Female Trimmed Pubic hair: Gap over the clitoris?


Literotica Guru
Dec 1, 2006
For the women out there who trim their public hair so that only a patch remains over your clitoris, do you leave a gap between your clitoris and your hair? Or do you leave hair all the way down to the clitoris? Or do you care at all?

Here is an example of a landing strip without a gap:
Pubic hair No Gap 1
Pubic Hair No Gap 2

Here are examples with a gap:
Public Hair with Gap 1
Pubic Hair with Gap 2

My wife surprises me with a variety of hair styles down there. When she leaves only a landing strip or triangular patch, I enjoy having patch of bare skin between her clitoris and the hair. It’s nice to kiss and lick there, and I enjoy being able to get her aroused by licking all around her clit (without contacting it) before later zeroing in on her clit. It’s also extra smooth to grind against during sex.

Does anyone else (men or women) have any preferences about this? Or am I the oddball?
Does anyone else have any other pubic hair preferences besides the usual "shave it all" or "leave it all?"

In my opinion, there's no WRONG way for a woman to trim her pubic hair, but some ways are nicer than others! :):heart::heart::heart:
For the women out there who trim their public hair so that only a patch remains over your clitoris, do you leave a gap between your clitoris and your hair? Or do you leave hair all the way down to the clitoris? Or do you care at all?

Here is an example of a landing strip without a gap:
Pubic hair No Gap 1
Pubic Hair No Gap 2

Here are examples with a gap:
Public Hair with Gap 1
Pubic Hair with Gap 2

My wife surprises me with a variety of hair styles down there. When she leaves only a landing strip or triangular patch, I enjoy having patch of bare skin between her clitoris and the hair. It’s nice to kiss and lick there, and I enjoy being able to get her aroused by licking all around her clit (without contacting it) before later zeroing in on her clit. It’s also extra smooth to grind against during sex.

Does anyone else (men or women) have any preferences about this? Or am I the oddball?
Does anyone else have any other pubic hair preferences besides the usual "shave it all" or "leave it all?"

In my opinion, there's no WRONG way for a woman to trim her pubic hair, but some ways are nicer than others! :):heart::heart::heart:
No preference because she's going to wear it to please herself. However, NOT a fan of full bush. Prefer trimmed, shaved some or all, landing strip, etc. As long as I get to enjoy her, it doesn't matter that much.
Links ONLY. No embedded pictures.


Did I do anything wrong, or was your comment just a warning about follow up comments?

Is this Gina's Flying Butterfly (top image in the link) that you mentioned? That certainly is visually impressive, but doesn't have my happy gap. I certainly wouldn't complain if my wife appeared with that though! I'd probably ask for a photo. :love:


Did I do anything wrong, or was your comment just a warning about follow up comments?
When Gina first appeared on the scene in '94 or '95, she was one of the very best. Unfortunately like so many others, she got in too deep and got worn out too fast. Last I knew, she was down to doing appearances at strip clubs.
First wife was the only one I have been with that trimmed into any shape.
She was either bald or trimmed into a nice heart shape. The hearts were sometimes painstakingly neat. When in her heart mode, there was always a gap.

My preference from years of exposure is completely bald.
When Gina first appeared on the scene in '94 or '95, she was one of the very best. Unfortunately like so many others, she got in too deep and got worn out too fast. Last I knew, she was down to doing appearances at strip clubs.
Ingenious of her to use her shaven sex as a "brand" if you will to distinguish herself when completely nude.

Like others, I prefer the women in my life to be shaven completely nude.
Are there any women out that that can feel a difference during oral sex or intercourse? Does removing hair from that spot near the top of the clitoris make a difference to you?
…I'd probably say this pic of the gorgeous Tali Dova is a good representation of what mine currrently looks like:
Links ONLY. No embedded pictures.

Love, Sara xxx
Thanks for sharing your perspective. It’s interesting to hear from someone who has gone through both hairy and hairless phases. It looks like the embedded photo you provided was deleted. Would you give us a link to the image?
My wife nowadays keeps a full bush, it's more than five years ago since she shaved for the last time. Personally, I prefer a bush on her. But there have been times she shaved. And though she kept it bare when she was younger, she felt more comfortable with a little bit of hair when she was in her late 20s, as she thought it looked quite childish when she would keep it bare. That also had to do with the shape of her pussy. So when she shaved, she usually kept a landing strip or small tuft of hair. In those cases, she always left a small gap. Her pussy is the 'innie' type, you basically see just a slit. And when unshaved, the part just above the clitoris is the most hairy part of her pussy as it's tucked in and the hair grows there from all sides. If she shaves, she thinks it feels and looks better if that part is shaven as well. So, if she leaves some hair such as a landing strip, she'll leave a little gap.

She did shave it bare for the last time some six years ago, but that was because she wanted to go from a full bush to a landing strip and she found out that was difficult without some trimming upfront, so she wasn't happy with how it looked and finally decided it was better to shave everything so she could basically start from scratch. The next week she shaved again, in the shape of a landing strip. The bare pussy was a big surprise though, as at that moment, it was the first time in eight years she shaved everything off!

