First lady's message: Obama is just like you



Yes, we're both half-white krazy Kansans...

;) ;)

Don't shoot me! Ahm just the passion play's Player Piano player.
A_J, the Stupid
I have never organized a community.

I have helped build a few.

I don't think that qualifies me to be like him.

It wasn't ACORN-sweat on my t-shirt, or ACORN-dirt under my fingernails.

I would have taken a swing at ACORN's thumb with the hammer, had they only been present.

Sorry, but you drove to get there.

ACORN built the roads.

Sorry, but you drove to get there.

ACORN built the roads.


And ACORN made the tools, and harvested the trees, and transported the materials . . . .

I get it now.

Of myself I am nothing, the ACORN doeth the works.

All praise be to ACORN.
And ACORN made the tools, and harvested the trees, and transported the materials . . . .

I get it now.

Of myself I am nothing, the ACORN doeth the works.

All praise be to ACORN.

All devotion to its mighty lawyer, he who brings houses to the under-funded...

;) ;)
All devotion to its mighty lawyer, he who brings houses to the under-funded...

;) ;)

All knees shall bend and every head shall bow . . . .

He is Our Overlord.

Where is sweeptherfloor?

Mostly because it rhymes with threshing oar.
Ours don't arrive until this afternoon.

I think part of my wagon pulling today involves climbing a ladder.

And exterior paint.

I can hardly wait.
Will he refinish my wood floors and provide a low interest loan for my new roof?

You must find it strange that polls still show Obama's likability rating around 60%.
You must find it strange that polls still show Obama's likability rating around 60%.

Now who's a liar?

Barack Obama approaches his nomination for a second term with the lowest pre-convention personal popularity of an incumbent president in ABC News/Washington Post polls since the 1980s. He’s also at his lowest of the year among registered voters, with trouble among women.

Just 47 percent of registered voters in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll see Obama favorably overall, down 7 percentage points from his recent peak in April, while 49 percent rate him unfavorably. He’s numerically underwater in this group for the first time since February.
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The Question Nobody Wants to Answer
Jonah Goldberg, NRO
September 5, 2012

You have to feel a little sorry for Team Obama as they squirm to explain why the question

Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

is so unfair.

After all, there is only one way to answer it and retain any credibility. Which is why Maryland’s Democratic governor, Martin O’Malley, when asked, responded, No, we’re not. Within 24 hours, he reversed himself, by all accounts because the Obama campaign forced him to. I haven’t checked the video to see if he was blinking T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse code as he did so.

The idea that presidents “run” the economy is both ludicrous and fairly novel. Before the New Deal (which in my opinion prolonged the Great Depression), the notion that presidents should or could grow the economy was outlandish. But, as the historian H. W. Brands has argued, it was JFK who really cemented the idea that the president is the project manager for a team of technicians who create economic prosperity. “Most of the problems . . . that we now face, are technical problems, are administrative problems,” he explained, and should be kept as far away from partisan politics as possible.

President Obama, a hybrid reincarnation of Kennedy and Roosevelt according to his fans, came into office with similar misconceptions. Controlling the White House, the House, and the Senate, his team of propeller-heads insisted that if we passed exactly the stimulus they wanted, the unemployment rate would top out at 8 percent and would be well below that by now.

They waved around charts and graphs “proving” they were right, like self-declared messiahs insisting they are to be followed because the prophecies they wrote themselves say so.

They got their stimulus. They were wrong.

They say in their defense that’s because the downturn was so much worse than anyone realized. Okay, but that just demonstrates the folly of their confidence in the first place. If I jump off a building because I am sure I can fly (“I wrote a study that proves it!”), it’s of little solace, and even less of an excuse, if I sputter out my last words from the bloodied pavement, “The pull of gravity was so much worse than I realized.”

Obama similarly defenestrated his own credibility, but he’s still insisting he knows exactly what to do. Now he argues that if we just do what Bill Clinton did — raise taxes on the top earners plus pass the so-called Buffett rule, which would raise taxes on investment income — we can have the economy Clinton had. The Buffett rule would pay for 11 hours of government spending in 2013, as Mitt Romney correctly observed — or 18 hours, according to Democratic reckoning. Anyone believe that would make the economy roar to life?

Obviously, Bill Clinton — and the Republican Congress that forced him to balance the budget — deserves some credit for the 1990s boom. But last I checked he didn’t invent the personal computer, the Internet, or biotechnology. Nor did he end the Cold War. The notion that there would have been no “roaring Nineties” if George H. W. Bush had been reelected is simply preposterous.
Many of us who are heavily invested in the markets are much better off. Look up the numbers if you don't believe me.

Ok, great for you, buy you are a minority.
For the average person where I live (Australia/New Zealand) things aren't so cushy. Property prices have contracted at least 25% (sometimes more at the top end of the market) and super funds have taken a hammering.
Oh ffs man, who in this world is better off now than four years ago?
Four years ago is a strange timeframe. half a year left of Bush, and just before the economy imploded.

The words the Dems need to use are if people have become better off with Obama in the White House. It has a higher chance for a positive answer.
This is a pattern with the Democrats.

When markets drop, they are a useless indicator of the economy and Adre, at any rate is making money in bonds, but when they go up, then people are doing well and making money even though the market, if you trace the peaks, has actually been moving sideways even with money fleeing Europe and the Fed's inflation...