Fiancé wants to share me, how do I proceed?


Oct 29, 2022
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
Start slow, take it one step at a time. Maybe have the other guy just watch you fuck at first. Then kiss him while you're fucking your fiance, or just let him play with your boobs while you fuck. If that goes OK, suck him while you fuck...get spit roasted.
But all one step at a time. Only do what you're comfortable with. Maybe the blind fold idea will help you feel anonymous, and get over your shyness. You might just find that you love it, and before long you'll be fucking multiple guys and letting your inner slut find her full expression, and your fiance will be very happy, too.
Personally I feel that it is important for the woman in this scenario to maintain control. You don't have to call all the shots, but letting your fiancé or other guys make all the decisions can go very wrong very quickly. Their idea of what they want from you may be very different from what you want. Pick the guy yourself, take it slow and keep a handle on things. Make sure your fiancé knows you will be voicing your desires and don't let him impose rules or restrictions unnecessarily. Obviously you want to be safe, but if he starts suggesting limitations that are designed to protect his ego be very careful - either he can handle it or he can't and if he can't there is no rules that will change that.
Well, it seems you’re good to go with the idea of a threesome, but not quite over the line of wanting another man in reality. If I’ve got that right:

Hitchhiker made an interesting suggestion. It amounts to desensitization. Maybe start with a zoom, a guy on the other end watching. If you’re still shy, you could wear a mask.

Or, 90 degree turn, how about a threesome, but MFF? Few guys will object to that and you might be less shy with another woman.

Another thought. I know your intent is for this to happen in private, but have you considered joining a swinger’s group? There’s probably a munch where you can just meet the people and newbies are generally not pressed to join in until they’re ready. Seeing others around you engaged in sex might make it easier for you.

Good luck.

Oh, it’s a given that anybody your boy eventually brings home has provided him solid proof of being STI-free, right? And BC is a given, yes? And a no-photos rule might be a good idea.
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First, your fiancé is a very lucky man. Dont dwell on it to long, just take the plunge. One of my first encounters with another man, I was nervous. Im shy too so this made it difficult and especially being with another man in a sexual way. He suggested we just both get naked right away. It seems when we got naked, the nerves melted. Another suggestion..communication communication communication. I cant stress this enough. Admit your apprehensive. Find a guy, invite him over but set ground rules. He doesnt have to fuck you. Let the other man be present as you and your fiancé play. Maybe suggest youll stroke both cocks at the same time. This will break the ice. Any decent guy who breaths will most likely accept. Hell just being in the same room naked with you im sure would be hot. How would you feel if he just masturbated in the same room admiring your naked body? Your man should be very aroused at the thought of another guy jerking off to you.
Ok and this is my bi side thinking out loud. How erotic would it be if the other man explored with your fiancé? Probably not his cup of tea but it be mine😁
All this is great advice, but find out if he wants this to be a one off, etc., and talk about what each others expectations and what it could mean to your relationship.
Using a safeword that you would never use in a sexual situation is a must. If you say that word, he and the other person/people know you are uncomfortable with what ever is happening and want to stop. When the wife and I were going through our swinging days, our safeword was always "Orange" or "Purple".
Start by saying "yes" if you feel like trying it. As another commenter said it could lead to the end of your engagement. He may be jealous or you might just enjoy it so much you will dump him!!

Seriously though, I've been there and done that and I was more than willing and the guy I was dating and suggested it wasn't like we were making plans to marry. Use your own judgement and good luck!!
Lot's of Lube!
And alcohol!

Listen...Seriously Do NOT do anything you are not comfortable with!
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
Tell him to fuck off and go find yourself someone else.
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
You didn't state what yours are. Do they involve others too?
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
Start with toys. Play the part like a mystery man is coming over to have his way with you and warm up with your husband. Then get on your blindfold and have your hubby use a toy on you as it were another man. It's a baby step but will allow you to test the waters without the potential for huge issues right out the gate.
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
Just do it. My wife and I have done that several times. We've also had threesomes with women though. Both are very hot. I've done the blindfold and tied her down before. That's hot as well. You'll love it. Guarantee you will if you're turned on thinking about it.
I do this all the time and have helped many couples.

