Falwell Should Just Shut His Mouth....

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Nothing like Christian multi-millionaire love! Don't put him on television, the guy makes fools of every Christian out there, and tears down any Christian/Muslim bonds that exist! Jeebus save us!

The Rev. Jerry Falwell will call Islam’s founder and most sacred figure, Mohammed, "a terrorist" on 60 MINUTES this Sunday night,

“I think Mohammed was a terrorist. I read enough…by both Muslims and non-Muslims, [to decide] that he was a violent man, a man of war,” Falwell tells CBS. “In my opinion…Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses, and I think Mohammed set an opposite example.”

Falwell hits total controversy while affirming the Christian Right’s steadfast support for the state of Israel against its Islamic enemies.

The interview with CBS reporter Bob Simon, in which Falwell hints that the Christian Right ("Taliban"-L.C.) influences U.S. government policy toward Israel, has been set for broadcast, network sources say.

Falwell sent a personal protest to President Bush, and the White House received 100,000 e-mail protests from Christians when Bush urged Israel to remove its forces from Palestinian towns earlier this year. Falwell believes Bush is well aware of the Christian constituency. “There are 70 million of us…[and] there’s nothing that would bring the wrath of the Christian public in this country down on this government like abandoning or opposing Israel on a critical matter,” Falwell tells Simon.

Falwell and conservative Christians support the Israelis and condemn their enemies because they believe the triumph of Israel is God’s will. The Jews’ return to their ancient homeland – and sole ownership of the territories Arabs and Israelis both lay claim to -- is a precondition for the second coming of Christ, according to the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians’ interpretation of the Bible. The Biblical scenario is not a savory one for many Jews, however. “God save us from these people,” says Israeli political analyst Yossi Alpher. “When you see what these people are encouraging Israel and the U.S. to do…ignore the Palestinians, kick them out…they are leading us into a scenario of out-and-out disaster,” he tells Simon.

But disaster is part of the scenario. Many Fundamentalist Evangelicals believe there will be catastrophic events on earth, some occurring already, including the turmoil in the Middle East, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon in which Christ will triumph and begin ruling the earth. At this point, they believe, non-believers will be destroyed, good Christians saved and any remaining Jews converted to Christianity.

Says Ed McAteer, a founder of the Moral Majority and known as the godfather of the Christian Right, “I believe that we are seeing prophecy unfold so rapidly and dramatically and wonderfully, and, without exaggeration, [it] makes me breathless.”

Its so iroinic...didn't Jesus go into the main temple and declare not a stone will be left standing...sounds like a terrorist...oh yes they excuted him for it among other things..All great teachers break with the opast and are spiritual rebels.
Right on Suffy....

Let's not forget every fucking inquisition/war for the last 2000 years in the name of the Christian Gawd! Man's ultimate insult to the Creator in my book! Falwell represents the Christian movement as well as Bin Laden, Hussein, or any othe terrorist motherfucker that bombed an abortion clinic as "Gawd's Will". (no difference) :D
The founding figure of a religion is not responsible for the bastardization of the religion that takes place after their lifetime.

Falwell is absolutely correct in saying that Mohammed was a warrior. He was. That is not a case for calling him a terrorist. That is nothing more than inflamatory rhetoric.

I agree, he should keep his fucking mouth shut.

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young just liked sex...maybe they were on to something.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young just liked sex...maybe they were on to something.

Historically it seems they were on to 'many' things. :D

He's insane. I hate that asshole. I really do.

On the plus side, when you consider that the population of the US is over 370 million, 100,000 isn't that impressive a number really.