Nowadays, it's always a full bush, but in the first couple of years of our relationship, she frequently changed styles. Bare, trimmed, a small triangle, a larger triangle, a landing strip, a tuft, a full bush, a full bush with the lips shaved... I've seen it all. While I do prefer the full bush, I appreciate the variety of those years and that she tried so many styles. The days when she went from full bush to bare were fun. Sometimes we had sex in the morning and I was eating her out while her pussy was very hairy. When she took a shower, she would shave and let me watch. She didn't trim upfront and it was always an impressive sight seeing her big bush covered in shaving cream, and the razor getting clogged with hair with every stroke. It always took some time but she could shave it extremely smooth. When we had sex again later that day I was eating out a smooth shaved pussy. After being used to the full bush for months, it always felt like a completely different pussy! And one or a few weeks later she could have a landing strip and it would look and feel different again. Still smooth at the lips and around her clit, but with some hair to tickle my nose while eating her out. For a while, she frequently followed that pattern: shaving it bare and keeping it bare for some time, growing a landing strip and keeping that for some time, growing out a full bush, shaving everything off and start again. Sometimes she would keep it shaved for a while, or keep the bush for a while, quite often depending on the season and what she wanted at that moment. But in general, such a cycle did usually take 4-6 months, where it would be shaved (bare or a landing strip) for about half of the time and hairy for the other half of the time. I could even notice it by the kind of underwear she was wearing. If it was shaving time, she was wearing thongs frequently, while she preferred regular panties when she had a bush as the thongs didn't cover everything!
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I never understood the landing strip. To me it is as cliché as the tramp stamp tattoo. Keep it bald and I will wrap my mouth around the whole thing.
Perhaps it's indeed a bit cliché, because there have been times that many women seemed to have a landing strip. In a way, bald also has become a bit cliché, at some moment it felt that every woman shaved. That has changed a bit, but when I was around 20-25 years old around 2005-2010, it felt like all women around my age had a bare pussy. It had become so mainstream. There was hardly any variety at all.

I think the landing strip now it isn't that common anymore. In porn, it used to be common, but recently I hardly see any new porn where the ladies have landing strips. Shaving it bald is easier than maintaining a straight landing strip. And I think a landing strip is a classy look, it looks maintained and when done well, you can see the lady put some effort in it.
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Perhaps it's indeed a bit cliché, because there have been times that many women seemed to have a landing strip. In a way, bald also has become a bit cliché, at some moment it felt that every woman shaved. That has changed a bit, but when I was around 20-25 years old around 2005-2010, it felt like all women around my age had a bare pussy. It had become so mainstream. There was hardly any variety at all.

I think the landing strip now it isn't that common anymore. In porn, it used to be common, but recently I hardly see any new porn where the ladies have landing strips. Shaving it bald is easier than maintaining a straight landing strip. And I think a landing strip is a classy look, it looks maintained and when done well, you can see the lady put some effort in it.
Well with that said to me you either go full bush trimmed or not or completely bald. I like the look of bald but love eating it more.

Btw I been trimming my self for a few decades now.
Neatly trimmed or the aka landing strip is my preference since that's what the wife has had for the past 20 some odd years! Even when she was pregnant and it was difficult for her to shave she'd always ask me to give her a helping hand which i ofc did 🙂
Well with that said to me you either go full bush trimmed or not or completely bald. I like the look of bald but love eating it more.
Especially when she got in her mid to late 20s, my wife sometimes wanted to shave but found it too childish for herself to go completely bare. But sometimes she was fed up with the bush and she wanted to be able to wear thongs without hair sticking out at the sides. In that case, a landing strip is a logical choice. Although I can understand people who think that if you're already shaving most of the pubic hair, it doesn't make much sense to leave a little bit. But she felt more mature with the landing strip.

I've never thought bare looks childish. And though I prefer a full bush, bare would be my second choice before varieties like a landing strip. A landing strip can look classy, but the smooth feeling of a freshly shaven completely bare pussy is fun.
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I like some nice trimmed hair. The triangle in the second link in the OP is pretty and I think some hair is womanly and more sexual in my opinion. I’m not big into fully bald… I think because so much bad porn these days insists on bald, but if a lady has a preference, that‘s to be respected and enjoyed! X
I want my partners to have what they want. If having a bald mound makes them feel sexy for me, it's perfect. If they feel better having a hairy garden when I lick them, I'm all about it. My wife used to let me trim hers and a few times a year, she let me shave it for variety. Of my three lady friends, the oldest, who has some beautiful large lips, is hairless and I love it. She loves to have her lips sucked and licked between being tongue-fucked. The middle one in age has a small landing strip with a gap between her clit and where the hair starts. She is quite a sexy woman with full pink lips and a thick clitoris. The youngest is bald and tells me she will never have hair on her pussy. She is a horny young woman that loves a talented tongue. It's all good for me!
I have been full bush, trimmed and bald, right now I am in my no hair phase, and wish I had someone to remove it all for me, anyone else like to be shaved rather than doing it
If shaving a woman's bush is a fetish, it's mine. I love doing it and have shaved a bunch of them. Never nicked anyone either, from the lightly haired blonde to the thickest, jet black hairy garden.

So lay back on your bed and open your thighs. I'll shave your pussy as slick as a biscuit.
I have been full bush, trimmed and bald, right now I am in my no hair phase, and wish I had someone to remove it all for me, anyone else like to be shaved rather than doing it yourself?
My GF.
We make a sexy production of it. (disclaimer: GF is naturally almost hairless so not much to shave)
I set an outdoor type chair in the kitchen with towels all around on the floor plus two stools on either side for her feet. She will sit in the chair legs spread wide with what hair she has easily accessible. A big bowl provides soapy water and a hot razor.
Lots of pulling skin tight to get every hair including around her protruding labia.
Being almost hairless, it’s more of a game than anything else. I am usually hard when doing this.
When done and cleaned up, soothing lotion applied, she prances around to display her wares and tease me some more.