accepts and even welcomes them now (and in fact has gone so far on occasion to administer them herself at times when she knew I was very busy).

That's connection. And that's where the real pleasure is for me. Without it, it's just not as pleasurable. And , yeah, I have stopped sessions before because I got bored with submissives with whom there was little or no connection (but that's probably fodder for another thread).
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s'lara said:
Ok ... this may have been covered by another thread, but i was a little curious to see fresh commentary.

i am a submissive/masochist and found pain to be a necessity and something i thoroughly enjoyed. Yeah, yeah, i know that lots of people in the lifestyle don't necessarily incorporate S/M in their activities, however, i know there are a few who enjoy it simply because pain serves to enhance a scene for them.

So on to the point.

Does receiving pain maximize your enjoyment level when sceneing? Specifically, is pain the chief agent that motivates your gratification? Or is pain an added benefit, but not the necessarily required in order for you to be satisfied?

Does the idea of inflicting pain enhance Your experience with Your submissive/slave/bottom? To put it simply, does it excite You to cause pain or is it part and parcel with how You top and has become routine as opposed to pleasurable?

Thanks in advance for all comments.

have you had a needle pierced through your nipple? i heard it's extreme pain and pleasure, all at once
I have just recently come to realise i like pain although alone its not enough to fulfill me i do realise its addition to a scene excites me more than i thought it would and it also adds to my sexual stimulation. It opens me more and makes my senses reel in such a way that all else fades away. There are times when its not needed but there are other times when its necessary so I just hope that it will continue to grow and change as I do.
Re: Re: For the Love of Pain

primes said:
have you had a needle pierced through your nipple? i heard it's extreme pain and pleasure, all at once

No i haven't primes. There is something about the danger of losing sensitivity in that region which works as a deterrent for me.

While the idea is intriguing, i am not sure i would rather trade what could be a one time pleasureable sensation for never feeling anything in that area again.
dragonlace said:
I have just recently come to realise i like pain although alone its not enough to fulfill me i do realise its addition to a scene excites me more than i thought it would and it also adds to my sexual stimulation. It opens me more and makes my senses reel in such a way that all else fades away. There are times when its not needed but there are other times when its necessary so I just hope that it will continue to grow and change as I do.

lacey *hugs* thanks for commenting hon. please give my best to the D/s room and let T/them know i miss T/them.
s'lara said:
lacey *hugs* thanks for commenting hon. please give my best to the D/s room and let T/them know i miss T/them.

okies sis will do *huggggs* :kiss: :rose:
Re: Re: Re: For the Love of Pain

s'lara said:
No i haven't primes. There is something about the danger of losing sensitivity in that region which works as a deterrent for me.

While the idea is intriguing, i am not sure i would rather trade what could be a one time pleasureable sensation for never feeling anything in that area again.

I find this to be a very common misconception. I know primes was probably referring to play piercing, and i am discussing permanent piercing. However, when piercing through the nipple tissue itself, to me, there isn't a whole lot of difference. My 12g piercings have increased my nipple sensitivity to an amazing degree...X 10. I have talked to other women who've had them done who have said the same thing. No one, so far, has complained of a LACK of sensitivity.

I have to agree with his post, having them pierced was a very erotic moment. A quick moment of intense pain/pleasure. I have always been very nipple-centric....and i came as they were pierced. The man who took me to have them done (a former lover) knew that i would, and was pleased as punch.

So. This leads me into one of your questions. What is extreme to me, as in hard limits? Off the top of my head, i would say medical play is extreme. I deal with that stuff at work....the idea of catheters and speculums and whatnot being used on me...NOPE. Needle play, however, i would consider, simply because i have piercings already, and know that i do get off on it; and because i know that i have access to sterile needles and gloves, and have some pretty detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Cutting is extreme. Not happening. I'm sure there's some other things that i could think of, but i'll leave it here.

My fiance has pierced both his nipples with household straight pins before he knew better. (But he hates the thuddy floggers, the freak)

However, he retains a great deal of sensitivity to this day and they neither got infected nor fell off. When we play pierce he regularly begs me to do it, however I find it physically difficult to pull those teeny weeny boy nips up, get a needle through them, tap my inner Sadist enough to just do it AND not stick myself all at once. So I'm usually a lazy bastard and have him do himself.

However this is not everyone's cup of tea nor should it be. Whether the "losing sensitivity" fear is the issue or not, the idea of having needles through my nipples is positively throw-up-inducing while having them in my breasts otherwise is delightful. (freak that I am)
Pain is a relatively new addition to our play. I find that it enhances the scene and certainly increases my arousal but it isn't necessary for me all the time. I also find that my ability to experience pleasure is magnified by the judicious application of pain.

I love the profound connection with Him as He takes me to subspace through a combination of pleasure and pain. At those times, nothing else exists but the joy of my submission to Him.

Master says I'm a painslut. That's not a bad thing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: For the Love of Pain

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
I find this to be a very common misconception. I know primes was probably referring to play piercing, and i am discussing permanent piercing. However, when piercing through the nipple tissue itself, to me, there isn't a whole lot of difference. My 12g piercings have increased my nipple sensitivity to an amazing degree...X 10. I have talked to other women who've had them done who have said the same thing. No one, so far, has complained of a LACK of sensitivity.

I have to agree with his post, having them pierced was a very erotic moment. A quick moment of intense pain/pleasure. I have always been very nipple-centric....and i came as they were pierced. The man who took me to have them done (a former lover) knew that i would, and was pleased as punch.

So. This leads me into one of your questions. What is extreme to me, as in hard limits? Off the top of my head, i would say medical play is extreme. I deal with that stuff at work....the idea of catheters and speculums and whatnot being used on me...NOPE. Needle play, however, i would consider, simply because i have piercings already, and know that i do get off on it; and because i know that i have access to sterile needles and gloves, and have some pretty detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Cutting is extreme. Not happening. I'm sure there's some other things that i could think of, but i'll leave it here.


Thanks for posting anelize. It is the possibility of losing sensation (which can certainly happen) in that area which turns me off ever going there. If it has heightened the sensitivity of those who've ventured there, excellent. Enjoy the ride. *smiles*

Not sure how i feel about cutting. Any play involving blood or piercing the flesh should be considered with care.

P.S. oh yes, to me, bestiality is extreme.
Netzach said:
My fiance has pierced both his nipples with household straight pins before he knew better. (But he hates the thuddy floggers, the freak)

However, he retains a great deal of sensitivity to this day and they neither got infected nor fell off. When we play pierce he regularly begs me to do it, however I find it physically difficult to pull those teeny weeny boy nips up, get a needle through them, tap my inner Sadist enough to just do it AND not stick myself all at once. So I'm usually a lazy bastard and have him do himself.

However this is not everyone's cup of tea nor should it be. Whether the "losing sensitivity" fear is the issue or not, the idea of having needles through my nipples is positively throw-up-inducing while having them in my breasts otherwise is delightful. (freak that I am)

*chuckles* glad for you that his nipples have not entered a detachable state.

i guess the idea of something taking away my good feeling in that area is too much for this girl. What would i do if i lost the ability to feel pain there *swoons* Don't think it ... no ... don't say it. agh

Thanks for all the comments on the piercing. Sure made me think twice. *smiles*