Feedback on something a little different.


Bad Doggie
Jul 13, 2009
A couple of days go I submitted the first part in a series that because there is a lot of sexless chapters and a lot of violence and assorted strange happenings, I put in Novels and novellas.

I knew going in that category gets very little attention and most of my fan base wants to read mommy stories so I've yet to even get ten votes on this and only one comment and that seems to be from a "homer" who knows my work, so I figured I would try to get some feedback here.

I was going for I guess for lack of a better term a dark fiction or gothic "flavor" to this. It has some EH aspects, but not enough to go there. It's kind of a supernatural/bdsm hybrid type of story.

A couple of disclaimers. First its five pages so a little bit of a read. Second, although there is no incest, the sex scene at the end features some incest role play so if that squicks you, then maybe you should skip this.

Anyway, let me know what you think, and yeah, I know my grammar blows:eek:
No! Your punctuation blows. It aint rocket science!

I gave it a 5.
A couple of disclaimers. First its five pages so a little bit of a read.

Five pages, a bit of a read?

That's actually kinda funny. Most of my favorite authors regularly post stories that are at least 4 pages. Some of them average 6 or more.

Does very good sci-fi/fantasy & nonhuman have different 'standards', or is it just me?

I'm hear to read, not wank, so I guess that's a large part of it. (I lean towards the literature part of Literotica, not the erotica part.)
I think sci-fi and nonhuman might average more wordage, yes. There's more set-up required in these than in most genres.
Five pages, a bit of a read?

That's actually kinda funny. Most of my favorite authors regularly post stories that are at least 4 pages. Some of them average 6 or more.

Does very good sci-fi/fantasy & nonhuman have different 'standards', or is it just me?

I'm hear to read, not wank, so I guess that's a large part of it. (I lean towards the literature part of Literotica, not the erotica part.)

I think those two categories tend to be more story oriented than other categories so are longer and many are series rather than one shots.

But I think it more depends on the author. Almost all my stories ar in the 4+ range several are 8 pages. Even in the stroke laden incest category I write an actual story to go with the taboo encounter. "Mom's hot, so why not" is not my thing.
I don't think it's so much that those too are more story oriented; I think that alternate worlds tend to have to be set up for those two before you can even get to stories.
I don't think it's so much that those too are more story oriented; I think that alternate worlds tend to have to be set up for those two before you can even get to stories.

I agree, but that is kind of what I mean. If you're describing alternate worlds/societies/species then you're not writing about sex hence more story oriented.

The first 4 pages of the link I have here is all build up and foreshadowing to set up the rest of the series.