


i feel as though happiness is slipping through my fingers
i feel as though i watch it brush up so close to me
yet it feels so tenuous as if it is an illusion that i try to reach for
yet it will always evade me

i feel as though there are moments where i see its many possibilities and yet they are so far and distant from me

i have felt it in the quiet moments of the late night
i have felt it in the early morning as you touch me
but when it's away, it seems as if it will never return

when you grasp for it tightly it only leaps out of sight
when you try to revel in it for just a brief moment
something destroys your faith
you feel only disbelief

we are responsible for our own happiness
when it slips away we can only blame ourselves
have you felt the chill that rushes through your body when you feel loss? it can be so warm and yet you are shivering?
I saw a girl who'd found her consolation
She said "One day my Prince of Peace will come"
Above her head a portrait of her father
The wilted favour that he gave her still fastened to the frame
"They've got his bones and everything he owns
I've got his name"
Well you can laugh at this sentimental story
But in time you'll have to make amends
The sudden chill where lovers doubt their immortality
As the clouds cover the sky the evening ends
Describing a picture of eyes finally closing
As you sometimes glimpse terrible faces in the fire
We'll I'm the lucky goon
Who composed this tune
from birds arranged on the high wire

Who on earth is tapping at the window?
Does that face still linger at the pane?
I saw you shiver though the room was like a furnace
A shadow of regret across a young mother's face
So toll the bell or rock the cradle
Please don't let me fear anything I cannot explain
I can't believe, I'll never believe in anything again
thank you acitore_vuli..you prove one again how insensitive and uncompassionate many people are
I once was happy
I was so confused with it
I lost it
It left me before i grabbed it
So scared to take the right step
To worried to chose, and choose wrong
So I didnt, and I lost

I felt it leave me one night
Lying there in the arms of sleep
the warm spot moved and drifted
I rolled over to find it
But it had already left

I got up to look
maybe just needed some fresh air
Evidentally it did
Cause it was long gone
And not coming back
Not quick

I went back to bed, missing it
Willing it back as I sighed
Knowing that time would help
As would my love
It'll come back