First Story Posted!!


Really Really Experienced
Aug 25, 2002
Oh dear lord! I'm sooo nervous! I just pressed the "Submit" Button about 3 minutes ago and now i'm all nervous! Heh, is there anyway to allow people to read the story before its been given teh Ok or do we just wait and let me see what the readers think of it??

Oooh, i'm so excited!! I hope some of you guys look for it in a couple days on the Halloween story area. Its Love at first bite? heh, anyhoot, i'm nervous. :p
Well, you could post the story here on the bulletin board. I've seen that done, but it's generally frowned upon.

I remember the first time I submitted something. I was nervous as hell. Pounding heart, arms going numb, the whole bit. I was a wreck. I still get that to some extent when I send a story now even though its years later. I'm not sure that anxiety will ever disappear no matter how many stories I submit.

Best of luck. :)
Congrats :)

Ah the sweet memory of losing my authors cherry...I was terrified.

I'll be sure to check out your story sac...and good luck :)

I don't think that there's a way to let people preview it other than sending it to them.
Congrats, Sachiaiko!

It's only been eighteen months and ninety-three pieces posted and I still get nervous every time.

Best of luck.
- Judo

Thanks guys for your support! I guess i *could* post it here, but i'd rather not do something that would be frowned upon!

Its ten pages too, thats a bit long for here... i think its prolly best to wait unless you guys *really* wanna see it here :) I am getting good responses from a couple friends who've read it so far! So i hope i do alright

And thats again so much for the support! I *love* the literotica comunity because of how wonderful you all are

Good Show!!!!!!!!

Hiya Honey,

I read the story (which you were good ...or shall i say bad....enough to send me) and I must say I was pretty impressed, as usual.

I think people are going to like it lots, even if they arent biased like me!


::Hugs loving4u all up and grins:: Thanks babe! I know your a bit biased but thats okie. hehe. I cant wait till it gets posted up there.

I think i put it in to late to have any chance at the Halloween contest, but we'll see :) I am really excited now, not so much nervous anymore. The few people ihave sent the story too have really enjoyed it so i think its given me a bit of moral support or what not.
Anyhoot! I'm sooo excited!
