21 [F4A] Sub looking for sessions


Aug 8, 2021
Hi! My name is Amara. I’m 21 and female. I’m currently a college student. I just finished my junior year of college! As some of you probably know, this is not my first post. Things have changed so please read my ad in full before private messaging me.

After 16 years of a sheltered life, my BDSM journey began right before COVID hit. As you may have guessed, I ended up with ALOT of time to do research and learn about the sexual side of being submissive. It was through reading erotica that I found I wanted to participate as well.

Over the last almost 4 years of searching, I've had a lot of fun, and I would say I have some experience under my belt. I'm not an infant anymore, and I would not like to be treated like one. What I want has changed several times over that time, but I believe I have narrowed it down..

A bit about me before we continue: I come from a deeply Islamic family, so watching porn and/or reading erotica was quite a change for me. I did not even start masturbating till 2020.

Outside of the lifestyle, I am quite nerdy, and enjoy reading and playing some video games while having Youtube or Twitch open on the side. School wise, I am quite diligent and get mostly A's with B's here and there. I only have a few friends, but I would classify them all as close friends.

On Friday's, I participate in a local Pokemon TCG league. I go to a gym regularly for exercise, and I make an attempt at eating healthy, while also participating on the cheer squad. Currently, I am living alone in a two bedroom apartment on my college's campus.

A problem I’ve been having of late is between working at a sandwich shop, school, and cheer squad, I am quite busy, so I'll need someone able to work around them.

What am I looking for?! I'm looking for something very specific. My vision is to have 2-3 “sessions” per week. What's a “session” you may ask? A “session” by my definition would be where we set up a time where we are both free and I follow real time orders.

My ONLY kinks are public nudity and long term orgasm denial!

To give an example of how I want this work: The night before our “session” you would give me orders to go to a general location (a mall for example) at a specific time wearing a specific outfit, and hopefully bring along some things to have some fun. The day of the “session” I would arrive at the location and we’d have what I would call a prep Q&A (telling you about where I went, what's around me, how busy it is, etc.) then we’d begin our session.

Limit wise, I'm still learning, but I do know I will probably never submit Pics/Cam/Audio to anyone trying to become my Dom. I’m sorry, but the chances of blackmail are WAY too high, and I’m not willing to be that kind of victim. Answer this in your reply: Who was the first king of númenor? Also, I know the difference between Hard and Soft limits. These are definitely HARD limits. Recently I've added deep throating anything (terrible gag reflex I'm unwilling to try and work out), food play (disgusting), and window play (just too boring for me).

If I have to say “That was in my ad,” I will be blocking you
Topping from bottom
Not willing to post pics
Several near similar posts since October 2022
Clear catfishing...
Topping from the bottom how? I'm not allowed to know what I want? All I'm trying to do is express what I want and find it.

I'm not allowed to be afraid of blackmail? With due respect, not all doms are trustworthy. You might be, but I wont take that risk.

I HAVE to have found someone in two years? I know doms and subs that have been searching for 20+ years. I've had fun over the last two years but no one has stuck.

Yup I clearly have to be catfishing. Yup clearly not who I say I am.
I wouldn't think that of you at all and I don't mind your hard limits at all. I am looking for an obedient, loyal, respectful submissive with a love for long term orgasm denial and a desire to learn more about her limits. I can be stern and strict but also caring as I don't feel a dominant should be sadistic or take a submissive's submission for granted.
No Pics/ Cam/Audio , so not much fun for me. And VERY limited kinks, and once again with no pics what is the benefit to me of you doing sexy stuff in public if I won't be seeing it?? Only benefits are to you and others seeing you!! Good luck.
You may be right in that I should have Personal Messaged you! But I also wanted to indicate to others that I don't think you're catfishing. I just think you have very restrictive limits which will probably severely limit the responses to your ad. But I may just be speaking out my asshole.
You may be right in that I should have Personal Messaged you! But I also wanted to indicate to others that I don't think you're catfishing. I just think you have very restrictive limits which will probably severely limit the responses to your ad. But I may just be speaking out my asshole.
So you think people can not read my limits on their own? If someone wants to contact me they can, I am transparent about my limits for a reason. In fact, I try to be transparent about everything, and I think I made that quite clear in my ad above.