For Christ sake p_p_, give it a rest...


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
For months now you've been carrying the French/German/Euro-commies water about Iraq.

We're going to invade. Period. With or without the UN. It's a done deal.

So, let's talk about the how your country is going to handle the windfall profits when North Sea crude spikes at $50 a bbl.

Or possibly the future credibility of the UN when Saddam's CBR weapons are found. (And they will be found. We both know that. :) )

Or perhaps we can talk about the egg that will be on France's face. That would be fun. FOR SALE: French military rifle. Never fired, dropped once." Or how the Germans are going to piss and moan about the effect on their economy when we pull about 120,000 troops out of there.

How bad do you think the riots will be in the French and German Muslim Ghetto's that they've built over there?

So many things to talk about.

But talking about the "war" is pointless. It's going to happen, and soon.