I agree to start slow, set clear ground rules for what you both want and do not want, and be sure to follow them in the heat of the moment.


Oops,, sorry for the caps!

I really do do this often (last Friday, in fact) so feel free to ask any questions. PM me if you like.
Recently, my fiancé and I opened up to each other about our fantasies. I told him mine, and he was very receptive and was into it. He told me his, and he said he wants to share me. He wants to have a threesome with me and another man. And he also wants to tie me up and blindfold me and have random guys come in and fuck me. The thought of all of this is so so sexy. It turns me on so much he finds me so sexy he wants to share me.

The only problem is I’m pretty shy, and I’m worried about how we’ll fulfill this fantasy of his. I’m not ready to full on fuck another dude just yet. What are some ways I can fulfill his hot wife fantasy? Thank you 😊
dump the chump
Start with toys. Play the part like a mystery man is coming over to have his way with you and warm up with your husband. Then get on your blindfold and have your hubby use a toy on you as it were another man. It's a baby step but will allow you to test the waters without the potential for huge issues right out the gate.
What an excellent idea
You can’t unring a bell, and you can’t unfuck someone in front of your fiancé if it doesn’t go well. So I’d pass on any of this ‘don’t think, just fuck someone’ advice.

I would suggest you begin by involving another man, but not in person. Flirt around here a bit, and find someone you hit it off with. Take it to kik or Skype, and step up to your fiancé sharing pics of you, you talking and sexting with someone together (be careful with your pics, keep your face and tats out, etc)

That will give you both the opportunity to see how it feels, emotionally, to involve someone else. Sit with that a bit. Talk about it. Be open and honest.

If it feels good for both of you, think about moving to in person. If you decide that it’s best left as a fantasy, leave it there.

It’s a low risk way to try it out a bit.

(Surely there are an abundance of men here that would be up for that. Hard part is finding one that you click with)
Not too many ways to find out if this is something you will be into. Probably a 3sum will tell you. Aa for a blindfold who's that cock game I don't know lol
I was upstairs with a guy at a frat party and as were fucking when another dude comes into the room and asks the guy I was with if he could have me suck him off. That request made my night go from fun to a cold wtf let me out of here night! Reason I told this was I didn't know how I would feel about being offered up until it happened. At least in a 3sum you would have some conterol. :)
Not sure how much control she would have being tied up and blindfolded.
Not sure how much control she would have being tied up and blindfolded.
Presumably, she’d be tied up and blindfolded by someone who had earned her trust and she knew would keep her safe. So her control would be exerted by choosing the correct partner, and having open conversations with them about limits ahead of time.
Presumably, she’d be tied up and blindfolded by someone who had earned her trust and she knew would keep her safe. So her control would be exerted by choosing the correct partner, and having open conversations with them about limits ahead of time.

I think the random guys part throws me off. If I were going to trust someone to orchestrate this I'd have to trust that he made prudent selections of guys based upon agreed criteria.
I think the random guys part throws me off. If I were going to trust someone to orchestrate this I'd have to trust that he made prudent selections of guys based upon agreed criteria.
Yeah, agreed.
While I do see the theoretical appeal of not knowing who they are… I’d have to have a LOT of trust in the man that made the choices.
Many years ago, my husband wanted to have a 3 some and bring another woman into our bedroom. We discussed it for sometime and I was onboard for it. The woman he wanted was a very close friend of mine and her and I talked about it. We were friends long before I met my husband and the more I thought about it being with her, I decided not to. I was afraid of something happening that would ruin our friendship and to me, it wasn't worth it. After telling him I didn't want to do it, the conversation never came up again.