Female Led Society


Jul 16, 2023
i,m curious what women would do living in such world,would they tease men dressed in sexy outfits or demanding men they should wear sexy lingerie&high heels in womenclothes,would they fuck other men?And what about their family,sons&daughters etc?And what would be teached at school&what are the rules in the church?You can share your ideas &fantasies&rules etc ,personally i would love this is happening,as obedient CD forced to put sexy lingerie&shoes etc(i do everyday now)and tease &please everyone and do whatever a woman asks,that would be a dream cum true,so ladies please tell what you want,and if you want something from me sharing it in this forum,please demand&force me,please
i,m curious what women would do living in such world,would they tease men dressed in sexy outfits or demanding men they should wear sexy lingerie&high heels in womenclothes,would they fuck other men?And what about their family,sons&daughters etc?And what would be teached at school&what are the rules in the church?You can share your ideas &fantasies&rules etc ,personally i would love this is happening,as obedient CD forced to put sexy lingerie&shoes etc(i do everyday now)and tease &please everyone and do whatever a woman asks,that would be a dream cum true,so ladies please tell what you want,and if you want something from me sharing it in this forum,please demand&force me,please

I think the original Star Trek did an episode like that..
No problem with women in powerful positions. World history shows many examples.
But please the last thing I want to see is some hairy ass guys in lingerie!
Women are beautiful, they have beautiful bodies. A woman can wear a potato sack and look sexy. Some things are just meant to be.
i,m curious what women would do living in such world,would they tease men dressed in sexy outfits or demanding men they should wear sexy lingerie&high heels in womenclothes,would they fuck other men?And what about their family,sons&daughters etc?And what would be teached at school&what are the rules in the church?You can share your ideas &fantasies&rules etc ,personally i would love this is happening,as obedient CD forced to put sexy lingerie&shoes etc(i do everyday now)and tease &please everyone and do whatever a woman asks,that would be a dream cum true,so ladies please tell what you want,and if you want something from me sharing it in this forum,please demand&force me,please
I fantasize that they would want to find intellectually or physically superior men to fuck them
Well, it would only last until the power grid goes down thanks to a general strike by the men who maintain the infrastructure. You don’t actually think that we would preserve a system that oppresses us, right? Oh, and the first invading army would not only not be met with resistance…they would be greeted as liberators.
i,m curious what women would do living in such world,would they tease men dressed in sexy outfits or demanding men they should wear sexy lingerie&high heels in womenclothes,would they fuck other men?And what about their family,sons&daughters etc?And what would be teached at school&what are the rules in the church?You can share your ideas &fantasies&rules etc ,personally i would love this is happening,as obedient CD forced to put sexy lingerie&shoes etc(i do everyday now)and tease &please everyone and do whatever a woman asks,that would be a dream cum true,so ladies please tell what you want,and if you want something from me sharing it in this forum,please demand&force me,please
Sounds a lot like marriage - just saying
I think there would be less labeling of people. Today scared guys put labels on weaker people just to make themselves look and feel better. I've worked with trans people, and CD's. Best working people when treated as an equal. I'd rather hire people of all walks and orientation that a bubba in a truck
Lol, do people even read posts any more? This dude is asking for fetish fuel and y’all giving him social justice vibes.
It's a bullshit question and assumes if we were the dominant gender we'd still be pandering to men's desires.

So like, if women were in charge we'd all swan around in lingerie? No. Maybe we'd make men wear it so they could look ridiculous while we all sat around at home masturbating over underwear websites? No.

We'd be the ones wearing comfy clothing. WITH FUCKING POCKETS!
I completely agree -- women are much more practical than men. They are built that way. But men are built the opposite. There are reasons no doubt.
In a female led society women would probably fuck around a lot without having to care about their reputations because there'd be no patriarchy to shame us.

But men would hang on to their virginities until they met 'the one' and got married. Men's virginities would be fetishised by the church. Mothers would encourage their teenage sons to wear chastity rings.

But abortion would be freely available. So that's a bonus.
In a female led society women would probably fuck around a lot without having to care about their reputations because there'd be no patriarchy to shame us.

But men would hang on to their virginities until they met 'the one' and got married. Men's virginities would be fetishised by the church. Mothers would encourage their teenage sons to wear chastity rings.

But abortion would be freely available. So that's a bonus.
1. Yeah they would fuck a lot more and that's beginning to happen I think. Men are finally beginning to understand that girls like sex too. I was told this by my mother but didn't believe her for quite a while
2. LOL For some maybe. But it's much harder for guys to lose their virginity than girls, so they are always trying just a little bit
3. Not getting into abortion here
In a female led society women would probably fuck around a lot without having to care about their reputations because there'd be no patriarchy to shame us.

But men would hang on to their virginities until they met 'the one' and got married. Men's virginities would be fetishised by the church. Mothers would encourage their teenage sons to wear chastity rings.

But abortion would be freely available. So that's a bonus.
Does that mean that women like sleeping with virgins (seems unlikely) or that special guys would be kept as studs
1. Yeah they would fuck a lot more and that's beginning to happen I think. Men are finally beginning to understand that girls like sex too. I was told this by my mother but didn't believe her for quite a while
Some men still don't get it. And women have been conditioned for thousands of years to believe they shouldn't

3. Not getting into abortion here
You'd have no choice. If women ran the world, they wouldn't have fat old white guys deciding what they can and can't choose.
Does that mean that women like sleeping with virgins (seems unlikely) or that special guys would be kept as studs
Neither. You're judging by male standards.

Virgins are nasty, boring little boys (even if only emotionally). Women would most likely judge men by what's between their ears, not in their pants. Bad news for men!

Oh but if the roles were reversed, we'd be able to rape and sexually abuse guys and get away with it. We could slut shame the boys if they chose to complain. We could maybe send them home from school for wearing a tshirt that's a bit too tight.
Some men still don't get it. And women have been conditioned for thousands of years to believe they shouldn't

You'd have no choice. If women ran the world, they wouldn't have fat old white guys deciding what they can and can't choose.
I hope that things are changing -- I am an old thin man and I haven't met too many men of my generation or younger who want to keep their daughters or wives or gfs imprisoned.
We're comparatively lucky (FUCK growing up in the US south right now) but we still earn less than guys, we still get unequal healthcare, we still get raped and murdered and abused, we still get the blame for staying in abusive relationships, we still get slut shamed if we behave like guys do... long way to go.
We're comparatively lucky (FUCK growing up in the US south right now) but we still earn less than guys, we still get unequal healthcare, we still get raped and murdered and abused, we still get the blame for staying in abusive relationships, we still get slut shamed if we behave like guys do... long way to go.

Well, if you want to get non-fetishistic about it… sure.

But at this point, it’s hard to say what can be done about it. There was a brief moment in time when it seemed like things were moving forward, but now it looks like we’re just moving backwards everywhere.