Facts and news that act as inspiration for stories.


Mar 21, 2014
Yesterday when vaguley clicking around Wikipedia researching something else I came across this gem:

The Queen Charlotte's Ball is named after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of George III. The first ball was hosted in 1780 by George III in honour of Queen Charlotte's birthday...The ball, which continued to take place annually in celebration of the queen's birthday, became the premier debutante ball of the London Season...In 1958 Elizabeth II announced she would no longer have debutantes presented at court...Princess Margaret reportedly disapproved of the ball (she is said to have complained that: "Every tart in London is getting in"),
Now, I don't know about anyone else, but that right there is a Literotica Story that writes itself.

So, whether you ended up writing the story or not, what have you come across in the news or in your other reading that seems to be a perfectly formed plot bunny?
Yesterday when vaguley clicking around Wikipedia researching something else I came across this gem:

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but that right there is a Literotica Story that writes itself.

So, whether you ended up writing the story or not, what have you come across in the news or in your other reading that seems to be a perfectly formed plot bunny?
I don't know enough about royalty to attempt something like that. What is possible, perhaps, is something to do with the recent (annual) Met Gala in New York. You have people like Cardi B mixing it up with Hillary Clinton and Mayor Eric Adams. I wonder if the latter two had to pay the $35,000 entry fee. (Jesus that is expensive.) Last year Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showed up. The more I see of her, the less impressed I am. For one thing, her Bronx origin story is exaggerated (she mostly grew up in Westchester County). I'm not in her district, however, although I didn't miss by much.

"She later launched Brook Avenue Press, a now-defunct publishing firm for books that portrayed the Bronx in a positive light." Hey, they should have hired me; I do that all the time. Except, I tend to portray the residents as a rather horny bunch.

Not sure if there is anything erotic possible with the Met Gala. A non-erotic story might be better.
I don't know enough about royalty to attempt something like that...

Not sure if there is anything erotic possible with the Met Gala. A non-erotic story might be better.

Despite being British, I don't know that much about the royal family either. A snooty bulter could easily serve as the antagonist. The idea of two 'tarts' crashing the ball and behaving so outrageously that a two-hundred year old tradition is cancelled seems like a good time. Of course Princess Margaret's definition of a tart is probably someone who drops the occassional haicht and doesn't hold their pinky out when drinking tea - the Literotica version would be a bit more fruity.

For the Met Gala - waitress looks like [famous person], finds a little black dress that one of the patrons has slipped out of, dresses up and goes crazy fucking several movie stars. [famous person] is appauled to find stories and photos of 'her' antics in the press the next day (but it helps restart her career?)
Queen Charlotte is much in the news in my town at the moment (Charlottesville--named after here, becoming a town when she was queen). We've torn down the Lee, Jackson, Lewis and Clark, and George Rogers Clark monuments and they are looking for replacement ideas. Queen Charlotte is a leading contender not only because the town was named after her but also because she was of mixed blood (an interesting tidbit right there).
I include RL events in my stories, usually referenced in the background (no Covid, though, at least not in the Alexaverse). Par example, in my most recent chapter, two of my characters refer to Sotheby's auctioning off Botticelli's 'Young Man Holding A Roundel' for ninety-two million clams (which they really did do), which leads to a husband-enforced ban on selling their own Botticelli, a painting my heiress absolutely hates.

I also do this with science. in the same chapter, a professor enticing his first-year students by talking about the new quantum field of magnons and dissipative time crystals. The field was opened at the time that this scene takes place.

I know, sexy, right?

Real life events often become story drivers for me. Since I'm generally a series writer, they rarely form THE plot, but they may heavily influence the events one way or another.
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Possibly not a Literotica story, but I'm sure there's room in fiction for the Erfurt Latrine Disaster of 1184.

One that I did turn into a Literotica story was a corporate "team building" outfit that hosted "cuddle a co-worker" sessions.
Possibly not a Literotica story, but I'm sure there's room in fiction for the Erfurt Latrine Disaster of 1184.

One that I did turn into a Literotica story was a corporate "team building" outfit that hosted "cuddle a co-worker" sessions.

If anyone's looking at Bramblethorns comment that this is only 'possibly' not a Literotica story and interpreting that as some kind of challenge...please don't.

Dare I ask which country thet cuddle a co-worker company was and how much they got sued for?
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I include RL events in my stories, usually referenced in the background (no Covid, though, at least not in the Alexaverse). Par example, in my most recent chapter, two of my characters refer to Sotheby's auctioning off Botticelli's 'Young Man Holding A Roundel' for ninety-two million clams (which they really did do), which leads to a husband-enforced ban on selling their own Botticelli, a painting my heiress absolutely hates.

I also do this with science. in the same chapter, a professor enticing his first-year students by talking about the new quantum field of magnons and dissipative time crystals. The field was opened at the time that this scene takes place.

I know, sexy, right?

Real life events often become story drivers for me. Since I'm generally a series writer, they rarely form THE plot, but they may heavily influence the events one way or another.
Most of my stories are the same as mentioned, where real events and science drive the plot in the direction I am seeking.

