Flattery will get you...


Really Experienced
Dec 7, 2002
Everywhere :)

I'm feeling flattered today because my sister used one of my poems in a thread to express how she's feeling. I always thought they were just reflections of my state of mind and heart at the time they were written and it's incredible to me that someone else can use them to mirror their emotions.

Someone do something that flattered you today?

Did we ever find out who sissy is, cause I missed it. Could you please repeat it for the kids at the back of the class.
Someone flattered me tody but I'm still a little confused by it!:confused:
confused by it? what happened?

A girl told me that she and her male frind sat together and masturbated to my Yahoo profile pic. I'm flattered but at the same time I'm not sure what to think about the whole thing!