

Really Experienced
Aug 27, 2002
Just out of curiosity...But how often do you and your loved one fight? Do you think it is normal to have an occasional fight?

I am just curious cuz my boyfriend and I usually fight once every month or so. I was just curious if this is normal.

oh i would say very normal, most relationships have to have a dispute once in a while!!!
lol No thats not normal!

and be happy that you aren't normal and fight more. ;)
tis quite normal for couples to fight. when two ppl are so open to each other tis really easy to slip into fights. tis a good thing ebcuase you learn more about each other. just make sure you actually learn from them or they happen over and over and then tahts just not healthy for any relationship.
Almost every day here.

Its not that bad of a thing to do,as I feel it clears the air between the two of you.

Its gets old after awhile,but all ends up being well.
Fighting means you care about the other's opinion, and is superior to being caught in a relationship so full of indifference you can't be bothered to fight.