For example, I am currently developing a story where the main character is forced to change his and his daughter's identity. I thought that the process would be easier in an era before so many of the birth and death records were stored on computers and easily traced, so I set it in 1990. That year provided me with the inspiration to tie the plot to real events that occurred that year in the U.S. (Tornado outbreaks that really happened, crimes that really took place, and similar events will now also involve my characters in some way.)
I had an idea for an explotion story where I would compile all the "Florida Man" headlines into one cohesive series. Real crimes, real dates and locations, but all commited by the same Walmart version of Moriarty. Although, I lost my nerve after reading a few of the articles. I didn't want to belittle some of the real life victims for a cheap laugh.
If anyone's looking at Bramblethorns comment that this is only 'possibly' not a Literotica story and interpreting that as some kind of challenge...please don't.

Dare I ask which country thet cuddle a co-worker company was and how much they got sued for?
UK, I believe: https://www.teamtactics.co.uk/blog/2018/08/13/cuddle-a-co-worker-team-building-fancy-it/

It did seem like a lawsuit waiting to happen, but I'm hoping covid-19 killed the idea. Anyway, I got a story out of it.
The mainstream fiction that I have written is often based on real lives that I found interesting. Sometimes those lives intersect. I have a modus operandi since I either cannot find enough factual information about a real historical character (as with Tallulah Bankhead, Margaret Bulkley [Dr James Barry], or "the Annes" Dike and Morgan) or there is "too much" conflicting information (as with Beryl Markham and the Nairobi social set, or Janina Lewandowska and Jadwiga Piłsudska) to write a biography.

I create fictional "extras" that interact with these real characters placing them in verifiable scenes from history when appropriate and sometimes gossiping about presumed goings on, or situations where there are conflicting accounts of what actually happened. These characters have parallel lives and either parallel or complimentary vocations and are the main focal point of my historical vignettes.
My personal favorite example of this was when MelissaBaby posted a citation to an article about "penis fish" (a type of marine worm, Urechis unicinctus, that happens to look a lot like a human penis) washing up in large quantities on a Northern California beach. I decided right away to write an erotic science fiction/horror story based on the idea. I think it took me about two days to write and submit the story. It's thoroughly depraved and weird, and I'm happy to have written it: https://literotica.com/s/penis-fish
My personal favorite example of this was when MelissaBaby posted a citation to an article about "penis fish" (a type of marine worm, Urechis unicinctus, that happens to look a lot like a human penis) washing up in large quantities on a Northern California beach. I decided right away to write an erotic science fiction/horror story based on the idea. I think it took me about two days to write and submit the story. It's thoroughly depraved and weird, and I'm happy to have written it: https://literotica.com/s/penis-fish
Reading this made me think of Slither with Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker. Kinda want a Penis Fish 3D movie.
Despite being British, I don't know that much about the royal family either. A snooty bulter could easily serve as the antagonist. The idea of two 'tarts' crashing the ball and behaving so outrageously that a two-hundred year old tradition is cancelled seems like a good time. Of course Princess Margaret's definition of a tart is probably someone who drops the occassional haicht and doesn't hold their pinky out when drinking tea - the Literotica version would be a bit more fruity.

For the Met Gala - waitress looks like [famous person], finds a little black dress that one of the patrons has slipped out of, dresses up and goes crazy fucking several movie stars. [famous person] is appauled to find stories and photos of 'her' antics in the press the next day (but it helps restart her career?)
I suppose this waitress takes them to a back room somewhere (the museum must some) for these antics. Surely there are women who would like a crack at high-level celebrities if they could get a chance. Hell, you don't even have to look like someone else to be a groupie.

Restarting her career? Sounds somewhat unlikely. Gene Simmons of Kiss could get away with a lot (although he was a bit more discreet about it than this woman). Female celebrities have to be even more discreet.
From the Author's Notes for my story Cruise Doubledate With My Sister
What was the inspiration for this story?
I saw a headline for some article on the Internet about people being sick on a cruise. I had read an article earlier about people who got sick on a cruise were frustrated that the only compensation that got from the cruise line for a week of hell was a voucher for another cruise. Bam! That gave me the idea of a sister doing a cruise with her brother because she had gone on a cruise with her friends, they all got sick, she bought her vouchers and needed to use them. What would push the sister and brother together? It was a short hop to their dates for the cruise knew each other before and wind up dumping the brother and sister to go off by themselves. The brother and sister had to live in different places for that to work. At that point, the brother and sister were going to be in love forever. Then I thought about what if they were discovered on the last night of the cruise. That led me to the idea of the girlfriend trying to restore the relationship.

Now, I was faced with the challenge of justifying the girlfriend dumping the brother and then a few days later wanting to get back with him. I had read an article on a woman leaving the purity movement and that gave me the idea of the girlfriend being driven to dump the brother because of religious guilt. After that, everything was just details. I pulled the details of Rebecca’s romance with Paul from that article.
Not news, my wildest stories are more believable than what passes for news today.
Anything involving cults
Somehow the most notorious cults - like Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, David Koresh/Waco - are more about mass death rather than anything erotic.

I do have a story on another site about "The Way" - I think they qualify as a cult, and I think they still exist. Part of their schtick was preaching chastity before marriage to various confused young people and teenagers. My story is obviously about some other things that happen in their Bible camp.

The Dar Williams song Teen for God seems to be about her own experiences in such a place, although she doesn't mention the name of an organization.
