Fooling around

Wow. What more can I say?

I just discovered your thread and have been utterly blown away by such amazing pictures, they just ooze sexy and sensuality. Incredible.

You have a lovely body, especially those incredibly beautiful breasts made all the better topped by such delightfully pink nipples.

You are truly a work of art.

I'm always happy to have someone new on this thread. Thank you for the lovely compliments!

Absolutely stunning....stunning technique with taking the pictures and a gorgeous subject for them. Plus the fact that your "cutie" comment in your profile made me think of Dot Warner's line of "Call me Dottie and you die!" gave me a good chuckle.

Thank you for sharing your beauty and wit here.....hope to see more of each.

Well, to be honest I do hate that word and I have a very dirty mouth. Can't be helped. Unfortunately, just about all of my humor is sarcastic, which doesn't translate well in print. Here's hoping I don't offend anyone! I'm glad you like the pics - and that I mean.

Perhaps the poses throw me but you seem put together rather well :)
Maybe just a plain standing full length shot would give me more of a perspective :cattail: You certainly have lovely lips :kiss:

I'm a bit of a tricky bitch. ;) I don't think I'll ever just lay it all out there with a full length shot, even if my bits & pieces are covered. I'm no where near ready to embrace my imperfections, so I'll keep continuing to hide them as much as possible while hopefully still giving everyone something nice to look at.

Some say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I say that beauty is an idea that exists in the brain, and our minds shape our perception of the world to it.

Reasonable people may certainly disagree about what is beautiful, and what is not, but I think there are some fundamentals that most people can agree upon. For example, I think that most people would agree that you are a beautiful young woman. Some may prefer women who are blond, or very tall, or weigh 300 pounds but, setting personal preferences aside, I think most would agree that you are beautiful. If we can accept that, then I would suggest that the beauty you embody and personify does not begin or end at a given spot. It is part of the totality that is you. Thus, your feet, as a part of you, embody the beauty that we see manifested in every other part of you.

I'm not saying this to be contradictory or argumentative, but to simply suggest that what you see as unusual may be seen by others as a perfect example of feminine beauty. I understand and respect your feelings, and am not suggesting that you ignore them. At most, I'd suggest that you do a little bit of third-party fact checking of your assumptions. The worst case scenario is that you may have to reconsider your opinion.



Well I don't quite know what to say that you haven't said - in a wonderful way, too. I think it's a combo of both ideas you point out in your first two sentences. I don't think you can have one without the other. I don't think the idea of it, what a person considers beautiful is solely an internal process. I believe in a constant interaction between internal drives & the external world.

I also firmly believe that it's the dysfunction of thinking "I am what I think you think I am" that makes it hard for me to objectively and completely agree with you. Despite the wonderful feedback from everyone I still have my doubts and nearly twenty five years to cultivate them. That tricky perception of mine is skewed and irritatingly unreasonable.

Although, I can appreciate your view of things.

i am glad to see you posted at the creative juices thread. thought you'd like it, given your talent. i put a little something up on another thread to commemorate the occasion. i hope you enjoy. here's the link:

I did enjoy that and I wish I had words that were on par with yours to tell you just how flattered I am. All I'm able to say is that you had me grinning like the village idiot. :eek:

great thread, you look incredible!

and definitely not cute (although i'm saying that only because i value the use of my thumbs)

Thanks! I really do hate breaking thumbs. That hobby is great for street cred, bad for just about everything else. I appreciate your comments & sense of self-preservation. ;)
You look like a sweet dream.

you're absolutely stunning!! :rose: i find your pictures extremely arousing and erotic.
Thanks for the candid response. Your bits and pieces are lovely and once again your lips have wonderful symmetry and your breasts are fascinating as well :)
Perhaps over time you will have the desire to show all of you as opposed to a collage of parts! Clothed or otherwise :rose:
I for one am smitten and wait with baited breath for that day to come :heart:
Your photographs have a classic feel to them.. the same feel I used to get when I looked at the photos from the photographers of the 40's and 50's.... the drama and tension... you have all that in your photos.
Well, to be honest I do hate that word and I have a very dirty mouth. Can't be helped. Unfortunately, just about all of my humor is sarcastic, which doesn't translate well in print. Here's hoping I don't offend anyone! I'm glad you like the pics - and that I mean.

