Feminists, what should a man do to avoid being falsely accused of rape?


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Don't rape? Obvious.
Don't pressure a woman into sex? Obvious.
Don't get a woman drunk and then fuck her? Obvious.
Stay indoors and don't fuck any woman at all (aka the Richard Daily option)? Well, that works, too.

Er, actually, not exactly..........

The woman who accused a stranger she found on Facebook of rape - and how it ruined her victim's life

Given everything he has been through, one wonders how Philip McDonald can even bring himself to look at Facebook. True, he’s hyper-conscious about his security settings, but then, so would you be if you’d endured what he has over the past two years.

For Philip, a polite and quietly spoken 26-year-old father-of-one, was plucked out of the blue by a total stranger who spotted his picture on the social networking site and decided to falsely accuse him of rape.

In an act of inexplicable viciousness, 31-year-old fantasist Linsey Attridge chanced upon a photograph of Philip and his then 14-year-old brother James and used it to back up a story she’d concocted. She’d done it, apparently, in order to win some sympathy with her boyfriend, when she feared his affections were waning.

It led to Philip, a wholly innocent chef, being harassed in the street and shunned at the school gates. He is still fighting, two years later, to salvage his battered reputation.
So, how does a guy avoid a false rape charge?

Oh, I forgot, false rape charges never happen so who cares, right? :rolleyes:
he could have said she was a hooker, and that raping a hooker isnt rape

because that is legit defense