We all have our little 'ticks'.....words/actions that piss us off. Dirty mouth.....use Orbit. *cheesy grin* Seriously though....a gorgeous gal that can talk like a sailor.....that is fucking hawt. ;)

Humor is good in all of it's shapes and forms....from the simple/innocent variety to the dark natured kind. It is medicine for the some would say. And hey, it's best to be a smartass then a dumb one.

Did you know that cursing is actually good for you? Well it can actually help you tolerate pain better. Who'd have thunk it?
Well I don't quite know what to say that you haven't said - in a wonderful way, too. I think it's a combo of both ideas you point out in your first two sentences. I don't think you can have one without the other. I don't think the idea of it, what a person considers beautiful is solely an internal process. I believe in a constant interaction between internal drives & the external world.

I also firmly believe that it's the dysfunction of thinking "I am what I think you think I am" that makes it hard for me to objectively and completely agree with you. Despite the wonderful feedback from everyone I still have my doubts and nearly twenty five years to cultivate them. That tricky perception of mine is skewed and irritatingly unreasonable.

Although, I can appreciate your view of things.

I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who observed that people pay attention to those things that support their beliefs, and ignore those things that contradict them. That's why he, and I, suggest finding an impartial mirror, rather than the one we firmly control.

I have ideas about myself that are constantly disproved. If I were to cling to those beliefs despite mounting evidence to the contrary, I am at risk of losing touch with what may be objective reality.

But, as you say, we can't simply allow ourselves to be thrown about by the whimsical impressions of others. Yet, when we find our own ideas or beliefs being challenged repeatedly, it may be a sign that we need to step back and reevaluate them.

I hope this rather philosophical tangent does not detract too much from your thread's focus: Your natural and abundant beauty.


You look like a sweet dream.


Why thanks. I'm always happy to give sweet dreams. I'd hate to inspire something that has you waking up in the middle of the night in abject terror, looking around for your baseball bat, convinced that zombies are knocking down your door.

So I do what I can.

Thanks for the candid response. Your bits and pieces are lovely and once again your lips have wonderful symmetry and your breasts are fascinating as well :)
Perhaps over time you will have the desire to show all of you as opposed to a collage of parts! Clothed or otherwise :rose:
I for one am smitten and wait with baited breath for that day to come :heart:

I'm very grateful that you're not pushing that interest. Honestly. It's a breath of fresh air. Your compliments add to a compilation that might one day lead me to post more revealing shots.

Your photographs have a classic feel to them.. the same feel I used to get when I looked at the photos from the photographers of the 40's and 50's.... the drama and tension... you have all that in your photos.

:D That's a big compliment. I could only hope to take pics that had that feel to them. I'm glad you think they do. I love the peepshow/tease of retro photos, where the presentation is just as important as the content.

We all have our little 'ticks'.....words/actions that piss us off. Dirty mouth.....use Orbit. *cheesy grin* Seriously though....a gorgeous gal that can talk like a sailor.....that is fucking hawt. ;)

Humor is good in all of it's shapes and forms....from the simple/innocent variety to the dark natured kind. It is medicine for the some would say. And hey, it's best to be a smartass then a dumb one.

Did you know that cursing is actually good for you? Well it can actually help you tolerate pain better. Who'd have thunk it?

Cursing can help us tolerate pain better? This information would have been helpful a year ago when I was getting a tattoo :rolleyes: Although I do think there's a line - sometimes cussing like a sailor can make even the most beautiful of women seem a little too bawdy.

Ummm, bedtime looks so nice there!!!

It is. Micro fleece sheets in the middle of winter. But I don't think that's what you meant... ;)

I believe it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who observed that people pay attention to those things that support their beliefs, and ignore those things that contradict them. That's why he, and I, suggest finding an impartial mirror, rather than the one we firmly control.

I have ideas about myself that are constantly disproved. If I were to cling to those beliefs despite mounting evidence to the contrary, I am at risk of losing touch with what may be objective reality.

But, as you say, we can't simply allow ourselves to be thrown about by the whimsical impressions of others. Yet, when we find our own ideas or beliefs being challenged repeatedly, it may be a sign that we need to step back and reevaluate them.

I hope this rather philosophical tangent does not detract too much from your thread's focus: Your natural and abundant beauty.



In my world that's called "confirmation bias", but I agree with you on it. Unfortunately, research (can't help it, I'm knee deep in thesis-development-land) isn't promising in terms of changing beliefs about ourselves when information that's contrary to that perception is presented. I agree that all of that challenging info is a sign to re-evaluate existing beliefs, but generally people err on the side of ignoring it or discrediting it. I can't exclude myself from that either. :rolleyes:

And hey, it's my damn thread. We can get brainy here. Or at least try to. I don't know when I'll have new pics up since I'm drowning in schoolwork, so something should be posted.

Thanks again to everyone who's left feedback! Even if I don't get back to you, the comments are appreciated.
Hmmm if zombies were knocking on my door looking like you I think I would have to consider opening the door...
Hmmm if zombies were knocking on my door looking like you I think I would have to consider opening the door...

Funny enough I was a zombie last Halloween. In a bloodied WWII nurse's costume with an arm in my purse to snack on. If you were to ask the metro riders that evening, I'm certain they would have told you that I did not look remotely attractive.
I don't know, i've been on a few zombie movie sets with some very hot zombies...
I don't know, i've been on a few zombie movie sets with some very hot zombies...

Maybe that's an undocumented fetish? Hmm, can't say I can get into that. I'm all about my partners being alive & not trying to eat my brains. To each their own. ;)
Most times my fetish is just sex with a beautiful woman like yourself. Very vanilla.
In my world that's called "confirmation bias", but I agree with you on it. Unfortunately, research (can't help it, I'm knee deep in thesis-development-land) isn't promising in terms of changing beliefs about ourselves when information that's contrary to that perception is presented. I agree that all of that challenging info is a sign to re-evaluate existing beliefs, but generally people err on the side of ignoring it or discrediting it. I can't exclude myself from that either. :rolleyes:

And hey, it's my damn thread. We can get brainy here. Or at least try to. I don't know when I'll have new pics up since I'm drowning in schoolwork, so something should be posted.

Well, I guess I should get to the real point, which is: If you want someone to look at photos of your bare feet in order to provide you with an unbiased, nuanced, and professional evaluation of their appeal, I'm available. :devil:

I could even make myself available for an in-person evaluation, which is much more extensive and thorough.


PS: I went to a local zombie walk and there were some extremely sexy zombies.

Here's a question for you to ponder: What do vegan zombies eat? If there's a zombie trend, and one kills a vampire, does it become a zombie vampire? These are a few of the questions that I've spent many hours considering, and have yet to answer. Your insights are most welcome!

On a slightly different topic: If one kills a vampire but, after, discovers that it in fact was not a vampire, is that a mis-stake?
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I did enjoy that and I wish I had words that were on par with yours to tell you just how flattered I am. All I'm able to say is that you had me grinning like the village idiot. :eek:

you said that quite nicely i think. glad you enjoyed it. you made it very easy to write. your photographs convey a personality unique from many others on lit (as do your comments ;)), and your body, well i believe you know what i think about your body. i hope you continue posting photographs. btw, i saw where you previously commented on your imperfections; i am unable to see them.